Wednesday, March 26, 2008









America and the American ChurchAre Not Your Friends

July 11, 2006By: S,R. Shearer


The importance of Africa in the American New World Order System cannot be overemphasized. Asad Ismi, writing for the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives, reports that -
"Nearly 80% of the strategic minerals the U.S. requires are found in Africa including 90% of the world's cobalt, 90% of the platinum, 40% of the gold, 98% of the chromium, 64% of the manganese and one-third of the uranium. These minerals are needed to make jet engines, cars, missiles, electronic components and so forth and so on. Africa also accounts for 18% of U.S. oil imports as compared to 25% from the Persian Gulf, with Nigeria and Angola being the fifth largest and ninth largest exporters to the U.S. respectively."

This is to say nothing of other resources including coltan (Africa is at present the ONLY source of coltan which is ESSENTIAL in the manufacture of computers, cell phones, and fiber optics), tin, zinc and the vast amount of agricultural products that are churned out of Africa by Western-owned "plantation farms" including timber, coffee, palm oil, exotic fruits of all sorts, etc. - "plantation farms" where Africans work as virtual "slave-laborers" much as their cousins did on the plantations of the "Old South."

But while Africa remains at the highest level insofar as its strategic importance to the U.S. is concerned, the peoples of Africa find themselves consigned to the lowest level of America's hegemonic pyramid - somewhere between Hell and Tartarus where Chronis and the fallen angels are chained. And while much is made of the aid that the West trickles into Africa, NOTHING is said about the vast amount of loot that the American elites haul out of Africa each year - which is INFINITELY higher than the "peanuts" the West throws at Africa in exchange. The fact is, as Asad Ismi writes,

"Behind the shameful peanut throwing [of aid] lurks a deadly Western policy towards Africa. The U.S. government … has through the Pentagon, the CIA, the World Bank and the IMF, systematically demolished African economies … and fueled eleven wars on the continent with arms transfers and military training. This genocidal imperial strategy has killed more than four million Africans and allowed the U.S. … to attain Africa's abundant natural riches cheaply."
Ismi continues:

"After twenty years of [this American policy of economic rape and pillage] 313 million Africans live in absolute poverty … (out of a total population of 682 million), a 63% increase over the 200 million figure for 1994. Life expectancy has dropped by 15% since 1980 and today is 47 years, the lowest in the world. Forty per cent of Africans suffer from malnutrition and more than half are without safe drinking water. Health care spending in the 42 poorest African countries fell by 50% during the 1980s. As a result, health care systems have collapsed across the continent creating near catastrophic conditions. More than 200 million Africans have no access to health services as hundreds of clinics, hospitals and medical facilities have been closed. This has left diseases to rage unchecked, leading most alarmingly to an AIDS pandemic. More than 17 million Africans have died of HIV/AIDS which has created 12 million orphans.

"Between 1986 and 1996, per capita education spending in Africa fell by 0.7% a year on average. Forty per cent of African children are out of school and the adult literacy rate in sub- Saharan Africa is 60%, well below the developing country average of 73%. More than 140 million young Africans are illiterate …"


Reporting on the impact of the West on one nation in particular - the Congo - the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives reports:
"Rarely has Western savagery been more destructive than in the Congo. After 115 years of Belgian colonialism and U.S. neo-colonialism, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) today is a war-ravaged, balkanized country where an incredible 2.5 million people have died during the last two and a half years and 2.3 million have been displaced. OXFAM called this 'the world's biggest humanitarian disaster'. The catastrophic war which began in August 1998 has been imposed on the long-suffering Congolese by U.S. PROXIES Rwanda and Uganda which have occupied the eastern half of the Congo and are plundering and looting it with most of the booty going to the West.

"Genocide and plunder have been Western policy towards the mineral-rich Congo since the Berlin Conference of 1885 when European nations divided Africa between them, and King Leopold II of Belgium got the Congo as his personal property. Ten million Congolese were killed under Belgian rule which lasted until 1960. The Congo's population was cut in half. Belgian domination was marked by slavery, forced labour and torture aimed at extracting the maximum amount of ivory and rubber from the Central African country. The people of the Congo probably suffered more than any other colonized group. Their hands were cut off for not working hard enough and on one day 1,000 severed hands were delivered in baskets to an official. Women were kidnapped to force their husbands to collect rubber sap and Congolese were shot for sport. Such atrocities were documented by George Washington Williams, an African-American visiting the Congo, who invented the term "crimes against humanity" to describe them.

"The U.S. took over the Congo from Belgium in 1960-61 in a bloody coup after the CIA arranged the murder of Patrice Lumumba, the country's first elected leader … The CIA sent Sidney Gottlieb, its top scientist (under the code name 'Joe from Paris'), to the Congo with deadly biological toxins to use on Lumumba … [That plan failed, but Lumumba was later killed by CIA proxies with a bullet in the head.] In his place the Agency installed its paid agent Colonel Mobutu Sese Seko who continued the looting and killing started by Leopold, for another 37 years."


The Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives elaborates on its report on U.S. machinations in the Congo:
"Mobutu's unlimited greed was his undoing. As long as he shared the looting with the U.S. [and its European lackeys], the Belgians, the French, the British, the Dutch and the various Western corporations which dominated the Congo economy, the U.S. supported him. But, as one observer put it, 'when he kept too much for himself and became an embarrassment the U.S. was ready to see him overthrown'. In October 1996, the Rwandan army along with Ugandan troops [all under the direction of the CIA] invaded Zaire [the Congo] and by May 1997 had taken over the country and forced Mobutu to flee. To give the invasion the cover of a local rebellion, the Tutsi Rwandan forces called themselves the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (ADFL) … [But] as the Wall Street Journal admitted, 'Many Africans [correctly concluded that] the Congo rebellion was the brainchild of Washington from the very start'. Rwanda and Uganda are the US's 'staunchest allies in the region'. Paul Kagame, the Rwandan leader, was trained at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. U.S. Special Forces had been training the Rwandan army since 1994 in counterinsurgency, combat and psychological operations. This included instructions about fighting in the Congo.

Rwandan soldiers were also trained at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (U.S.), in July-August 1996 (just before the invasion), in land navigation, rifle marksmanship, patrolling and small-unit leadership."


But getting rid of Mobutu was only part of the U.S. plan; what the U.S. really wanted to do was destroy the Congo as a coherent nation; to BALKANIZE it into tiny bits and pieces and parcel these pieces out as "fiefdoms" to American multinational corporations who would then be UTTERLY free to loot and pillage the Congo at will under the cover of chaos - a chaos that the American elites had deliberately created. The report from the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives details what happened:

"On August 2, Rwanda and Uganda invaded the Congo and occupied its eastern half where they remain today having set up surrogate 'rebel' armies called Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD-Goma created by Rwanda) and Movement for the Liberation of the Congo (MLC-created by Uganda) … This use of Rwandan and Ugandan [military forces] to partition the Congo and loot its resources [reveals the machinations of the American New World Order System at its worst].
"The U.S. backed the Rwandan/Ugandan invasion of the Congo and according to Human Rights Watch apparently justified it. The Washington Post has reported that U.S. soldiers were sighted in the company of Rwandan troops in the Congo on July 23 and 24, 1998."

On the specific matter of looting, the report goes on to say:
"According to a U.N. report released in April 2001, Rwanda and Uganda are looting and plundering the resources of the eastern Congo and illegally exporting them to the West. The eastern Congo contains most of the country's minerals. The looting and extraction of resources has been accompanied by the "constitution of criminal cartels" in occupied areas, created or protected by top military commanders [and given over to various American and European multinational corporations] … These companies have been complicit in the extraction of diamonds, gold, coltan, timber and coffee from the eastern Congo and illegally exporting [this 'loot'] to the West. According to the Christian Science Monitor, every day cargo flights full of diamonds, gold and palm oil leave the Congo for Kigali and Kampala (Uganda's capital). Seven to ten such daily flights come into Kigali. Most of their cargo is loaded on to planes bound for Europe [and the United States]."
The report emphasizes the explicit complicity of Western multinational companies in what's going on; the report says -
"… the illegal exploitation of the eastern Congo has been abetted by Western companies, governments, multilateral institutions and diplomats. [For example], Rwanda's coltan exports are transported by Sabena, the Belgian national airline, while Citibank carries out the required financial transactions. Ramnik Kotecha, the U.S. Honorary Consul in the eastern Congo, promotes deals between Rwandan coltan sellers and U.S. companies. Kotecha himself also deals in coltan. Uncertified timber from occupied Congo has been imported by companies in Belgium, Denmark, Japan, Switzerland and the U.S … The U.N. report also lists 35 companies illegally importing minerals from the eastern Congo through Rwanda but does not give the national origin of these companies [most of which are U.S. multinationals, or lackey European multinationals operating as 'FRONTS' or 'GO-BETWEENS' for U.S. companies - and this is especially true insofar as coltan is concerned]."

The indigenous "war warlords" who have been installed by agents of the American New World Order system in various locations throughout the eastern Congo act in the interests of, and as "cover" for the Western multinationals. According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), these "warlords" -
"… have committed 'devastating human rights abuses' … [They] … 'have regularly slaughtered civilians in massacres and extrajudicial executions' as well as tortured and raped villagers. As Alison Des Forges of HRW put it in April 2001, 'While [these warlords] … were plundering gold, looting timber, exporting coffee [much of which is destined for the yuppie coffee houses of Seattle, New York and San Francisco] and controlling illicit trade monopolies in the Ituri district [for the benefit of their Western masters], their troops were killing and otherwise abusing the local population' …"


All this gives the lie to the claim by many in the Western media that the nations of Africa are "FAILED STATES" - the plain implication of such a statement being that these nations are "FAILED STATES" BECAUSE THE BLACKS OF AFRICA ARE A "FAILED PEOPLE" - as Gary North and other Christian evangelicals would have people to believe.

But the fact is, these states are "failed states" because the West - and most particularly, the United States - have very purposefully and deliberately created the conditions to collapse them as states. Moreover, the fact that these states are ruled over by brutal THUGS is true precisely and only because the West has installed these THUGS in power to do their bidding - people such as Mobutu Sese Seko - and assassinated all those who would have aligned Africa in the interests of the African people - leaders such as Patrice Lumumba.

The report by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives continues; it signals out a number of "Canadian companies" [many of which are actually "headquartered" in the U.S., and most of whose shareholders are actually U.S. citizens] as particularly egregious:
"Also benefiting from the war are ten Canadian mining companies with investments in the Congo. These are: Barrick Gold, American Mineral Fields (AMF), Tenke Mining, Banro Resource, Consolidated Trillion, First Quantum Minerals, International Panorama Resource, Melkior Resources, Samax Gold and Starpoint Goldfields. These companies have been awarded valuable concessions in mining copper, cobalt, gold, platinum and zinc deposits. Even before Laurent Kabila came to power he had signed deals with AMF and Tenke Mining. [For example], Barrick Gold and Banro hold mining properties in eastern Congo under Rwandan/Ugandan control. Banro has 47 mining concessions in Sud Kivu and Maniema provinces while Barrick got exploration and exploitation rights to 'a huge tract of land' (82,000 sq. km) in Orientale province. As reported in Le Monde Diplomatique, Barrick and Banro have been accused of 'funding military operations in exchange for lucrative contracts'. Banro is also included in the U.N. list of companies involved in the illegal exploitation of the eastern Congo. The company is importing cassiterites (tin ores) from the rebel area into Canada."


And it isn't just Patrice Lumumba of the Congo that the U.S. has deposed in the interests of the American New World Order System; take what happened to Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana. In 1966, a CIA-backed military coup overthrew Nkrumah, Ghana's President. Hailed as "Africa's brightest star," Nkrumah called for an anti-imperialist, pan-African organization and non-alignment in the Cold War. In October 1965, Nkrumah published his famous work, Neo-Colonialism-The Last Stage of Imperialism in which he accused the CIA of being behind most of the crises in the Third World. The U.S. government reacted by sending Nkrumah a note of protest and canceling $35 million in aid to Ghana. Four months later, Nkrumah was overthrown in a CIA-engineered coup.

Shortly thereafter, the U.S. began intervening in the economy of Ghana with the aim of subverting it and making it a compliant slave-state in the American New World Order System. Nkrumah's socialist system was overthrown, its economy was "privatized" (which was an euphemism for the sale of Ghana's publicly-owned industries to American multinationals for pennies on the dollar). For example, take what happened to Ghana's gold mining industry: Ghana is the second largest gold producer in Africa (after South Africa) and gold mining is the country's main source of income. The U.S. compelled Ghana to sell its gold mining sector (which under Nkrumah had been socialized and made the property of all the people) to Western multinational corporations which now own up to 85% of the large-scale mining industry. The corporations can repatriate up to 95% of their profits into foreign accounts and pay no income tax or duties. This means that Western companies virtually monopolize Ghana's gold which contributes little to its economy.

In addition to all this, subsidies for health and education, which Nkrumah had mandated, were ended. As a result, Ghana's once stellar health care and education system have been ruined: outpatient attendance at hospitals has been reduced by a third, and in the case of "in-patient" care, Ghanaians, as one observer put it, "… pay for everything; for surgery, drugs, blood, scalpel, even the cotton wool." The same is true insofar as Ghana's education system is concerned where user fees in education have raised the primary school dropout rate to 40%.
Today, millions of Ghanaians are now unemployed, GDP per capita was lower in 1998 ($390) than it was in 1975 ($411); 78.4% of Ghanaians live on $1 a day and 40% live below the poverty line; 75% have no access to health services and 68% have no access to sanitation services.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives reports that another U.S.-made disaster on the continent of Africa is the 27-year long civil war in Angola (Africa's longest-running war) which ended in April 2002; the conflict killed 500,000 people and shattered the country.
The civil war started with Angola's independence from Portugal in 1975 when the left-wing, socialist Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) took power, and Washington launched a CIA covert operation the following July to overthrow it. The operation was the brainchild of Henry Kissinger who was then Secretary of State in the Ford Administration. The CIA at the time was led by George Bush Sr. The CIA plan included backing a South African invasion of Angola in October and support for the Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), an opponent of the MPLA, led by the brutal Jonas Savimbi who styled himself a "born-again" Christian. UNITA was an agent of the United States; its task was to destroy the MPLA, and it received aid from apartheid South Africa whose invasion it joined. The U.S. asked for the South African invasion and helped Pretoria airlift men and materiel up to the front line so the latter could seize the capital Luanda and stop the MPLA from establishing itself as Angola's first independent government. Before South African forces could reach Luanda, however, Cuban troops landed there in November and beat back the apartheid army.

The CIA operation spent $31.7 million on arming UNITA and the South Africans before being shut down by Congress in 1976; U.S. aid to UNITA resumed in 1985 under the Reagan Administration and Savimbi received $250 million between 1986 and 1991. U.S. support for Savimbi reached a record $50 million in 1989 when George Bush Sr. became President. As one observer put it,

"Two military supply flights a day maintained a UNITA campaign that became increasingly brutal and destructive. Savimbi ... by this time ... was reduced to naked coercion. Men were forced to fight for his army, women were dragooned into sexual slavery and peasant farmers had their food seized. Those who challenged his authority would be accused of witchcraft and burnt alive along with their families."

According to Human Rights Watch, UNITA forces "engaged in indiscriminate shelling, long-term sieges that starved civilians, summary executions, torture, mutilation of the dead, hostage-taking, and attacks on international relief operations." The European Parliament denounced U.S. aid to Savimbi and declared UNITA "a terrorist organization which supports South Africa." AND DURING THIS ENTIRE TIME, SAVIMBI WORE HIS CHRISTIAN CREDENTIALS ON HIS SLEEVE AND WAS RECEIVED AS AN HONORED GUEST ON MANY OCCASIONS IN EVANGELICAL CHURCHES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. It didn't seem to matter to people like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell that he was a butcher: he did his killing in the name of Christ - and that's all that mattered to the American evangelical church.

Washington's support for Savimbi continued even after the Cubans withdrew in 1991 and the U.S.S.R. collapsed. The U.S. finally recognized the Angolan government in May 1993 under Clinton. By then Savimbi was able to finance his war through diamonds smuggling; the conflict ended after he was killed by government troops in February 2002. But by then the U.S. government had co-opted the government in Luanda and had brought it into the American orbit where it has now been made a compliant slave-state in the American New World Order System.
Today, as a result of Angola's subjugation by the American New World Order System, a half a million people in Angola face starvation and more than a million depend on food aid for survival. In a country possessed of rich agricultural land, thousands of people have died of hunger, and more are dying every day, and the country is dependent on food imports to feed its people while millions of tons of "cash crops" are exported to Europe and the United States. According to the BBC, "It is the worst starvation to hit Southern Africa in over a decade." 82% of Angolans live in poverty and a child dies of a preventable disease every three minutes. Like the Congo, Angola is rich in mineral wealth: it is Africa's second largest oil producer (after Nigeria) with some of the largest offshore oil deposits in the world, and its diamond output is worth about $800 million a year; but none of the money that results from the export of this mineral wealth finds its way into the pocket books of the Angolan people; instead it fills the coffers of the ultra rich in New York, London, Paris, etc.


The report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ends on a somber note insofar as the American New World Order System is concerned; speaking specifically about the Congo (though these conclusions could be applied to Africa as a whole), the report concludes:
"The destruction of the Congo says much more about the West [and particularly the United States] than it does about the Central African country. IT REVEALS MOST CLEARLY THAT THE WEST [AND MOST PARTICULARLY THE UNITED STATES] IS LARGELY A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, THE PROSPERITY OF WHICH IS BASED ON THE GENOCIDE OF THIRD WORLD PEOPLE AND THE THEFT OF THEIR RESOURCES. The Congo is perhaps the worst example of this but the West has followed the same policy in Asia, Africa and Latin America for centuries. IN THIS SENSE, WESTERN COUNTRIES CAN BE SEEN AS A MURDEROUS MAFIA LED BY THEIR GODFATHER THE UNITED STATES … FOR WHICH NO AMOUNT OF BLOOD AND WEALTH IS ENOUGH."
And just how deeply this mindset has embedded itself in the thinking of the white elites is revealed in the fact that multinational drug companies think nothing of using the people of Africa as "guinea pigs" in drug trials that would have never been permitted in the West, and most especially in the United States. Indeed, there's a lot more to Jeremy Laurance's film The Constant Gardener than many in the West are prepared to admit.
The Independent News & Media (UK) reports that -
"… with dramas of this kind - such as the 1999 film, The Insider, which detailed the perfidious dealings of the tobacco industry - it raises the question of how far fiction resembles fact. So it is worth examining the background to The Constant Gardener. The film opens in a remote area of northern Kenya where Tessa Quayle (played by Rachel Weisz), the wife of a British diplomat, has been murdered. Her travelling companion, a local doctor, has disappeared, and the evidence points to a crime of passion.

"At the time of her death, Tessa, an activist and passionate campaigner, was on the verge of uncovering a conspiracy involving the testing of a new drug. In personality she was the opposite of her husband, the mild-mannered Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), whose chief passion is his plants - he is the gardener of the title.
"But in his grief, and goaded by whispers of her infidelity, he sets out to complete what she started, embarking on a quest to expose the truth about the pharmaceutical industry.
"What he uncovers, as the film's blurb puts it, is 'a vast conspiracy, at once deadly and commonplace, one that has claimed innocent lives - and is about to put his own at risk'. At the centre of this conspiracy is the idea that pharmaceutical companies use African people to test drugs which are destined to become huge profit-earners in the West."


The Independent News & Media goes on to report on one specific company, Pfizer Pharmaceutical:
"There are a number of cases in which named companies have been accused of wrongdoing that partly inspired The Constant Gardener and which give resonance to the allegations about the secret testing of drugs on the unsuspecting, and the suppression of any negative findings.
"In [one of these cases (1996), people in Nigeria] were suffering from outbreaks of cholera and measles when a third, even more deadly, disease arrived: meningitis. The infection spread quickly through the cramped slums of the city [Kano] and within weeks thousands of children were ill.
"The outbreak was not reported in the West but it did not go unnoticed. An internet message alerted scientists at the research headquarters in Connecticut, of one of the world's biggest drug companies: Pfizer.
"The company reacted swiftly. It chartered a plane to Kano with a new drug called Trovan that was a potential life-saver and a potential billion-dollar profit earner. But Trovan had never been tested on children.
"The Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kano was under siege from desperate parents who brought their dying children begging for help. One of these was Anas, then aged six. His father, Mohammed, said his son was given a drug by 'a doctor from overseas' and put to bed. Mohammed assumed the doctors who treated his son were from Médecins Sans Frontièrs, an independent medical organisation, who had arrived several weeks before the Pfizer team.
"Only later when he examined a card he was given did he realize that Anas had been included in a trial of the new drug Trovan. The card was numbered 0001 - Anas was the first. [Anus was crippled by the effects of the drug.]"
Hundreds of people were crippled and/or died as a result of this drug trial. What Pfizer had done was to use the outbreak of meningitis in Kano as an excuse to test its drug, Trovan - and it did so without notifying those who took the drug that they were participating in a dangerous medical trial.


Cases like this are rampant everywhere in Africa, and they all parallel rather closely the plot of The Constant Gardener. But there's more, and the HORROR of the reality far exceeds the horror that was revealed in The Constant Gardener or in the drug trials by Pfizer in Kano - and touches upon the outbreak of such new and deadly diseases as EBOLA and AIDS.
Ever since the 1980s there had been rumors extant in the African-American community in the United States that Ebola and AIDS were "manufactured" diseases traceable to experiments by the CIA and certain American pharmaceutical companies that were carried out originally in Africa, and later in the gay communities of New York and San Francisco - the gay community, apparently, being another "throw-away population" like the African people. But no one took these rumors seriously.

In the late 1980s, however, some scientists began taking these rumors to heart. At first, most who did so came from the Communist World. For example, on March 11, 1988 the Moscow World News Service aired an article lending credence to the belief that AIDS and Ebola were "manufactured diseases." The broadcast was later published in its entirety in International Affairs.

The report cited a West German company named OTRAG (which was connected to and financed by the CIA) for having conducted virus experiments in the Congo that had allegedly led to the development of "a mutant virus that was a human killer." On January 24, 1991, the Havana International News Service made the same claim. The titles of the two articles read respectively, "Belitskiy on How, Where AIDS Virus Originated," and "(East) German Claims AIDS Created by Pentagon."

Intrigued by these reports, a few brave doctors and scientists in the West started examining the evidence that the Soviets and the Cubans had amassed, and - as a result - began reaching similar conclusions: for example, Dr. John Seale in London, Dr. Maneul Servin in Mexico, and Dr. Jacobo Segal in Berlin. But with the collapse of Communism and the chaos that followed, nothing much ever came of those accusations, and while these stories continued to generate a great deal of "play" in the black and gay communities, most people didn't pay too much attention - after all, who cared about the gays and the blacks anyway? - or so many whites (behind closed doors) thought.


Nonetheless, a growing number of people in recent years who are not members of the gay and black communities, and whose research cannot be tainted by the "pinko" label, are beginning to surface who think that there may be more to the origins of the AIDS and Ebola viruses than has been made public by the American government and the American pharmaceutical companies; for example, Dr. W. John Martin, Professor of Pathology at the University of Southern California and Director of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, writes:

"All at once, new viruses and virus-related diseases have threatened the health of humans and many animal species. How did this situation arise? Could it be that scientific studies and the emergence of new pathogens are not totally unrelated events? ... Open debate on this issue has been soundly discouraged [by the government and the many pharmaceutical companies involved in this research]. Opponents to open dialogue ... argue that little good, and considerable harm would come from a full disclosure of the facts. Exposing the truth, many believe, would likely: 1) tarnish the reputations of certain scientists, 2) make it more difficult to maintain science funding, 3) promote antigovernment sentiment, and 4) likely leave many issues unresolved."

What Dr. Martin is suggesting here is that - government protestations to the contrary notwithstanding - there indeed may exist a sinister and very malignant connection between much of the scientific research that certain multinational pharmaceutical companies (Merck, Litton Bionetics, Sandoz, etc.) have been engaged in over the last thirty to forty years (largely at the instigation of the U.S. government, specifically DOD and the CIA) and the emergence of certain deadly viruses which had never been heard of before (for example, AIDS, Marburg, Ebola, etc.) - not exactly something to sneeze at coming from someone of the scientific stature of Dr. Martin.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz of Harvard University agrees; he writes:
"Despite its social and scientific importance, the origin of HIV and Ebola have been clouded in mysteries. Based on the mass of circumstantial and scientific evidence ... the theory that 'emerging viruses' like HIV and Ebola spontaneously evolved and naturally jumped species from monkey to man must be seriously questioned."


None of this, of course, could ever be admitted to by the government or the U.S. pharmaceutical industry: neither the experimentation, nor the apparent indifference of both entities toward the gay community in the United States, or blacks in Africa. As a result, the government and the mainline media have promoted the theory that these viruses had been "latently" resident in other species (probably monkeys) and then - in recent years - they somehow or other began "spontaneously" migrating from one species to another, finally ending up in man. This, naturally enough, is the theory that the government and the pharmaceutical companies have promoted.
For example, take the case of AIDS which no one had ever heard of before the very late 1970s and early 1980s. The government's theory traces the AIDS virus back to a certain "Patient Zero" - one Gaeton Dugas - a gay airline steward who allegedly contracted the disease in Africa (supposedly from monkeys) and then spread the disease to other gays in America with whom he was having sex. This is the theory that was initially promoted throughout the country by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). But on closer examination, the theory is nonsense. First of all, "Patient Zero" lived in Canada and flew primarily in Canada to Canadian cities, and only very occasionally to American cities; yet one must assume that he only had sex in American cities (never in Canadian ones) because the disease broke out initially only in certain, specific American cities. The disease did not break out in Canada until much later.


And there is something more: AIDS broke out for the first time in the United States in 1978 in Manhattan and then in 1980 in San Francisco - a time frame which corresponds exactly to a government sponsored hepatitis B (HB) study in these cities - a HB study which had been specifically targeted toward gay men (THE SAME KIND OF VIRAL STUDY THE MOSCOW WORLD NEWS SERVICE SAID IN OCTOBER OF 1988 WAS CARRIED OUT IN THE CONGO BY OTRAG, and which "had the potential of being a human killer").
Now, it's important to note in this connection that while certain Religious Right activists have subtly tried to imply (and others, sadly, have openly declared) that the disease is God's punishment on the life-style of the gay community, only in the U.S. is AIDS a "gay disease." Insofar as the world in general is concerned, over 90 percent of those infected with the AIDS virus are heterosexuals. It's only in this country that AIDS is considered (and is in fact) largely a "gay disease."


How strange! Why is AIDS largely a "gay disease" in the United States, but not in Uganda, or the Congo, or Rwanda, or - for that matter - anywhere else in the world? Why only in the United States? No one in the government has ever offered a satisfactory explanation for this - until recently when a few researchers such as Dr. Martin (USC), Dr. Horowitz (Harvard), etc. began to follow the path suggested by the Soviets and the Cubans in the late 1980s, and later by Dr. Seale in London, Dr. Servin in Mexico, and Dr. Segal in Berlin; specifically, the connection between certain HB virus studies in Africa (mainly in the Congo) and shortly thereafter in the United States, specifically in the gay communities in New York and San Francisco. The studies were carried out under the auspices of WHO (the World Health Organization) and Merck Pharmaceuticals.

What brought these studies to the attention of researchers like Seale, Servin and Segal is that wherever these vaccinations were carried out, shortly thereafter an outbreak of AIDS occurred - and in the same population that the studies had targeted: gays in the United States, and heterosexuals in Africa.

In the United States, AIDS has remained largely a "gay disease" because of the "closed" or "contained" nature of the gay community, while in Africa - where the experiments with the HB vaccines were carried out in the general population - AIDS became a heterosexual phenomenon.
Thus, the correlation between AIDS and the HB vaccine is a strong one - and gives evidence to the thesis behind The Constant Gardener: that the pharmaceutical industry has been using the African people as "guinea pigs" in dangerous drug tests - drug tests which would never be tolerated in the West.

Adding to the evidence insofar as this correlation (specifically, the correlation between AIDS and the HB vaccine) is concerned, Harold Jaffe, deputy director for AIDS science at the CDC and co-worker Andrew Moss presented data from the San Francisco HB study that found the virus had been present in the blood of only 4.5 percent of the study's subjects in 1978 - shortly after the HB study had begun in San Francisco's gay population; by 1980 it had jumped to 20 percent; and by 1984 it had exploded into the blood of 67 percent of gay men there. Hence, from a time when the AIDS virus had been only just barely detectable in the blood of any gay in the San Francisco area, AIDS had exploded to the point where it had taken root in the blood streams of 67 percent of that population in less than ten years! It's for these reasons and others that the connection between the outbreak of AIDS to the HB study in San Francisco in 1976 seems so irrefutable. The same phenomenon exists in New York! THE SAME CORRELATION (AND RESULTING
This is precisely the connection that the Soviets had made back in 1988, and the Cubans shortly thereafter; this is the connection that the gay and black communities (as well as black Africans) are trying to get people to take note of - all to no avail.


What was going on here? The work of Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Martin, Dr. Seale, Dr. Servin, Dr. Segal, Dr. Martin, and many, many others strongly suggests - and circumstantial evidence strongly supports this theory - that, as we have already indicated, black Africans living in the Congo, as well as members of the American gay community, were the target for viral weapons experimentation by activists in America's military / medical / industrial complex, and agents for the CIA. WHAT ALL THIS REVEALS IS THE ATTITUDE OF THE ELITES WITH REGARD TO THE BLACK, AFRICAN COMMUNITY: THAT BLACKS IN AFRICA (WHO, LIKE THE GAY COMMUNITES IN THE UNITED STATES WERE USED AS "GUINEA PIGS" IN THESE EXPERIMENTS) ARE CONSIDERED TO BE NOTHING MORE THAN A "THROW-AWAY" POPULATION; HUMAN TRASH THAT CAN BE EXPERIMENTED ON AT THE WHIM OF THE WHITE ELITES IN AMERICA AND EUROPE.

According to the Church committee hearings [(i.e., Senator Frank Church of Idaho) which investigated the activities of America's intelligence community in the mid-1970s], the U.S. government, working through the DOD and the CIA, ordered the development and stockpiling of biological weapons, including immune-system-destroying viruses functionally identical to HIV (AIDS). The principal military scientists and industrialists involved in these projects, which may have involved Ebola and Marburg-like rhabdoviruses, included Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute; John Landon and Robert Ting of Litton Bionetics; Litton Industries president Roy Ash; research affiliates of MSD (the Merck, Sharp & Dohme Pharmaceutical Company), including Maurice Hilleman; and a handful of researchers at the New York University Medical Center, the New York Blood Bank, the University of California, and the CDC. Additional institutions which may have played a role in the development of such germs during the 1960s and early 1970s include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Navy's Biomedical Research Laboratory, Hazelton Laboratories, Inc., the NIAID (National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases), and the AEC (the Atomic Energy Commission). WHAT ALL THIS REVEALS IS THE EXTENT TO WHICH THIS HORRIBLE LACK OF CONCERN FOR THE PEOPLE OF AFRICA WAS EMBEDED IN THE MINDSET OF AMERICA'S INTELLECTUAL COMMUNITY.

The evidence shows a channel through which experimental (mutant) viruses, viral vaccines, other reagents, and drugs flowed between the NCI [the National Cancer Institute (which the Church Committee discovered to its dismay in the mid-1970s was a "cover" for a myriad of intelligence activities insofar as biological warfare was concerned)] and affiliated testing laboratories at Litton Bionetics and Fort Detrick (the Army's biological warfare center) to MSD and its related research laboratories in New York and Central Africa (i.e., OTRAG). The evidence suggests that through this channel, the CIA may have delivered a single roller bottle containing the AIDS viruses to Merck's hepatitis B vaccines - the very vaccines that appear to have played a principal role in infecting scores of human subjects in the early 1970s in New York City, San Francisco AND THE CONGO.

In other words, the CIA and various pharmaceutical companies needed human "guinea pigs" on a large scale for their various programs: the CIA and the military for their biological weapons studies, and the pharmaceutical companies for their vaccines, many of which involved highly experimental and exceedingly dangerous man-made "retroviruses," which - if they proved successful - meant untold profits to investors. The human "guinea pigs" were chosen out of populations which were "remote" from the world's mainstream, and for which average people cared little or nothing about. In order to "cover" the true nature of what they were doing - and the great danger that was involved - the experimentation was linked to vaccine programs which provided an altruistic and philanthropic front for what they were really doing; specifically the HB vaccine programs in San Francisco, New York AND THE CONGO. In doing so, they created and simultaneously unleashed the twin monsters of AIDS and Ebola.


In the light of all this, one might reasonably ask, How is it that America - presumably a "Christian" country - could justify such indifference with regard to the people of Africa? The answer is "DOMINIONISM."
In the mindset of those who govern the affairs of the American church - and under whose umbrella the leaders of today's American New World Order System justify their rule - "DOMINIONISM" is what makes the world "roll and go." They have appropriated Genesis 1:26 as their moniker, lifted it totally out of its biblical context, and they use it as a hammer over the heads of those whom they seek to dominate: Those at the trigger end of the gun are "blessed by God;" and those who face the barrel end of the gun are "cursed by God."
According to Christian Dominionists, one needs to go no further than an examination of another's bank account to determine whether one is walking with Christ or not. God signifies his favor by giving prosperity to the undertakings of His "elect," and poverty to those whom He has cursed. Hence the people of Africa are cursed - and it is in their interest that they yield up the riches of the continent of Africa (and the use of their own bodies) to their "betters." This is certainly the attitude of R.J. Rushdoony, the "father of American Dominionism." Rushdoony writes:
"The law (i.e., the 'law' that Rushdoony and his cohorts would set up in their idealized 'Christian state') here is humane and also unsentimental. IT RECOGNIZES THAT SOME PEOPLE (BLACKS AND OTHER 'LESSER SORTS') ARE BY NATURE SLAVES AND ALWAYS WILL BE SO. It requires that … THE SLAVE RECOGNIZE HIS POSITION AND ACCEPT IT WITH GRACE."


The Theory of Dominionism treats blacks and other so-called "lesser people" as "sub-humans" who have no particular property rights in any part or parcel of the earth they inhabit; they possess only a "general residency" there, as wild beasts in the forest. There is not meum and teum ("mine and thine") among them, so that if the whole land should be taken from them, there is not a man that can complain of any particular wrong done to him. THIS IS CERTAINLY THE CONCEPT THAT HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE PEOPLE OF AFRICA BY AMERICA AND AMERICA'S TOADIES IN EUROPE; AND IT CERTAINLY IS THE CONCEPT OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH. And it is precisely this theory - as it is applied to Africa - that gives America's naked imperialism cover for what it is doing. Indeed, in the "missionary work" of the American church, the leaders of America's missions have adopted wholesale Rudyard Kipling's exhortation for "civilized societies" to -
"Send forth the best ye breed
"To serve your captives' need
"And save your new-caught, sullen people
"Half-devil and half child."


Thus it is that, sadly, many Africans have come to believe - largely because of the impact of American Christianity on their societies - that their poverty is their fault; and, hence, their condition as "low man on the totem pole" insofar as the world is concerned is their fault as well - AND THIS FACT HAS BECOME UTTERLY INDISPENSABLE FOR THE UNITED STATES IN MAINTAINING ITS BRUTISH HOLD ON AFRICA. Sustaining this belief-system in the minds of African Christians is critical insofar as America's (and capitalism's) war with the Islamic World is concerned - an Islamic world that has seen through all of America's hypocritical drum-beating about democracy and the equality of man while its corporations lay waste the rest of the world and treat people of color as less than human.

In order to combat this challenge, the United States has cobbled together an unholy alliance of thuggish "Christian" leaders supposedly intent on "saving Africa" for "Christ and the Church," while at the same time preserving the untold riches of the African continent for American capitalism. One by one, African states have been taken over by these "Christian" warlords who are beholden to the United States and its conniving cousins in Europe. Even Muslim majority states - e.g., Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda - are in the grip of these brutish "Christian" warlords. Speaking on what happened to Eritrea, Zafar Bangash - a Muslim intellectual - writes that -
"… for more than 30 years, [Muslim] Sudan helped the Eritreans [who are also mostly Muslims] in their struggle against the Amhara-dominated Ethiopia. Tens of thousands of Eritrean refugees were sheltered in Sudan with little or no help from the outside world. Once the Amhara-led regime collapsed in Addis Ababa, a Tigrayan Christian warlord, a former communist to boot, was installed in power in 1991 by the US."


Bangash goes on to report that three objectives are uppermost in America's mind:
(1) Installing "Christian" thugs at the head of all the states of sub-Saharan Africa - thugs amenable to the rape of their countries (or economic fiefdoms) by the West.
(2) Stopping the spread of radical Islam - which is unalterably opposed to the American New World Order System - at the Sudan (either by breaking off southern Sudan from northern Sudan or by co-opting the Sudanese government in Khartoum and bringing it back into the American orbit.
(3) Planting "Christian" churches throughout sub-Saharan Africa as enclaves or bastions of American influence in the area.


The first goal - that is, installing "Christian" goons at the head of all the states of sub-Saharan Africa, thugs amenable to the rape of their countries (or economic fiefdoms) by the West - has largely been achieved by the United States, and is best typified by the removal of African leaders such as Patrice Lumumba in the Congo and Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana.
More often than not, the "Christian" thugs who have replaced leaders like Lumumba and Nkrumah are people such as Francois Bozize, President of the Republic of Central Africa, (who reached power in a bloody takeover coup in 2003; he is the leader of the local branch of Eglise Christianisme Celeste); Laurent Gbagbo, President of the Ivory Coast (Gbagbo uses Christian leaders in his own country to recruit "Christian" youths for the military); and President Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria (Obasanjo is tightly connected to the huge RCCG church).


The second goal is best exemplified in the fight over Darfur in southern Sudan, which is not at all the struggle that it is painted out to be in the Western press. The struggle in Darfur is about oil and American access to that oil. Initially, the U.S. had hoped to co-opt the Muslim government in Khartoum and make it a compliant Muslim client-state much as Tunisia and Jordan are. Norm Dixon explains in Counterpunch Magazine:
"Upon coming to office in 2001, one of the Bush administration's earliest foreign policy objectives was to secure a peace agreement between the southern-based Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and Khartoum, allowing Washington to lift sanctions [which had been imposed by the Clinton administration]. Bush appointed former US senator John Danforth … as his 'special envoy for peace in Sudan'.

"In July 2002, Danforth, who led an international 'Trioka' made up of US, British and Norwegian officials, succeeded with bribes and threats in convincing the SPLM and Khartoum to sign a draft peace agreement that promised a referendum six years or so after a final peace agreement is signed and an autonomous secular government in the south (while Islamic law would continue to govern the northern two-thirds of the country). An informal cease-fire agreement was reached in October 2002.

"In May this year, Khartoum and the SPLM agreed that government revenue from the export of oil from the southern oil fields would be split between the SPLM-dominated southern regional government and the central government in Khartoum. All that remained was for further talks, which were scheduled to begin on June 22, to finalize procedures for an internationally monitored cease-fire agreement and a timeline for implementing the peace deal."
The resulting stability would have allowed the U.S. to normalize relations with the Sudan, and would have permitted U.S. oil companies access to the oil in the Darfur region. But the effort by radical Islamists - the Janjaweed - to clear the area of Christians, and bring southern Sudan under Islamic rule threatened to undo the process. As a result, Darfur’s majority non-Arabic-speaking, Christian farming tribes rebelled against Khartoum. While Washington would much prefer to see the Sudan remain intact and returned in its entirety to the American orbit, failing that, Washington is willing to split southern Sudan off entirely from Sudan proper.
Bangash reports that -
"… the West's aim is to divide Sudan, separating the southern part where much of the oil is to be found, from the rest of the country …"
Bangash continues"
"The advantage, from the West's point of view, is that it will prevent the spread of Islam southward [into sub-Saharan Africa]."


The third and final objective in America's drive to preserve the riches of the African continent for the coffers of New York's multi-billionaires - i.e., the planting of Christian churches that are subservient to American Christianity (and, hence, the American New World Order System) - is epitomized by the phenomenal spread of Pentecostal and evangelical American-style churches throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Like their counterparts in Latin America, these churches preach submission to America's puppet-elites in Africa.
The charismatic leaders of these churches with their rock star sound systems, offer a plethora of miracles and healings to their followers, and even riches in this life - as astounding as that might seem in the poverty-racked world of sub-Saharan Africa. It's a kind of "TRAVELING MAGIC SHOW" where stories abound of how entering one of these churches will change one's life: One may have found constant work, another gained a visa for the United States, one was able to solve his financial problems, etc. The core of the message is this: Submission to Jesus will mean a better life in the "here and now."
The leaders of these churches preach that taking personal responsibility for one's poverty will lead one into a better life - NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT THE RAPE OF THEIR LANDS BY THE AMERICAN IMPERIAL SYSTEM MAKES SUCH A POSSIBILITY ABOUT AS REMOTE AS FINDING A "MONEY TREE" IN ONE'S BACKYARD. In the nations of sub-Saharan Africa, where social decline and misery are omnipresent, the promises of these churches may seem like oracles: You can make it; you can even become rich! Just do as we say and you will be prospering.

Many churches have their own TV channels, airing films of miracle healings - and there is in many of these films a bizarre fascination with witchcraft and the occult - a fascination that transcends the Bible and borders on the SATANIC. Many of the films - most of which originate out of Nigeria - have become notorious around half of the continent of Africa and have led to the killing of street children as demoniacs.


Like their counterparts back in America, money plays a huge role in these churches; it is a question of honor to donate hundred-dollar bills. Indeed, as Dominic Johnson of Taz Magazine reports -
"Financial success is the measurable result of righteousness; THE POOR HAVE FAILED BEFORE GOD; they are bad and have to take the blame for their poverty themselves."
And just how far this kind of thinking has seeped into America's puppet churches in Africa is exemplified by the RCCG church in Nigeria: in 2001, the RCCG proclaimed that God had decided He wanted to have a thousand millionaires in the church to demonstrate God's approval of their church. Obviously, the leaders of the RCCG church had imbibed heavily from the springs of American Christianity.

The RCCG proclaims the "Twelve Keys to [Financial] Prosperity," one of which says that a person must be "WILLING TO GET RICH" - a proclamation that sounds as if it had been lifted in toto from one of Bennie Hinn's "spiritual" handbooks. [Bennie Hinn has held many rallies in Lagos with the support of the RCCG.]
Johnson writes:
"Thus, personal enrichment and alignment with the church are closely linked and offered in the language of business."
Asonzeh Ukah of Ghana, author of a thesis about the RCCG church, says in an analysis of sermons by RCCG minister Adeboye, that the -
"… prosperity gospel of this church consists of a perverted form of the principle of corruption: 'you can't make something out of nothing', as in: one has to pay to get, and in order to get some blessing out of the Lord, one has to pay Him as well'. This idea is simple and attractive. Jesus has already done everything that's needed to get the good things in life. By His poverty and passion, he has opened a credit for us; we're free to draw from it , since He sacrificed Himself for us. SO WHEN YOU'RE POOR, IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T BELIEVE '."

These are the kind of churches that are being touted back in America as exemplars of the spread of Christianity in Africa; toadies - all of them - of the American Church; the kind of churches to which leaders back in the United States like to link themselves in order to advertise their credentials insofar as the Gospel is concerned.
But it's all a FARCE. Very little of the money that church leaders obtain for themselves as a result of their so-called concern for Africa actually finds its way to the poor in Africa. It's just a device to get their own parishioners to give, or to obtain financing for their own private "get-rich-schemes" in Africa.

Get rich! - that's what the leaders of today's American church want to do. This is precisely what Pat Robertson was up to in the Congo with regard to "Operation Blessing," which was nothing more than a FRONT for his own private "get-rich-scheme" involving the African Development Co. (ADC) in conjunction with the late dictator of Zaire (the Congo), Mobutu Sese Seko. The ADC received a vast forestry and mineral concession in the Congo, together with a diamond concession from Mobutu, a mining operation involving the trade in so-called "conflict diamonds" - the illegal trading of diamonds mined by child "slave-laborers" who are worked to death in diamond mines in conditions that even DeBeers of South Africa would find repugnant - and that's saying a lot.

Robertson used "Operation Blessing" as a FRONT for garnering "start-up" funds for the ADC. In April, 1997 two pilots who worked for "Operation Blessing" charged that planes linked to Robertson and his ministry flew mostly to haul equipment for ADC's private diamond operation. Robert Hinkle, the chief pilot told reporter Bill Sizemore that of about 40 flights within Zaire during the half-year period he was there,

"Only one or at most two were related to the humanitarian mission of 'Operation Blessing'. The rest were 'mining-related'. We got over there and we had 'Operation Blessing' painted on the tails of the airplanes, Hinkle told the Virginian-Pilot, 'but we were doing no humanitarian relief at all. We were just supplying the miners and flying the dredges from Kinshasa out to Tdshikapa'."
Robertson continually tried to portray the brutish dictator (i.e., Mobutu) as a "good Christian" and a loyal US ally in the war against international communism. Robertson was wined-and-dined by Mobutu on the dictator's presidential yacht on more than one occasion, and entertained often in his lavish estates.

And it isn't just in the Congo that Robertson has been linked to blood-thirsty dictators such as Mobutu. Take what Robertson was up to in Liberia with Charles Taylor, supposedly a "born-again" Christian. Robertson created a gold mining company called Freedom Gold Limited in the Cayman Islands in December 1998 in which he was listed as the president and the company's sole director. He subsequently concluded a mining agreement with the old Liberian government signed personally by him, Charles Taylor and key members of Taylor's cabinet on May 18, 1999.
Now, one might ask, Why did a "freedom-loving, God-fearing man" such as Pat Robertson sign on the dotted line with Taylor, a U.S. prison escapee, a Libyan terrorist training camp graduate, a human rights violator, and a pillager of his own country and his neighbor, Sierra Leone? The answer is, of course, ROBERTSON AND TAYLOR ARE CUT OUT OF THE SAME CLOTH; BOTH ARE ADHERENTS OF THE "GOSPEL OF GREED" PROCLAIMED BY THE AMERICAN CHURCH.

Taylor's checkered past notwithstanding, Robertson saw the Liberian dictator as a "BULWARK OF CHRISTIANITY" standing against the encroaching hordes of Islam. And, according to the Washington Post -
"Taylor played his part to the hilt. At a three-day CBN-sponsored 'Liberia for Jesus' rally in February 2002, Taylor was the star attraction, lying prostrate on the red-carpeted stage of Samuel Doe Stadium in Monrovia, the Liberian capital, and exhorting the crowd to 'Come to Jesus', he told the crowd, 'I cannot help you; all help comes from God'."
And all this from a man who employed child-soldiers (many of whom were recruited from local Christian churches) to keep him in power. The spectacle was duly covered on The 700 Club. What a farce! - but again, this is the kind of Christianity that the U.S. has exported to Africa and upon which it is relying to "hold off the hoards of radical Muslims" from capturing Africa for Islam. God help us all!!


So, what do we have here? Plainly, what we have is the American church and the American New World Order System working hand-in-hand as a WOMAN RIDING A BEAST! - and we can begin to understand what F.C. Jennings meant when he said:
"Turning then to the seventeenth chapter of the Book of Revelation, we see the whole stage filled with two personalities only: a 'BEAST'' and a 'WOMAN' ... these two ... picture ... the future prophetic earth ... there can be no argument or discussion as to this speaking of both the CIVIL [political, economic, military] and ECCLESIASTICAL [religious] conditions that will rule and characterize that part of the earth that is within the limits or boundaries of Prophecy. The whole of it will be filled with what shall answer to this 'BEAST' and this 'WOMAN'. The two [the 'BEAST' (which answers to the Civil Power) and the 'WOMAN' (which answers to the Religious Power) are thus indissolubly co-related, and tell us to what end all [this is] trending; and that is that there will eventually be a one World-Empire and a one World-Church, and these will cover the whole of what is now called CHRISTENDOM; the one Empire supporting the one Church, [as] the 'BEAST' in the picture supports the 'WOMAN', and the 'WOMAN' is supported by the 'BEAST' ... "
And this is certainly the case in sub-Saharan Africa where the American church (the 'WOMAN') and the American New World Order System (the 'BEAST') are working hand-in-glove UNDER THE BANNER OF "CHRIST AND THE CHURCH" to subdue the people of Africa. It's all such an ABOMINATION to God. Such claims can only be a "turn-off" to the poor of Africa who see the American New World Order System and the church that justifies it as frauds. As a result, growing numbers of the poor in Africa are turning to Islam which to many in Africa is more a religion of the poor than is Christianity.
Christianity! - what is that? It's a rich white man's religion having NOTHING to do with them. What do the poor in Africa ultimately want to do with a religion that justifies the very system - i.e., the American New World Order System - that oppresses and brutalizes them? It's nothing more than a false "TRAVELING MAGIC SHOW" that promises much, and delivers NOTHING.
Indeed, the leaders of those churches in Africa who have submitted themselves to the American church are those about whom Jesus warned when He said:
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, AND SHALL SHEW GREAT SIGNS AND WONDERS; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Mt 24:24)
The "Gospel of the Kingdom" is God's answer to this deception. It has been calculated to rip away the mask of piety that the religious FRAUDS who wickedly justify this system hide behind - for example, "Christians" (so-called) such as RCCG Minister Adeboye; Francois Bozize President of the Republic of Central Africa and a member of Eglise Christianisme Celeste; Laurent Gbagbo, President of the Ivory Coast; Charles Taylor, the former dictator of Liberia; President Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria, who is tightly connected to the huge RCCG church; etc., etc. - ALL OF THEM TOADIES OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH, and "DAUGHTERS OF THE HARLOT" who serve the BEAST rather than the "poor carpenter of Nazareth."
These men do not proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather what the Bible calls a "DIFFERENT GOSPEL" (2 Cor. 11:4; Gal. 1:6), which is NOT "good news" at all, but a perversion of the "good news" of the Bible. We are warned by Paul against it and all its "SEDUCTIVE" forms which are at war with God's "Plan and Purpose in the Ages."
The "Gospel of the Kingdom" exposes these frauds - and the system they excuse - for what they actually are, so that the poor can see Christianity for what it really is: God's way of salvation for them, and see Christ for whom He really was - a POOR carpenter who said of Himself:
"... Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." (Luke 9:58) -
A Man who rather than placating the rich (as the leaders of these harlot churches so shamefully do), said of them,
"... Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a (sewing) needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matt. 19:23-24)
The "good news" of the kingdom [i.e., the "GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM" (Matt. 24:14)] foretells the coming kingdom of Christ that will entail social justice and equity between and among all men; and there is yet another Gospel that is to be preached: the "ETERNAL GOSPEL" (Rev. 14:6) which foretells the destruction of "Babylon the Great," (i.e., the American New World Order System) which has been set up opposition to the coming kingdom of Christ.
C.I. Scofield writes:
The kingdom being proclaimed here will be a kingdom grounded in social justice for ALL mankind, a world of equity where men are not divided up between the "owners of capital" on the one hand and "labor" on the other hand, and where men and women are not divided up on the basis of their race or even their gender (Gal. 3:28); where the rich do not oppress the poor; where every man has equal access to God; where privileges cannot be bought by the wealthy; where there are no death squads, no poverty, no torture, no hunger, no disease, and no room for oppressors of any kind. Very obviously, such a kingdom would be TOTALLY at variance to the world we now live in and with the American New World Order System that now prevails on the earth.
It is here - it is precisely here - in places like Africa that we as Christians have been called to preach the "Gospel of the Kingdom" - and the initial steps in this direction are now being taken by people such as Brother Eugene Bonsu in Accra, Ghana; Brother Anthony Anderson Showell, Sr. in Monrovia, Liberia; and Brother Hays Karrus in the Liberian Refugee Camp in Ghana. [You may get in touch with Brother Hays Karrus through Brother Eugene Bonsu.] All these dear brothers have united themselves together with Antipas Ministries to preach the "Gospel of the Kingdom" in Africa! We URGE all of you to support them in your prayers and by your financial giving!
The message to Africa is this: CHRISTIANS IN AFRICA, AWAKE! AMERICA AND THE CHURCH IN AMERICA ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! We URGE all of you in Africa to link yourselves up to people such as Eugene Bonsu, Anthony Anderson Showell, Sr., and Hays Karrus.
God bless you all!
S.R. ShearerAntipas Ministr




AIDS Ebola were manufactured, DR.Leonard G. Horowitz

Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident, or Intentional ? Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions


INSIDE THE BLACK BUDGET : AMERICA, CHRISTIAN OR OCULT, If you look carefully you will understand

Skulls. Black cats. A naked woman riding a killer whale. Grim reapers. Snakes. Swords. Occult symbols. A wizard with a staff that shoots lightning bolts. Moons. Stars. A dragon holding the Earth in its claws.

No, this is not the fantasy world of a 12-year-old boy.

It is, according to a new book, part of the hidden reality behind the Pentagon’s classified, or “black,” budget that delivers billions of dollars to stealthy armies of high-tech warriors. The book offers a glimpse of this dark world through a revealing lens — patches — the kind worn on military uniforms.

“It’s a fresh approach to secret government,” Steven Aftergood, a security expert at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, said in an interview. “It shows that these secret programs have their own culture, vocabulary and even sense of humor.”

One patch shows a space alien with huge eyes holding a stealth bomber near its mouth. “To Serve Man” reads the text above, a reference to a classic “Twilight Zone” episode in which man is the entree, not the customer. “Gustatus Similis Pullus” reads the caption below, dog Latin for “Tastes Like Chicken.”
Military officials and experts said the patches are real if often unofficial efforts at building team spirit.

The classified budget of the Defense Department, concealed from the public in all but outline, has nearly doubled in the Bush years, to $32 billion. That is more than the combined budgets of the Food and Drug Administration, the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Those billions have expanded a secret world of advanced science and technology in which military units and federal contractors push back the frontiers of warfare. In the past, such handiwork has produced some of the most advanced jets, weapons and spy satellites, as well as notorious boondoggles.

Budget documents tell little. This year, for instance, the Pentagon says Program Element 0603891c is receiving $196 million but will disclose nothing about what the project does. Private analysts say it apparently aims at developing space weapons.
Trevor Paglen, an artist and photographer finishing his Ph.D. in geography at the University of California, Berkeley, has managed to document some of this hidden world. The 75 patches he has assembled reveal a bizarre mix of high and low culture where Latin and Greek mottos frame images of spooky demons and sexy warriors, of dragons dropping bombs and skunks firing laser beams.

“Oderint Dum Metuant,” reads a patch for an Air Force program that mines spy satellite images for battlefield intelligence, according to Mr. Paglen, who identifies the saying as from Caligula, the first-century Roman emperor famed for his depravity. It translates “Let them hate so long as they fear.”
Wizards appear on several patches. The one hurling lightning bolts comes from a secret Air Force base at Groom Lake, northwest of Las Vegas in a secluded valley. Mr. Paglen identifies its five clustered stars and one separate star as a veiled reference to Area 51, where the government tests advanced aircraft and, U.F.O. buffs say, captured alien spaceships.

The book offers not only clues into the nature of the secret programs, but also a glimpse of zealous male bonding among the presumed elite of the military-industrial complex. The patches often feel like fraternity pranks gone ballistic.
The book’s title? “I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me,” published by Melville House. Mr. Paglen says the title is the Latin translation of a patch designed for the Navy Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 4, at Point Mugu, Calif. Its mission, he says, is to test strike aircraft, conventional weapons and electronic warfare equipment and to develop tactics to use the high-tech armaments in war.

“The military has patches for almost everything it does,” Mr. Paglen writes in the introduction. “Including, curiously, for programs, units and activities that are officially secret.”
He said contractors in some cases made the patches to build esprit de corps. Other times, he added, military units produced them informally, in contrast to official patches.

Mr. Paglen said he found them by touring bases, noting what personnel wore, joining alumni associations, interviewing active and former team members, talking to base historians and filing requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

A spokesman for the Pentagon, Cmdr. Bob Mehal, said it would be imprudent to comment on “which patches do or do not represent classified units.” In an e-mail message, Commander Mehal added, “It would be supposition to suggest ‘anyone’ is uncomfortable with this book.”

Each year, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a private group in Washington, publishes an update on the Pentagon’s classified budget. It says the money began to soar after the two events of Mr. Bush’s coming into office and terrorists’ 9/11 attacks.

What sparked his interest, Mr. Paglen recalled, were Vice President Dick Cheney’s remarks as the Pentagon and World Trade Center smoldered. On “Meet the Press,” he said the nation would engage its “dark side” to find the attackers and justice. “We’ve got to spend time in the shadows,” Mr. Cheney said. “It’s going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective.”

In an interview, Mr. Paglen said that remark revived memories of his childhood when his military family traveled the globe to bases often involved in secret missions. “I’d go out drinking with Special Forces guys,” he recalled. “I was 15, and they were 20, and they could never say where they where coming from or what they were doing. You were just around the stuff.”

Intrigued by Mr. Cheney’s remarks as well as his own recollections, Mr. Paglen set off to map the secret world and document its expansion. He traveled widely across the Southwest, where the military keeps many secret bases. His labors, he said, resulted in his Ph.D. thesis as well as a book, “Blank Spots on a Map,” that Dutton plans to publish next year.

The research also led to another book, “Torture Taxi,” that Melville House published in 2006. It described how spies kidnapped and detained suspected terrorists around the globe.

“Black World,” a 2006 display of his photographs at Bellwether, a gallery in Chelsea, showed “anonymous-looking buildings in parched landscapes shot through a shimmering heat haze,” Holland Cotter wrote in The New York Times, adding that the images “seem to emit a buzz of mystery as they turn military surveillance inside out: here the surveillant is surveilled.”

In this research, Mr. Paglen became fascinated by the patches and started collecting them and displaying them at talks and shows. He said a breakthrough occurred around 2004, when he visited Peter Merlin, an “aerospace archaeologist” who works in the Mojave Desert not far from a sprawling military base. Mr. Merlin argued that the lightning bolts, stars and other symbols could be substantive clues about unit numbers and operating locations, as well as the purpose of hidden programs.
“These symbols,” Mr. Paglen wrote, “were a language. If you could begin to learn its grammar, you could get a glimpse into the secret world itself.”

His book explores this idea and seeks to decode the symbols. Many patches show the Greek letter sigma, which Mr. Paglen identifies as a technical term for how well an object reflects radar waves, a crucial parameter in developing stealthy jets.
A patch from a Groom Lake unit shows the letter sigma with the “buster” slash running through it, as in the movie “Ghost Busters.” “Huge Deposit — No Return” reads its caption. Huge Deposit, Mr. Paglen writes, “indicates the bomb load deposited by the bomber on its target, while ‘No Return’ refers to the absence of a radar return, meaning the aircraft was undetectable to radar.”

In an interview, Mr. Paglen said his favorite patch was the dragon holding the Earth in its claws, its wings made of American flags and its mouth wide open, baring its fangs. He said it came from the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees developing spy satellites. “There’s something both belligerent and weirdly self-critical about it,” he remarked. “It’s representing the U.S. as a dragon with the whole world in its clutches.”

The field is expanding. Dwayne A. Day and Roger Guillemette, military historians, wrote an article published this year in The Space Review ( on patches from secret space programs. “It’s neat stuff,” Dr. Day said in an interview. “They’re not really giving away secrets. But the patches do go farther than the organizations want to go officially.”

Mr. Paglen plans to keep mining the patches and the field of clandestine military activity. “It’s kind of remarkable,” he said. “This stuff is a huge industry, I mean a huge industry. And it’s remarkable that you can develop these projects on an industrial scale, and we don’t know what they are. It’s an astounding feat of social engineering.”



March 7, 2002
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

- George Orwell

S.R. Shearer

This is a long article; it is divided into five different parts. Part I, "Why The World Hates America," describes the VICIOUSNESS of the American New World System using as an example an incident that happened recently in Cochabamba, Bolivia that involved the Bechtel Corporation. Part II, "The Leadership Of The Church Has Betrayed Christ And Sold Christianity Out To The Devil," depicts the UTTER depravity of today's church leadership - a leadership that thinks nothing of "making common cause" with the American New World Order System and such despicable groups as the Moonies. Part III, "Turning Christians into Zombies," describes the "Apostles and Prophets Movement" and what it is doing to Christians: turning them into mindless robots in the service of the elites. Part IV, "Using Christian Zombies In The Service Of The Elites: Creating A Crusader Army In The Service Of Babylon"depicts the pathology that is now at work in the so-called "War on Terrorism" which will eventually make MONSTERS out of all those who remain attached to today's Apostate Church. Finally, Part V describes what you must do if you are going to escape. This article doesn't pull any punches and often uses harsh terminology. But you need to know what is happening, and you need to know it in the starkest terms possible. Pulling punches will get us no where now - it's too late to be wishy-washy about any of this.

It never ceases to amaze me how blind American Christians are to what their nation has become - though almost every other nation, and almost every other people clearly recognize what America is; that she is NOT what most Christians in this country prefer to see her as - i.e., as the "New Israel of God" or as a "shining city on a hill" - but that her real appearance (and nature) approximates something quite different: a "BEAST," specifically, the Beast of Daniel 7:7:

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a ... BEAST, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it ..." (Dan. 7:7) [We urge those of you who haven't already, to read our article on the United States, which deals with America from a Biblical point of view, "The American Empire: In Search Of Babylon! What Does The Bible Say?"]

A beast; that's what she has become! - a "... BEAST, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly ..." Think about it! - after all, it's not the United Nations (which - like so many other so-called "world institutions," for example the IMF, the World Bank, etc. - is nothing more than a "front" to give "legitimacy" to America's New World Order System [Please see "The American Empire And The New Global Elite" ), it's not the European Community or Japan (which are nothing more than America's "bootlickers"), it's not the "Red Chinese," or any other nation or secret cabal (i.e., the Illuminati, the "Learned Elders of Zion," etc.) - it's the United States that is running roughshod all over the planet, recklessly imposing its frightful will on the earth and acting like a savage animal. Again, it seems that everybody in the rest of the world can see America for what she really is except Americans, especially American Christians. For example, Luigi Barzini, the well-known Italian writer - speaking on the subject of American world-hegemony as it relates to the EC - writes:

"We Europeans have been reduced to the role of the Greeks in the Roman Empire. The most useful function an Italian or a Frenchman can perform these days is to teach an American the proper temperature at which to drink his red wine."

And Oliver Wormser, the former president of the Bank of France, writes:

"We (i.e. the Europeans) are about as relevant to the Americans as a bunch of Caribbean banana republics."

Franz Schurmann, professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley and author of the book, The Logic of World Power, writes:

"More than (just) the world's solo super-power, the United States ... (is the earth's) WORLD-EMPIRE."

All this is plainly visible to anyone who really wants to see it, it's just that no one in this country wants to - and that is evidenced by the fact that nobody in the United States is willing to ask the question, How is it possible for people to HATE America to such an extent that they would hijack four planes and run two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, and another into the Pentagon - killing not only themselves, but thousands of innocent people as well?

The answer that is currently being peddled by the elite media is that those responsible for what happened on the 11th of September aren't really human beings at all. They are "EVIL-DOERS," "TERRORISTS," "BLOOD-THIRSTY ANIMALS" - and the only thing one can do with such monsters is to hunt them down and kill them much in the same way one would hunt down and kill rabid dogs. The utility of such an answer is that it dehumanizes our opponents, and by doing so, it relieves us of the responsibility of asking the question, "Why?" - at least in any kind of serious fashion. The answer that "rabid dogs kill" is all that is needed.

This is certainly what Daniel Pipes thinks that elite policy wonks want us to believe. Pipes - the director of the "Middle East Forum," the author of three books on Islam, and a major "player" insofar as elite policy-making in the Middle East is concerned - elaborates; he writes:

"The establishment - politicians, academics, (moderate) religious leaders, journalists, along with many Muslims - says TERRORISM IS THE ENEMY. It is carried out by "EVILDOERS" who have nothing to do with Islam but adhere to some murky cult of terrorism.

"U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell summarized this view by declaring that the acts of September 11th 'should not be seen as something done by Arabs or Islamics; it is something that was done by terrorists'."

THE ELITES DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER SYSTEM, AND THEY WILL DO EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO DIVERT ATTENTION AWAY FROM ITS HORRIFIC IMPACT ON ORDINARY PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER,and from the possibility that there could, as a result, be more to the hatred these people feel towards the United States than most Americans - and especially American Christians - are willing or even psychologically prepared to admit?

But is that such a far-fetched idea? - i.e., that there actually might be a reason so many people outside the United States hate America? After all, is it really that remarkable for people to despise a country that has attempted to overthrow more than 40 democratically elected governments since the end of World War II; and that has tried to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements struggling to assert their own legitimate political and human rights over and against intolerably corrupt, brutal dictatorships (most of which had been installed by the American government) during the same period of time? This may be news to you, but it certainly isn't news to most in the world today - even to our European and Japanese "brown-nosers."

Come on now, is it really that difficult to understand the feelings of disgust and loathing that people would have towards a nation that has subjected most of the world to "client-state" status in the service of American multinational corporations like the United Fruit Company (now Dole) in Central America; Exxon / Mobil Corporation in the Middle East; Nike Corporation in Malaysia; Rockefeller corporate interests in Brazil and Argentina, etc., and that has - as a result - condemned the people of these nations to lives of grinding poverty, unrelenting agony and hopeless despair? Is it really that hard to believe that the World Trade Center was NOT chosen at random, but that a good deal of thought went into singling it out as a target? That it was chosen purposely to make a statement about America's brutal economic suppression of most of the nations and peoples of the earth? And that the Pentagon was targeted in order to make a deliberate statement about American military hegemony?

But if one accedes to this proposition, then one must admit that the terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center and partially wrecked the Pentagon were not animals after all, but rationale human beings desperately trying to say something about what America is up to in the world at large in the only way that is left to them - given the now almost total domination of the world news media by America (or by America's toadies), to say nothing of the almost complete mastery of the economic, political, and military affairs of this planet by America and its European and Japanese lackeys.

As we have urged you on other occasions, you need to be fair here! Given these facts, what would YOU think about the United States if YOU were living in the slums of Cairo or Damascus or Baghdad (for example), and you were aware that your legitimate, God-given patrimony (i.e., the oil wealth of that area - please see Genesis 17:18-26) was being stolen from you by the Western oil elites (Standard Oil, Texaco, Socal, Bechtel, etc.) while you and your family were left struggling to make ends meet on a few pennies a day while all the time being called "stupid, ignorant ner-do-wells" by those who were doing the stealing? And be clear here: this isn't just occurring in the Middle East, it's happening everywhere.

Take just one recent example of how U.S. corporations are acting throughout the world - with, naturally enough, the connivance of the U.S. government: specifically, the way the Bechtel Corporation [which is usually (and very mistakenly) thought of as a company doing business only in the Middle East] took control of the water system of Cochabamba, Bolivia's third-largest city. [Bolivia, by the way, is South America's poorest country.] Jim Shultz, executive director of the Democracy Center and author of the book, The Democracy Owner's Manual, reports that two years ago, a subsidiary of Bechtel Enterprises took control of that city's water system. Within weeks after taking charge - AND WITHOUT MAKING ANY IMPROVEMENTS WHATSOEVER IN THE WATER SYSTEM itself, Bechtel doubled and tripled water rates to the poor. [Bechtel, it should be noted, is a FAVORITE of America's corporate / political elites. Dick Cheney, George Shultz, Cap Weinberger, the Bushes (both father and son), James Baker, and the other Mandarins of America's oil elites have all been tied, directly or indirectly, to Bechtel.]

Now think about that for a minute. An American multinational comes to town, takes over the city's water system - a heretofore public water system that had been successfully providing water to the city's residents for years and years (and that had even managed to turn a slight profit) - and begins charging the poor of the city $15 or more a month just to keep their water running. And all this in a city where families live on less than $60 per month.

AND REMEMBER HERE - THE BECHTEL CORPORATION NEVER SANK ONE RED DIME INTO IMPROVING THE CITY'S WATER SYSTEM ITSELF - NOT ONE DIME! You ask, maybe Bechtel was just trying to "recoup" its investment first before taking on the financial burden of improving Cochabamba's water system?

What investment? - the company got control of Cochabamba's water system in a "sweet-heart" deal arranged by America's local "client-state" elite which owed its own status and power as a provincial "ruling elite" to the CIA, the death squads the CIA and its "lackey elite" ran in the country, and ultimately to the guns of the American military [which, in all of America's "client-states," lurks ominously "OFF SHORE" (in the background) ready to pounce on anyone foolish enough to challenge America's status as the "client-state's" ruling HEGEMON]. The local Bolivian "lackey-elite," like similar other elites operating under comparable situations throughout the world - was simply "cut in" on a part of Bechtel's profits, and told to "shut up," and "do what it was told."

Obviously, what Bechtel is up to is NOT working with "... local communities throughout the world to help improve their standard of living and their quality of life" [as Bechtel's mission statement so shamelessly (and falsely) declares], but gouging the poor of the world for all that it can get, AND HANG THOSE WHO CAN'T PAY. But, then, this is PRECISELY what other American companies have been doing throughout the world for years and years - for example, what Nike has been doing in Malaysia and Indonesia, what Exxon-Mobil has been doing in the Middle East, what Chevron has been doing in Nigeria and Khazakstan, what Ford, GM, GE, etc. have been doing in Mexico, and on and on and on ad infinitum.l]

No wonder the people in these countries - as opposed to the "client-state elites" the U.S. has installed in these nations - HATE us. Wouldn't you if you were living in the slums of Cochabamba and faced - literally - with a choice between water and food. [And don't make the mistake here in thinking that these very same multinationals wouldn't do it to YOU if they could! That's what Enron and other energy companies like Williams were trying to do to energy customers in California when they raped them by doubling and tripling energy prices there under the rubric of "deregulation." Most people in California and the West were furious! - and rightfully so; but, then, that's EXACTLY what Bechtel was doing in Cochabamba, except, as we just indicated, families in Cochabamba are trying to "make it" on less than $60 a month as opposed to what the ultra poor in California are trying to "make it" on: $900 a month.]

The people of Cochabamba - after they realized that they were being "taken to the cleaners" by Bechtel - "took to the streets" to demand that rates be lowered. But Bechtel's representatives refused to lower prices, and America's "client-elite" in the country (i.e., the Bolivian military) did what they were paid to do and called out soldiers to protect Bechtel. Shults reports that one unarmed demonstrator, 17-year-old Victor Hugo Daza, was shot in the face and killed, and more than 100 others were seriously wounded. Shultz says, "I was there. I saw it happen."

Eventually, in April 2000, the company left. They say they had no choice because of the protests. Now one would think here that the people of Cochabamba had won a rare victory against one of America's most rapacious multinationals. But a closer look at what Bechtel was up to yields a different conclusion. According to the new trade rules that the WTO and the World Bank have set up in recent years, Bechtel still has a way of making an enormous profit on its so-called "investment" - and so much so that one is left with the nagging feeling that getting kicked out of Cochabamba had been what Bechtel was really up to all along. Last month (December 2001), Bechtel filed a demand for millions and millions of dollars against the Bolivian government, claiming that it was due money on its "expropriated investment."

What? - but Bechtel never put any real money into Cochabamba's water system. Then, what "investment" is it that Bechtel is claiming was expropriated? Astonishingly, it is claiming the millions of dollars in POTENTIAL profits that it had hoped to make off the poor of Cochabamba by taking over their water system (with the government's collusion), and then charging these people for what they had heretofore been receiving for free. Wow! - that's CHUTZPAH. That's kind of like a gambler talking his way into a poker game with no money, and then having his "buddy" the sheriff close the game down and suing the people he was playing for the POTENTIAL winnings he might have made at their expense if the game had continued.

In the parlance of Wall Street, the WTO, the World Bank and the IMF, this is called "PRIVATIZATION." And this game is being played out not only in Bolivia, but all over the world today! - for example, in Russia where the citizens of that now impoverished country have been shamelessly cheated out of billions and billions and billions of dollars in similar (and even more "creative") scams by German and American multinationals operating behind the facade of Russia's new capitalist "Oligarchy" - a plutocracy that is being used as a FRONT for American (and German) money.

You doubt? - then ask yourself the simple question, where did this so-called Russian "Oligarchy" get its money in the first place? When communism fell in Russia, NOBODY there had any money, at least money that wasn't denominated in the by-then worthless rubel. Where did the money come from then? - all those German marks and American dollars that the "Oligarchy" was using to "buy up" Russia with?

You say, from the Russian Mafia. Well, let me assure you, while gangsterism is indeed rampant in the former Soviet Union, the Russian Mafia as such is more myth than reality. What's really happening in Russia is that thousands of former KGB men and communist functionaries FINANCED BY U.S. AND GERMAN CORPORATE FUNDS are running amok in Russia buying up everything they can get their hands on for pennies on the dollar for their "shareholders" (so-called) in the West; and in the process, stealing the average citizens of Russia blind of their patrimony - which is exactly the game the American elites have been playing in the Middle East and Latin America for years and years now.

THIS IS CAPITALISM AS IT IS PRACTICED TODAY IN AMERICA'S NEW WORLD ORDER SYSTEM. It is a ruthless, pitiless, and unmerciful "game" - and it is a terribly heart-breaking one for those millions of ordinary people throughout the world who have fallen prey to its utter savagery and cold-hearted cruelty - for example, Mexican peasants who have had their farm land stolen by Cargill and ConAgra (and then who are shipped off to fend for themselves in Mexico City's vast slums); Arabs who have had their oil stolen by Exxon-Mobil and Standard Oil; Russians who are having their vast natural resources stolen by the so-called "Oligarchy" operating under the direction of Western multinationals like Siemens, Barens Mining, Chevron Oil, and on and on and on ad infinitum.

THIS KIND OF SAVAGE CAPITALISM, of course, IS WHAT ENRON WAS UP TO, AND ENRON IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG of what's been going on - again, not only in the world at large, but in the United States as well. I repeat, there is very little difference between what Bechtel did to the citizens of Cochabamba in Bolivia and what Enron did to the people of California - and there are a lot more Enrons out there practicing the same kind of chicanery. The fact is, Enron was no anomaly!

It was no aberration from the norm. ENRON WAS THE NORM, and if the truth could really be known, corporate icons (so-called) like Jack Welch of General Electric are not so much different from Kenneth Lay of Enron. Both are (were) up to their necks in the "new corporate culture" - i.e., the savage and brutish corporate culture of America's New World Order System, the same corporate culture that eventually drove Clifford Baxter, also of Enron, to commit suicide a month or so ago as he surveyed the wreckage of what he had so naively and foolishly devoted his life to, realizing only in the end what kind of evil he had been involved in.

But it won't be the Clifford Baxters, the Kenneth Lays and the Jack Welches of the world who will ultimately have to "pay the piper" for the avaricious and grasping economic policies championed by the ruling elites of America's New World Order System, but the poor of this world. And they will pay and pay, and pay again until the world at last comes to realize what that strange lyric in Revelation 6:6 is all about:

"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine." (Rev. 6:6) [The meaning of this lyric, according to John Walvoord of Dallas Theological Seminary, is that in the "end of days" most of the people of the earth will be reduced to a form of grinding poverty (in other words, they will have to work a whole day just to buy one loaf of bread) while the elites of the world grab everything for themselves (only the elites in the ancient world could afford olive oil and wine).]

THIS IS THE "GAME" (i.e., grabbing everything up for themselves) THAT THE "WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM" MET TO PROMOTE AT THE WALDORF-ASTORIA IN NEW YORK CITY at the end of January and the first of February. This is what the WTO and "globalization" is really all about! - "refereeing" this "game" in favor of the multinationals and against the poor. This is what the IMF and the World Bank are promoting too. This is what Bechtel, Exxon-Mobil, Archer-Daniels Midland, Ford, GM, etc. in one way or another are also up to - i.e., creating an "investment climate" where they can't lose!

Wow! - think about it! Think about what Bechtel and countless other companies like Bechtel are up to - for example, counting as "investments" "POTENTIAL profits," not so much old-fashioned "hard assets" or "cash on the barrel-head." Bechtel's water-system takeover in Bolivia is an international poster child for what America's New World Order System is all about, and how corporations are manipulating global trade laws to take further advantage of the world's destitute and downtrodden.

Shultz says that Bechtel's legal move to recoup its "loss" in Bolivia came in the form of a "request for arbitration" to the little-known International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), an arm of the World Bank - the same institution that, under the impress of the Bechtel Corporation, had pressured the Bolivian government into "privatizing" its water system in the first place. Like the negotiations that produced the Bechtel contract that permitted Bechtel to rob the citizens of Cochabamba of their water system in the first place, the arbitration will be held in complete secrecy, with no opportunity for the citizens of Cochabamba to review what's going on. Only Bechtel and America's lackey in the area, the Bolivian government, will be represented, leaving little doubt as to the ultimate outcome of the arbitration. [And don't think that Bolivia's lackey elite will necessarily lose out there; they won't. What will happen is that the "government" of Bolivia will be required to pay Bechtel; the "government" will then turn around and "sock it to" the Bolivian nation as a whole; Bechtel will get its money, and a way will be found to "kickback" a part of Bechtel's "recouped investment" to the Bolivian ruling classes. Everybody wins except the poor in Cochabamba and the rest of the people of Bolivia who are now made to pay for "Bechtel's loss" through increased taxes and government fees.]

From this perspective, it's pretty hard to defend the kind of economic policies that are currently in vogue in America's New World Order System - at least in the bright sunlight; it's pretty hard for the corporations engaged in these practices to face in the light of day those whom they have so savagely raped in the dark of night. Just call them "terrorists," that's what the elites want to do - which is kind of like labeling a young girl you have just raped a "prostitute" even though she was a virgin when you forced her to have sex with you; then label her an "assassin" because she went home, got a gun, and came after you with murder in her eyes because the local police wouldn't do anything to help her - largely because you had "bought them off."

Listen, brothers and sisters, what happened (and is happening) in Cochabamba is not an exception to the rule in America's New World Order System. It's happening everywhere. Is it any wonder, then, that the people of the world hate us so? And they really do! - except, of course, for the lackey elites we have installed in our system of client-states to run things for us. The whole thing is enough to make one nauseous. Who could possibly countenance what was done to the people of Cochabamba? What right-thinking person would ever want to be found in the company of the kind of people who pulled that scam off? - No one!

THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SO ASTONISHING THAT THESE ARE THE VERY PEOPLE WITH WHOM THE LEADERS OF OUR CHURCH HAVE MADE COMMON CAUSE WITH TO - OF ALL THINGS - "TAKE BACK AMERICA FOR CHRIST" AND "CONQUER THE WORLD FOR THE CHURCH." What could possibly explain this kind of aberrant thinking among our church leaders - the kind of thinking that could justify such an unholy alliance with the business elites of the Republican Party? - or does the Bible say in vain,

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

"And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" (2 Cor. 6:14-15)

Pretty plain, isn't it? Yet the leadership of today's church thinks it can cavilierly flout these Scriptures and get away with it! And these are people who say they are "BIBLICAL LITERALISTS!" My foot they are!

But it's their love of money that really exposes them for what they are. It's here - it's precisely here - that one can begin at last to fathom the depth to which our church leadership has fallen into CORRUPTION. The fact is, these so-called leaders of ours are beyond contempt! - they've sold themselves out to the devil for "filthy lucre" (I Pet. 5:2). You say we're being too harsh? Oh, really? - well take Jerry Falwell, for example. He has taken millions and millions of dollars from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a man who claims Jesus failed in His mission to save mankind, and who believes (and openly preaches) that Christ had sex with the women who followed Him - kind of like the way David Koresh had sex with his female devotees at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas. Falwell, however, says that's okay (i.e., taking money from Moon), and that -

"... if the American Atheist Society or Saddam Hussein himself ever sent a ... gift to any of my ministries, be assured ... I will quickly cash the check." [What's so ironic here is that Falwell blames much of what's happened today in American society on the American Atheist Society and Madeline Murray O'Hare, but he would gladly take money from them. My heavens! - where's his sense of ethical equilibrium?]

Of course, Falwell says that the gift would have to be given on an "unrestricted basis," but then that's what George Bush, Dick Cheney and the other Mandarins of the Republican Party say about "corporate giving" to them from companies like Archer Daniels Midland, Boeing, GE, etc. - that the "giving" is "unrestricted." And if you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida I would like to sell you.

But then, Falwell isn't the only one who has taken money from the Moonies or who are associated with groups and / or organizations that have done so: there's Tim LaHaye, Beverley LaHaye, Gary Bauer, James Dobson, Bob Dugan, Ron Godwin, Robert Grant, Rebecca Hagelin, Bob Jones the 3rd, Alan Keyes, D. James Kennedy, Peter Marshall, Sam Moore, Pat Robertson, Rev. Duane Motley, Ralph Reed, Oliver North, Phyllis Schafley, Rev. Jim Woodall, John Ankerberg, Rev. E.V. Hill, James Robison, Jay Sekulow, Pat Boone, Larry Burkett, Reed Larson, etc., etc., etc.

Please go to the following websites to get further information on this subject.

Terry T. Pascher
The University of Akron
History Department
World Civilzations: Latin America
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America-U.S. News and Discussion Email Group
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By Eric Jewell

AND THESE ARE OUR LEADERS? God help those who are STUPID enough to follow them. Is this not a case of the -

"... blind lead(ing) the blind? shall they not both (i.e., both leaders and followers) fall into the ditch?" (Luke 6:39)


The UTTER stupidity of these leaders is beyond comprehension; these are the people who are forever running "to and fro" and "this way and that" leaving no stone unturned in their search for some mysterious cabal of "New Agers" that they think are surreptitiously running the world from behind closed doors - i.e., the "Illuminati," the "Bilderbergers," the "Learned Elders of Zion," etc. - while all along they have made common cause with the very people who REALLY are in charge of what's going on in the world: the business elites of the Republican Party. These are the people (i.e., the business elites) who are running the world - and they are doing it OUT IN THE OPEN, for all to see. There is nothing hidden or secret about it.


Obviously, these church leaders - the kind that could be duped in this fashion - cannot possess anything other than the most external and flimsy kind of faith. There can be no real depth to them at all. AND PRECISELY BECAUSE THEY ARE SO EXTERNAL, THEY CANNOT HELP BUT BE PEOPLE WHO TEND TO JUDGE THINGS ACCORDING TO THEIR OUTWARD APPEARANCE RATHER THAN THEIR INWARD REALITY (2 Cor. 10:7). These are the kind of Christian leaders who prefer to take the word of a man because he wears an expensive three-piece, pin-stripped suit and is the CEO of a giant multinational corporation rather than the word of an honest, but unemployed blue-collar worker, or a poor Mexican peasant who has been displaced from his land by some giant agri-business like Cargill or Archer Daniels Midland?

These leaders are the kind of people who would think it a great honor to be found in the company of C. Michael Armstrong, the CEO of AT&T (even if they had to do so only as a "fawner," or as a "toady," or as a "bootlicker"), but who would cross the street to avoid "dirtying" themselves by being seen on the same sidewalk with Larry Flynt or Hugh Hefner - the owners of Hustler Magazine and Playboy Magazine respectively - WITHOUT EVER REALIZING THAT, according to Public Television's Frontline, AT&T IS THE BIGGEST PURVEYOR OF SMUT AND PORNOGRAPHY IN THE WORLD TODAY, not Flynt or Hefner. Or does one really think that Armstrong doesn't know how connected AT&T is with the smut business? That's kind of like saying Kenneth Lay didn't know what Enron was up to - which, of course, is EXACTLY what Lay is trying to say.

So external and superficial are our present church leaders in EVERYTHING they say and do that they are past understanding any longer the things of God! Such things have become simply incomprehensible to them now. They are drawn to the world. That's what fascinates them! That's what thrills them! The sad fact is, they would easily forsake having dinner in the home of a real saint of God if his home were on the "wrong side of the tracks," but would "die" for the opportunity to go out to dinner with "a god-forsaken griffin" like Sumner Redstone, president and CEO of Viacom - "a pathetic, creepy freak of a person" who is "past all feeling or compassion for his fellow-man," and about whom it could truly be said,

"... what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)

[This description of Redstone is not ours, but is - sadly - the description painted of Redstone by many, if not most, of the people who have met him.]

OUR CHURCH LEADERS OF TODAY SIMPLY DON'T DO THEIR HOMEWORK - AND THEIR ELITE ALLIES COUNT ON THAT! They count on our church leaders to judge according to the "outward" rather than the "inward." This is what makes them so very useful to the elites of this world. And it is precisely these kinds of Christians that George Bush has now so conveniently surrounded himself with. After all, isn't this the kind of Christian that Bush's Attorney General, John Ashcroft, is? Surely it is! - what other kind of Christian would make such a profoundly SILLY statement as -

"Many of you will remember that back in the 70s men wore all kinds of loud and colorful shirts. I tended to stick with white. When a reporter asked me [why I dress the way I do (i.e., in a white shirt and a narrow tie)] ... I smiled and said, 'A white shirt is the mark of a civilized man'." ?

In other words, the mark of a real Christian - of a "civilized man" - is a white shirt and a narrow tie. HOW UTTERLY TRITE! HOW SHAMEFULLY SUPERFICIAL! Nonetheless, Christian leaders like Ashcroft (Ashcroft is a lay pastor in the Assemblies of God) mean it! They really do! And when this logic is carried just a little farther, it means, the better the clothes one wears, the better the man one is, which - when translated into the lexicon that is in common use among most of our church leaders today - means that a man in a three-piece, tailored suit with shinny shoes is a better, more trustworthy man than a person in rumpled overalls and scuffed boots. And it ultimately means that the CEO of Bechtel is by far a better man than the poor citizens of Cochabamba.

Listen, brothers and sisters, if we are to get anywhere with Christ, we must be better Christians than our current church leaders are; if we are to be found in His will in this life, we had better do our homework. Cucullus non facit monachum. That's what the Bible means when it somberly warns us to -

"Judge not according to the appearance ..." (John 7:24)

Those who judge by appearance rather than inward reality will always miss Jesus because -

"... he (i.e., Christ) ... hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him." (Is. 53:2)

This is why the leaders of the "established religion" of Christ's day missed Him - because they were altogether too external and superficial in their faith.

MISSING CHRIST too! - that's what also happened with the CHURCH IN LAODICEA. IT MISSED CHRIST because it was no longer able to discern between those things that have eternal value and those things that do not; and they missed Him so completely that Christ was no longer to be found in their midst, but was outside knocking on the door to get back in (Rev. 3:20). And that's clearly the great fault of the church leaders of today, at least in America; their inability to distinguish between the wealth of this life, and the wealth of the next. Jesus said:

"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the FAITHFUL and TRUE witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue (VOMIT) thee out of my mouth.

"Because thou sayest, I am (materially) rich, and increased with (worldly) goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that (from a spiritual standpoint) thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked ..." (Rev. 3:14-17)

As Christians, our hope is in an inheritance "... more precious than ... gold that perisheth" (I Peter 1:7); one that Peter calls -

"... incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, RESERVED IN HEAVEN FOR YOU ..." (1 Pet. 1:4)

Obviously, the Christians in Laodicea had completely REVERSED things here, just like our church leaders have done today. There treasure is here on earth. The kingdom they serve is an earthly kingdom, and the king they serve (whether they are aware of it or not) is the "Prince of this World" (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11), not the Kingdom of Heaven.

How sad! - for there is nothing on earth worth even the smallest portion of the Kingdom of Heaven! Nothing. As it is written:

"... eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." (1 Cor. 2:9)

The great mistake of our church leaders today is that they think - like their Laodicean brethren before them - that because the church of today is such a wealthy church (at least in America), they have been blessed by God! They have mistaken worldly wealth as a token of God's affections, rather than the wealth of the Spirit that comes from following Christ: (1) love, (2) joy, (3) peace, (4) longsuffering, (5) gentleness, (6) goodness, (7) faith, (8) meekness, and (9) temperance (Galatians 5:22-23).

These are the riches that God values in His people - not whether they drive a Lexus, live in a big home, and have a large bank account. These things have NOTHING to do with God! Indeed, such things disgust God to such an extent that He says He will VOMIT those people who adhere to this kind of thinking out of His mouth. Now that's pretty heavy stuff!

How is it possible for our church leaders to preach such a phony doctrine - i.e., that if we are living a successful Christian life, God will bless us materially? How is it possible for Christian leaders like Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin Creflo Dollar, etc. to teach that we should be living like the CEOs of today's multinational corporations - people like Jack Welch (GE), Sumner Redstone (Viacom), Ted Turner (Time Warner), Brian Grazer (Imagine Entertainment), Terry Semel (Yahoo, Inc.), etc. The New Testament teaches no such thing; rather it says that -

"... having food and raiment let us be therewith content." (1 Tim. 6:8)

And that's exactly the way Christ lived His life while He SOJOURNED here on earth, despite the fact that,

"... all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made (in heaven or in earth)." (John 1:3)

The very real truth of the matter is, you would be far more likely to find Christ in the houses of the poor people of Cochabamba, Bolivia or the peasants of Chiapas than you would ever be likely to find Him in the mansions of the rich. Jesus said of Himself,

"... foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." (Matt. 8:20)

WHAT AN UTTER CONTRADICTION ALL THIS IS TO WHAT OUR CHURCH LEADERS TEACH TODAY FROM THEIR FLOWER-BEDECKED PULPITS - or can there be any real doubt as to the worldly and very materialistic nature of the Gospel according to Bennie Hinn, Charles Capps, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar; or the gospel according to Bob Mumford (who once advised his followers to go out and buy BMWs to advertise their worldly success), Ern Baxter, Juan Carlos Ortiz, Barbara Wentroble, Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Ted Haggard, C. Peter Wagner, etc.

The gospel they preach is an APOSTATE Gospel, and they that preach it are APOSTATES (i.e. people who have fallen away from the faith). Nonetheless, the list of our leaders that preach this spiritually bankrupt gospel is endless, and goes on and on and on and includes Tim LaHaye, Beverley LaHaye, Gary Bauer, James Dobson, Bob Dugan, Robert Grant, Rebecca Hagelin, D. James Kennedy, Peter Marshall, Pat Robertson, Rev. Duane Motley, Rev. Jim Woodall, John Ankerberg, Rev. E.V. Hill, James Robison, ad nauseum - ALL OF WHOM LOVE MONEY TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT THEY HAVE TAKEN IT FROM THE DEVIL - AS IT WERE - TO BUILD THE CHURCH; specifically, they have - everyone of these so-called leaders of ours - taken money from the Moonies or are connected to groups and organizations that have done so.

The Bible says that they are:

"... wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

"For when they speak great swelling words of vanity (emptiness), they allure through the lusts of the flesh (they allure people with the promise of the "good things of life") ...

"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption ...


My heavens! What's that say about someone like Jerry Falwell, a person who - as we just indicated, said, "... if the American Atheist Society or Saddam Hussein himself ever sent a ... gift to any of my ministries, be assured ... I will quickly cash the check"? It says that he is a FARCE and a FAKE. He is a JUDAS - a person who has sold himself out to the world for money. (Matt. 26:14)

And what's that say about all of Falwell's pals - people like Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Beverley LeHaye, James Dobson, etc.? It says that they too are "SERVANTS OF CORRUPTION" (2 Peter 2:19) who have sold the church out to the corporate THUGS of the Republican Party - for money. THUGS? Yes, I said THUGS! - "hoodlums in business suits" who command "street gangs" every bit as vicious and reprehensible as the "gangs" ruled over by the "bloods" and the "crips;" except (again, in the case of Bechtel) the "gang" that Schultz, Cheney, and Weinberger run is named Bechtel Corporation, and their "gangbangers" carry briefcases rather than pistols [but make no mistake about it, the material in those briefcases intimidate just as surely as the guns the "crips" and the "bloods" carry - just ask the citizens of Cochabamba who, as we just indicated, had their water system filched by Bechtel (or for that matter, ask Jim Shultz who saw 17-year-old Victor Hugo Daza shot down and killed in the streets of Cochabamba, and hundreds of others seriously wounded by Bechtel's paid goons, the Cochabamba police)].

There are, perhaps, a few other marked differences between the "bloods" and the "crips," on the one hand, and Bechtel on the other hand: the street ("turf") Bechtel is fighting over is Wall Street in Manhattan rather than 78th Street in south-central Los Angeles, and Bechtel plunders billions and billions of dollars rather than the few measly dollars (by comparison) that the "crips" and the "bloods" are involved with; and when Bechtel gets caught, the most it gets is a fine and a "corporate slap on the wrists," while the "gangbangers" in the "bloods" and the "crips" go to prison - often for life. But other than that, they are the same: the "gangbangers" in both gangs have no conscience, are brutal in the most depraved meaning of that word, and would just as soon "do you" as look at you.

There are, of course, some who will say that we are being "too general" in our condemnation of those who are involved in today's SAVAGE corporate culture? - for example, Republican icons like Dick Cheney and the "Bush gang." But to those who think so, I would simply say, I'll accede to your proposition when you tell me how it's possible for an angel of God to be found ruling in the precincts of hell? In the end, we all become like those with whom we associate. If we associate with demons, we will become like demons - AND THAT'S THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. The Bible says:

"For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes." (Luke 6:44)

HYPOCRITES! That's what the Bible calls people like D. James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, etc. - people who take money from the devil and claim they are doing so in order to build the church!

HYPOCRITES! - just like the people who run Bechtel; men and women who pretend to "... help local communities throughout the world improve their standard of living and their quality of life," while all the while being engaged in the exact opposite: robbing these communities blind of all they have.

HYPOCRITES! - people who can pretend to be engaged in "God's work" while all the time they are doing the devil's work by helping the elites create a "safe investment climate."

HYPOCRITES! - people who think that making the world "safe for capitalism" for companies like AOL / Time Warner, Microsoft,, General Electric, Ford, Archer Daniels Midland, Dole, Monsanto, etc. is tantamount to "Conquering the world for Christ."

HYPOCRITES! - people who, to paraphrase a slogan from another era, believe that "What's good for Big Business is good for Christ."

HYPOCRITES! - people who say one thing, and do another, just like the leaders of the "established religion" of Christ's day about whom Jesus said:

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin (in other words, they go about "establishing" their own righteousness"), and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith (but who think nothing of participating in the wicked activities of today's world) ...


"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of EXTORTION and EXCESS.

"Thou BLIND Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! for ye are like unto WHITED SEPULCHERS (graves), which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of DEAD MEN'S BONES, and of all UNCLEANNESS.

"Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of HYPOCRISY and INIQUITY.

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish (decorate) the sepulchers of the righteous,

"And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

"Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that YE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THEM WHICH KILLED THE PROPHETS.

"Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

"Ye SERPENTS, ye GENERATION OF VIPERS (i.e., poisonous snakes), how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

"Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your ... (religious meeting halls), and persecute them from city to city:

"That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar." (Matt. 23:23-35)

So what are we left with here? We are left with a leadership that has been so thoroughly and completely compromised that the Bible can say of it: "... IT HAD BEEN BETTER FOR THEM NOT TO HAVE KNOWN THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ..."(2 Pet. 2:21); a leadership that can take millions and millions and millions of dollars from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon (AGAIN, A MAN WHO CLAIMS JESUS FAILED IN HIS MISSION TO SAVE MANKIND, AND WHO BELIEVES (AND OPENLY PROCLAIMS) THAT JESUS HAD SEX WITH THE WOMEN WHO FOLLOWED HIM - kind of like a rock star who has sex with the "groupies" who surround him, and fawn over and dote upon him) - and not even give it a second thought; people who can say with Jerry Falwell: "... if the American Atheist Society or Saddam Hussein himself ever sent a ... gift to any of my ministries, be assured ... I will quickly cash the check" - AND NOT EVEN GRASP THE EVIL, AND THE UTTER DEPRAVITY THAT'S INVOLVED IN SUCH A STATEMENT. These all are people who -

"... have gone in the way of Cain, and ran GREEDILY after the error of Balaam FOR REWARD (i.e., for money) ..." (Jude 1:11)

The Bible says that these leaders are -

"... trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, TWICE DEAD, PLUCKED UP BY THE ROOTS;

"Raging waves of the sea, FOAMING OUT THEIR OWN SHAME; wandering stars, to whom is RESERVED THE BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS FOR EVER." (Jude 1:11-13)

WOW! - and, again, it is this EXACT leadership that is so openly and shamelessly promoting the current alliance that exists between the church and the business elites of the Republican Party - the same people responsible for the misery of the people of Cochabamba, and millions and millions of other people just like them all over the world.

Of course, this isn't just a one-way street. The Business elites need the church almost as much as the church needs them. WHAT THE BUSINESS ELITES WANT IS FOR THE CHURCH TO "PARTNER WITH THEM" IN THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER SYSTEM - A SYSTEM THAT IS SO HATED AND SO UNPOPULAR THAT THE ONLY WAY IT CAN STAY IN POWER (at least outside the borders of the United States) IS THROUGH THE USE OF EXTREMELY ANTI-DEMOCRATIC METHODS - methods that can't possibly be justified by the Scriptures.

NOTHING! I repeat NOTHING in the Scriptures can possibly justify these things. But if that's the case - and it very plainly is - then the Scriptures MUST be circumvented, and in their place the so-called ex-cathedra authority of the church substituted. FAILURE TO CIRCUMVENT THE SCRIPTURES IN THIS FASHION WILL EXPOSE THE LEADERS OF THE CHURCH FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE: HYPOCRITES WHO -

"... have gone in the way of Cain, and ran GREEDILY after the error of Balaam FOR REWARD (i.e., for money) ..." (Jude 1:11)

THIS IS WHAT THE "APOSTLES and PROPHETS" MOVEMENT IN TODAY'S CHURCH IS REALLY ALL ABOUT: it is a method of circumventing the authority of the Scriptures in order to justify a plainly CORRUPT church leadership and the abhorrent alliance it has made with America's New World Order System. And not only that, it is a way to convince American Christians that in submitting themselves to the ex-cathedra authority of the church, and prostituting themselves to America's New World Order system, they are in fact serving God; that this is altogether the RIGHT and even HOLY thing to do.

In order to accomplish this, ordinary Christians must be made to doubt the dictates of their own individual consciences, and they must concomitantly be convinced THAT WHAT THEY MIGHT PLAINLY SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES, AND HEAR WITH THEIR OWN EARS; AND WHAT "COMMON SENSE" MIGHT TELL THEM IS FACT IS NOT FACT; AND WHAT THE BIBLE SEEMS TO SO PLAINLY TEACH AS TRUTH IS NOT TRUTH, BUT A LIE - AND THAT THE ONLY TRUTH IS WHAT THEIR PRIESTS AND THEIR PASTORS (AND THEIR APOSTLES AND PROPHETS) SAY IS TRUTH. To this end, Christians must be brought to the place where they can say with Bill McCartney, the founder of the Promise Keepers,

"We the laity (i.e., the 'empty-headed bumpkins') cannot rightly divide the word of truth (i.e., the Bible). We need you (i.e., the 'enlightened leaders') to teach us."

In reality, the Apostles and Prophets Movement is nothing more than a part of a much larger effort in the world today that encompasses all of society, and which aims at reducing ordinary men and women to the status of "cogs in a machine" - a machine, the direction of which average people have little or no control, but one on whose smooth and efficient functioning they have come UTTERLY to depend upon, both physically and psychologically.

The effort here is aimed at denying average people the possibility of meaningful CHOICE, both insofar as the operation of the church is concerned, and insofar as it affects the functioning of the state - or, as Isaiah Berlin puts it, the "getting them (i.e., ordinary people) into one's power," the "twisting them this way and that" in accordance to what some supposedly more "enlightened" person or group of persons think are in their best interests. In this effort, it is the "doctoring" (Berlin's word) of ordinary people that is so troubling - until they are:

"... made to do what they do; it is the manipulating of people not for the sake of the purposes which are their purposes (i.e., the purposes of ordinary people), or the fulfillment of their hopes, which - however foolish or desperate - ARE AT LEAST THEIR OWN, but for reasons which only the MANIPULATORS (i.e., the so-called 'enlightened leadership') - who freely twist them for their own supposedly 'greater purposes' - can understand."

Although those who are doing the manipulating would never admit it, ultimately what the so-called "enlightened classes" (again, both in the church and in the state) are aiming at is the destruction of their followers' individual personalities by creating unequal MORAL terms (again, Berlin's words) between themselves (i.e., the "enlightened" leaders) and the much larger class of supposedly empty-headed bumpkins and yokels whereby the leaders know what they are doing (and why), but the followers (i.e., the supposed yokels and the bumpkins) do not. In this "game," the leaders "play" upon the followers and treat them as mere objects and not as actual people whose motives, views, and intentions have any intrinsic weight whatsoever.

What these so-called "enlightened leaders" promise as a result of all their manipulation is a "New Order" (C. Peter Wagner's words in his book, Apostles and Prophets) that will bring peace and happiness to the world, both spiritually and economically.

But Berlin retorts that -

"NO supposed paradise is worth the destruction of our individual personalities in this way; or our blind submission to others who are supposedly more enlightened. NO 'unity' or 'harmony' in some ethereal 'WHOLE' is worth such a price."

And that is true whether that "whole" is called the "CHURCH" or the "STATE," or, perhaps, more to the point, "CHRISTIAN AMERICA." NOTHING is worth becoming someone else's automaton or robot!

The reduction of an individual to android status, the making of people into zombies who possess no will of their own - whether it is practiced by the so-called "APOSTLES and PROPHETS," or by America as the NEW ISRAEL OF GOD - should horrify any right-thinking person. Regarding all this, Berlin writes that what is truly TERRIFYING is,

"... the spectacle of one set of persons who so tamper and get at others that the others do their will without knowing what they are doing; and in this lose their status as free human beings, indeed, as human beings at all. It is this deliberate act of tampering with human beings so as to make them behave in a way which, if they knew what they were doing, or what its consequences were likely to be, would make them recoil with horror and disgust."

Berlin continues by saying that we -

"... SHOULD RATHER THAT THEY CHOOSE BADLY THAN NOT AT ALL; because we believe that unless they choose they cannot be either happy or unhappy in any sense in which these conditions are worth having; the very notion of 'worth having' presupposes the choice of ends, a system of free preferences; and an undermining of them is what strikes us with such cold terror, worse than the most unjust sufferings, which nevertheless leave the possibility of knowing them for what they are - of free judgment, which makes it possible to condemn them (and turn away from them) - still open."

But it is these precise methodologies - the kind that Berlin says should "strike us with such cold terror" - that the elites together with our own pastors and priests (and our Apostles and Prophets) are attempting to press on us today - largely to influence the way we think about the nature of our own country, and to blind us as to the kind of MONSTERS our church leaders have become.

Up is down; black is white; right is left! The truth is whatever the elites and the "Apostles and Prophets" say it is. Such a system allows the elites of the world and their lackeys in the leadership of the church to hide what America is really up to in the world at large; it allows them to portray the presence of America's multinational corporations throughout the world as "little angels" in the service of humanity rather than what they really are - ravenous wolves; and it allows them to picture America as a benevolent giant rather than what it really is - a beast which is "... exceeding dreadful ... (and) which devours (and) brakes in pieces ..." (Daniel 7:19)

What does that make those who submit themselves to the leadership of today's church? - IT MAKES THEM SPIRITUAL ZOMBIES! - PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO WILL OF THEIR OWN! This is what Hitler wanted in his followers; this is what Stalin wanted! - AND THIS IS WHAT TODAY'S "APOSTLES AND PROPHETS" WANT TOO! And they've got to get it! - there is no other way the leaders of today's church can defend the alliance they have made with the corporate THUGS of today's elite business establishment.

AND THEY ARE WILLING TO SUBJECT YOU TO THE SAME KIND OF THUGGERY (IN A SPIRITUAL SENSE) THAT THEY SUBJECTED THE PEOPLE OF COCHABAMBA TO (IN A PHYSICAL SENSE) IN ORDER TO GET WHAT THEY WANT! THAT'S WHAT THE "APOSTLES AND PROPHETS" MOVEMENT IS ALL ABOUT! THAT'S WHAT "ACCOUNTABILITY" IS ALL ABOUT! THAT'S WHAT THE NEW CONCEPT OF "COVERING" IS ALL ABOUT! And there can be no doubt that these concepts have by now insinuated themselves so deeply into the mindset of most evangelicals that they have come actually to believe that this kind of thinking is supported by the Scriptures.

Indeed,the question, "Who is your covering?" has become a veritable litmus test to measure the authenticity of a church or ministry as well as the "spiritual maturity" of a brother or sister in Christ - and so much so that in today's church, relationship after relationship is made or broken on precisely how one answers this question.

Frank A. Viola, in his excellent book, Who Is Your Covering, writes:

"So who is your covering?" This is the terse query raised by many modern Christians whenever they encounter those who assemble outside organized, institutional lines."

Viola continues:

"What do people really mean when they push the "covering" question? I submit that what they are actually asking is, "WHO CONTROLS YOU?" The common (mis)teaching about "covering" really boils down to questions about who controls whom. In fact, the modern institutional church is built upon this idea of control.

"Of course, people rarely recognize that this is at the bottom of the issue, for it is typically well clothed with Biblical garments. In the minds of many Christians, "covering" is merely a protective mechanism. Yet if we critically examine the "covering" doctrine, we will discover that it is rooted in a one-up/one-down, chain-of-command style of leadership where those in higher ... positions have a ... hold on those under them. And it is through such top-down control that believers are said to be protected from error (a la "covered"). [Please see our article on this subject, "The Jesus Revolution and the Search for Community.".]

"... If we strip it down to its bare roots, the modern doctrine of "covering" rests upon a top-heavy, HIERARCHICAL understanding of leadership and authority. This understanding is borrowed from the structures that belong to this world system rather than the kingdom of God. As such, it is both unbiblical and invalid."


But this is utter nonsense; the fact is, the Old Testament is full of examples where whole nations and whole peoples were judged because of the sins of their leadership. The truth is, no matter what kind of tyranny a person may find himself under, and no matter how much he might complain that he never had a choice in what he was ordered to do, or not do, God will hold that person responsible! There is no escape from responsibility before God. We have free wills, even if that might mean the forfeiture of our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

God NEVER relieves a person of that responsibility; and contrawise, he never consigns accountability to human beings. Christians are accountable EXCLUSIVELY to God. That's what Paul meant when he said,

"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (Rom. 14:12)

Now, it is true that the Bible says that we are to -

"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." (Heb. 13:17)

And this verse has been used over and over again by Christian "CONTROL FREAKS" to impose hierarchical schemes of control over the church. But the Bible clearly defines what it means by such admonishments. Indeed, Jesus Himself explains:

"... Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.

"BUT IT SHALL NOT BE SO AMONG YOU: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:

"And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

"For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:42-45)

And be clear here - despite their occasional protestations to the contrary - this is not what CONTROL FREAKS like C. Peter Wagner, or Bob Mumford, or Rick Joyner, or Chuck Pierce, or Cindy Jacobs mean when they talk about "covering." They mean CONTROL - and by control, they mean precisely what the gentiles mean by control. (Mark 10:42)

And just how far this concept of CONTROL extends in today's church, and how UTTERLY worldly this concept is, is revealed by C. Peter Wagner in his book, Apostles and Prophets, the Foundation of the Church. Wagner begins by describing the New Apostolic Reformation - a movement which he sees as a vehicle to unite evangelical Christianity into a coherent and powerful "whole" (presumably, the better to use it in a political sense). But note carefully the kind of "whole" he is aiming at: the kind of "whole" that - despite it's spiritual-sounding phraseology - mimics the kind of bureaucratic control that characterizes General Electric, or Ford, or Bank of America. [And why not? Birds of a feather fly together.] Wagner writes:

"Back in 1996, just as I was in the process of trying to understand the New Apostolic Reformation, I called together the National Symposium on the Post-Denominational Church, which took place at Fuller Seminary [which is a hotbed of dominionism; no doubt, a subtle variety, but dominionism, nonetheless - editor]. Around 500 leaders attended, and I was able to get almost 50 of them onto the platform to address the gathering. Bill Hamon [one of the "founding fathers" of the "Apostles and Prophets" Movement" - editor] says the meeting 'was a historical occasion in God's annals of Church history. It was prophetically orchestrated by the Holy Spirit to fulfill God's progressive purpose of bringing His Church to its ultimate destiny' [by which Hamon explains in his book, Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God, taking control of the world for "Christ and the church" - editor]. At the time I did not even know the terms 'New Apostolic Reformation' or 'horizontal apostle', but I now realize it was only the anointing of God on me ... that enabled me to call such a meeting."

Now we need to understand what the "New Apostolic Reformation" that Wagner is talking about here is all about. It's about dominionism, plain and simple. Al Dager, an implacable foe of dominionism, explains:

"Some two decades before Pentecostalism found its way into the (mainstream) denominations (i.e., the Episcopalians, the Catholic Church, etc.) as the 'Charismatic Renewal', it experienced a new surge of experience-oriented theology within its own ranks. It was from this neo-Pentecostal experience - what came to be called the 'Latter Rain Movement' - that Charismatic Dominionism sprang. The more prominent leaders of that movement blended Pentecostal fervor with teachings that the church was on the brink of a worldwide revival. That revival would result in a victorious church without spot or wrinkle ... (which) would inherit the earth and rule over the nations with a rod of iron."

Essentially, then, dominionists believe:

The world will be plunged into a time of political and spiritual crisis, one which threatens the world with chaos and the church with destruction. [Dominionists believe that the church has already entered into this era, and that's precisely what "secular-humanism," the abortion crisis, liberalism, the controversy over prayer in the schools, etc. is all about.]
The Lord will bring revival to the church. [Dominionists believe that this is what the New Charismatic Revival is all about, and what the Toronto and Brownsville Blessings are supposedly accomplishing.]
This revival will result in the end of the church's divisions. [Dominionists believe that this is what the Apostles and Prophets Movement is all about.]
The "Gospel of the Kingdom" (which is essentially the spread of Christianity throughout the world under the rule of the Apostles and Prophets) is preached to the whole earth which leads to the conversion of Israel, the conquest of the world, and the judgment of those who refuse to convert.
The belief, however, of dominionists that the return of the Lord will be preceded by a "Golden Age of Global Revival" (and, concomitantly, that Christ will return to a largely "Christianized" world), however, is PURE FANTASY. It simply has NO BASIS IN SCRIPTURE.

The fact is, the Word of God tells a very different story. The prophet Daniel tells us that the "time of the end" will correspond to Satan's "little season" (Rev. 20:3), a period in which a God-hating tyrant (surely the Antichrist) will make –

"... war with the saints, and PREVAIL AGAINST THEM ...

"Until the Ancient of days came ..." (Dan. 7:21-22)

In other words, the Lord's return will not be preceded by revival because the Scriptures plainly teach that the Antichrist will prevail UNTIL the "Ancient of Days comes," which is to say, UNTIL Christ PHYSICALLY comes again! Obviously, then, the Bible does not present a picture of a Christianized world prior to Jesus' Second Coming; nor does it speak of a "Golden Age of Global Revival." On the contrary, the Bible says -

"... evil men and seducers shall wax WORSE AND WORSE, DECEIVING, and being DECEIVED." (2 Tim. 3:13)

And so much so that at the "time of the end" -

"... ALL that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12)

These two verses - "... all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" and "... evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" are linked together and have special reference to the "end of the age." This is substantiated by Matt. 24:24, which like 2 Tim. 3:13, speaks of a time when the elect shall be deceived, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall DECEIVE the very elect" (Matt. 24:24) which the Bible clearly links to the "end of the age:"

"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall DECEIVE the very elect." (Matt. 24:21-24)

[And in connection with this, it might be appropriate for you to ask yourself, IF the character of the leaders of today's church is as we have described it to be in part II of this article, and IF these are the same people who are presenting themselves to us as "Apostles and Prophets," and IF one of the hallmarks of these new "Apostles and Prophets" is the "great signs" and "wonders" that they supposedly do, then what does that make them according Matthew 24:21-24? Does it not make them the "false Christs" and the "false prophets" of this passage of Scripture? - or does one really believe that men of such evil and wicked character could possibly be "Apostles and Prophets" of God? - maybe of the devil, but certainly not God. After all, the Bible says, "Beware of false prophets (and apostles), which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." (Matt. 7:15-17)]

So, clearly, the "end of the age" is NOT a time when a "Golden Age of Global Revival" will occur, but a time when most Christians will be DECEIVED, and when the few who are not deceived shall SUFFER PERSECUTION. Isn't that clearly what the Bible says? Isn't that what 2 Tim. 3:12 says? Of course it is! Indeed, according to the Lord Jesus Himself, when He returns to wind up this present evil age, the overall state of the planet will be very similar to the time of Noah just prior to the Flood:

"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." (Luke 17:26)

And exactly what was that condition? Again, the Bible is very clear on that matter:

"And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was CORRUPT; for all flesh had CORRUPTED his way upon the earth.

"And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is FILLED WITH VIOLENCE through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth." (Gen. 6:12-13)

And still again, the Bible says that just prior to the Lord's return, the earth will be like Sodom, which the Lord destroyed in a great cataclysm -

"... because their SIN ... (WAS) VERY GRIEVOUS ... " (Gen. 18:20)

This is surely not the picture that Christian dominionists portray: an earth that has - as J. Preston Eby, an early dominionist teacher, says - been "Christianized;" a place where the people of God have -

"... full redemption free from the curse, sin, sickness, death, and carnality." [And all BEFORE Christ's return - indeed, this state of "perfection," according to Eby, PRECIPITATES Christ's return.]

What's all this say, then, about the so-called "New Apostolic Reformation" that Wagner is promoting. Very plainly, it says that it's a HOAX. There is NOTHING Biblical about it. NOTHING!

Nonetheless, Wagner persists in his delusion, and in doing so, he exposes himself for the APOSTATE he really is. He writes:

"Why did Bill Hamon consider this meeting historic [i.e., the National Symposium on the Post-Denominational Church]? He says it was one of the first major opportunities that apostles had to build meaningful personal relationships with peer-level apostles from networks with which they previously had had little contact.

"A follow-up to that meeting was the International Apostolic Team Summit in Colorado Springs in 1999, which we convened. Almost 3,000 people (mostly leaders) showed up for the event, which was another tangible expression of the desire of apostolic leaders to be exposed to the wider circle of the New Apostolic Reformation and to free-flowing communication channels.

"As I am writing this, a new organization is springing up, designed to help meet the needs of apostles for ongoing peer-level communication with one another. It is called the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) ... After serving for many years as a vertical apostle (by which Wagner means, a "top dog" in an already existing alliance of churches or a denomination) over Antioch Churches and Ministries (ACM), John Kelly ... began to sense that the Lord was moving him from being a vertical apostle to a horizontal apostle [by which Wagner means an APOSTLE OVER OTHER APOSTLES in different vertical (or denominational) relationships]. In 1999 he turned the reins of ACM over to his disciple, Apostle Gary Kivelowitz (a vertical apostle, i.e., an apostle whose authority extends only within the confines of a particular denomination), in order to free himself to give leadership to ICA. In his travels to many parts of the world, Kelly learned that apostles were wanting to be a part of some kind of structure that would facilitate peer-level apostolic communication. As he prayed about this, Kelly felt that God wanted him to initiate a career change and help give birth to the International Coalition of Apostles."

What is Wagner talking about here? Is this just gibberish or is it really Biblical? His talk about such WEIRD and BIZARRE concepts as "horizontal" and "vertical" apostles gives the game away: Take away all the nonsensical blather about "the moving of the Lord," "apostolic councils," "covenants," and so forth ("blather" at least insofar as the way Wagner is using these terms), and what you are left with are some very business-like concepts: "business amalgamations" and "corporate takeovers," and the development of vertically and horizontally integrated business monopolies. In this "game," Wagner is playing the part of a John D. Rockefeller (oil) or an Andrew Carnegie (steel). Both men had little or nothing to do with the modern-day origins of their respective industries as such. Each entered his industry long after both industries had gotten started.

Their genius lay in organizing their respective industries; in taking already established small factories and firms engaged in a ruthless, no-holds-barred competition with each other, and uniting them into a coherent, all-encompassing "whole" (trust, monopoly) which could dominate the industry TOTALLY. The ultimate purpose of such monopolies was to maximize profits and set the conditions at which the commodity (or products) they controlled could be sold to the public. This is called "HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION" - i.e., the integration of all the various businesses in a particular industry (for instance, oil, sugar, cars, chemicals, etc.) into one all-encompassing business. [Note: Wagner mixes up the terms used by business leaders insofar as "vertical integration" and "horizontal integration" is concerned. When Wagner uses the term "horizontal integration," he is talking about the same thing business leaders mean when they talk about "vertical integration;" and the exact opposite is also true. Given that small mix-up, however, Wagner means EXACTLY the same thing a business leader means when he is talking about an amalgamation, or the establishment of a monopoly.]

But neither Rockefeller nor Carnegie wanted to stop there. They wanted to press the matter even farther. They wanted to expand their control beyond the oil and steel industries. For instance, Rockefeller wanted to control the pipelines his oil was shipped in, the railroads his oil was carried on, the retail outlets his oil was sold at; and the same was true for Carnegie: it wasn't enough that he controlled all the factories where steel was produced in the United States (or, at least, most of them), he wanted to control the mines where the coal was dug that fed the furnaces where his steel was produced, the railroads that carried his steel (or iron ore) and so forth. This is called "VERTICAL INTEGRATION." Of course, it is at this point where the process can REALLY become dangerous. Why? Because in their efforts to vertically integrate their respective industries by acquiring subsidiary industries like, for example, railroads - monopolists will eventually clash with one another. That's when the fight really gets dirty.

Finally, one last point regarding the creation of monopolies. Contrary to what most people think, monopolists like Rockefeller and Carnegie are not necessarily known for being PERSONALLY ruthless. Both men were very, very gracious persons - even to the point of appearing kindly and benevolent, at least on a personal level; indeed, when one first met either man, he was bound to come away from the meeting thinking that he had been in the company of a saint.

Only as a last resort did either man ever resort to brutality in order to get his way - though clearly each man was capable of great cruelty. But what most often won the day for both men as they moved to monopolize their respective industries was their ability to CHARM. Again and again, this was how both men won their opposition over; only those people who resisted - or most especially, who tried to organize against them - ever felt the full fury of their malice and spite.

C. Peter Wagner - like Rockefeller with oil and Carnegie with steel - entered the game late insofar as the "RELIGIOUS INDUSTRY" was concerned - especially as that "industry" related to the "Apostles and Prophets" Movement. Wagner had never involved himself in the often disordered business of beginning a new church or an association of churches. Indeed, the closest he ever came to getting involved in that kind of untidy business was with John Wimber's Vineyard Fellowships, which wasn't really close at all. But for those who want to "rationalize" or amalgamate a new industry (in this case, the evangelical churches), and who want to bring "order" and "efficiency" to it - that's often a plus. And the reason is simple enough: in any industry, the "rough and tumble" of starting a business can be a brusque, unkind, and very cold-blooded affair. It's not the kind of activity where friends are made, but the kind where friends are lost - sometimes forever.

In this world, you can have power OR you can have friends, but you can't have both power AND friends. The vicious and often spiteful corporate methodologies that one must employ in building a business or one of today's mega-churches simply won't permit it. And exactly what do we mean by that? Professor. C. Wright Mills' in his excellent book, ThePower Elite, describes the kind of mindset that's necessary to get anywhere in today's corporate culture - THE EXACT KIND OF MINDSET THAT PERMEATES THE MEGACHURCHES THAT SO COMPLETELY DOMINATE THE "RELIGIOUS INDUSTRY" OF TODAY,the kind that C. Peter Wagner and his cohorts in the so-called "New Apostolic Reformation" are involved in. Mills writes:

"The greater the scale of these ... (business) domains, the greater the BRUTALITY that's needed to build them."

Wow! - what's that say about today's super-churches?

Mills explains that in the large business structures of today there is nothing particularly "friendly" or "informal" or "family-like" about them. Because power and prestige are measured by how high up one has managed to scramble in these businesses, there is a kind of never ending, "Hobbesian," "King of the Hill" struggle "by all against all" to get to the top, and the road up is littered with broken friendships, heartache, and the bodies of those who have fallen by the wayside or who have been "stabbed in the back" by erstwhile "friends."

Needless to say, it's a world filled with intrigue, back-biting, jealousy, and envy - staffed by people who, by training and position, slavishly and fawningly defer to those above them, and who in turn rule over those below them with a ruthlessness that is oftentimes hard to imagine. The fact is, the very nature of these institutions (whether religious or secular) has been so structured as to practically guarantee that the very worst in people will eventually manifest itself. A shark-like atmosphere has been created in which only the treacherous and vicious can survive and prosper; an atmosphere where, Mills says,

"... men easily become MORALLY RUTHLESS in the pursuit of ... power ..."

And again, all this is true whether one is speaking about a business institution or one of today's mega-churches. The same principles apply - or does one really think that one can employ the devil's methodologies in the building of the church without at the same time imparting into the church's character the devil's temperament. THE PIPER WILL BE PAID - ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!

Some people might object, saying that's not what Christianity is all about. And that's true. But the very real fact of the matter is, there's not much REAL Christianity involved in the building of most of today's super or mega-churches. [Again, please also see our article on the church-life, "The Jesus Revolution and the Search for Community."] There's a lot of business acumen involved in building today's super-churches, but not a lot of Christianity - and if that's true, then the same kind of heartless cruelty that's needed to build a business organization is needed to build one of these mega-churches - BE SURE OF THAT! And if that's the case, at the end of the process, one will not be left with a lot of friends; he might have a lot of "toadies" and "flunkies" around him; a lot of stooges and "yes-men" - but not a lot of friends, at least not real friends.

And, again, what's true for those in today's corporate culture (i.e., in General Electric, Ford, General Motors, etc.), is also true for those involved in the corporate culture of today's RELIGIOUS INDUSTRY - as the "Apostle" John Kelly of Antioch Churches and Ministries was soon to find out. When Kelly met Wagner it was kind of like when the cat met the mouse. Kelly didn't even know what hit him. The game was over for him almost before it started. As Wagner - using all the charm he can muster - explains,

"... After serving for many years as a vertical apostle [building up his own little "religious business" - the "Antioch Churches and Ministries" (ACM) - editor], John Kelly ... began to sense that the Lord was moving him from being a vertical apostle [i.e., the president and CEO of his own little business with a few branch offices scattered around in the neighboring towns and cities - editor] to a horizontal apostle [i.e., he was ready for some corporate "takeovers"]. In 1999 he turned the reins of ACM [his local business - editor] over to his disciple, Apostle Gary Kivelowitz (his former second in command at ACM, Inc.] in order to free himself to give leadership to the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) [i.e., the conglomerate he was planning to takeover]"

Obviously, Kelly thought he could trust Kivelowitz - after all, they had been evidently working together for years. But Kivelowitz had other plans, and soon Kelly found his career hanging by a thread the way David Copperfield was left hanging by Uriah Heep in Dickens' book, David Copperfield. Wagner explains:

"John Kelly then set up an apostolic council to which he would be accountable throughout the formation and execution of ICA. I was invited to be a member of the council, and I have now agreed to serve as presiding apostle. I am very excited about my role of leading ICA and about the organization's tremendous potential to raise communication among apostles to a new level worldwide. It will help a great deal in meeting the need for viable communication channels in the New Apostolic Reformation.

"... unexpectedly, when Gary Kivelowitz took over the leadership of ACM and when all information was made available, he found in them some things he felt were out of order. They did not involve anything like immorality or criminal action, but there were some decisions made in the context of Kelly's management style that Gary and the apostolic council felt were unwise and hurtful to ACM. The apostolic council felt that these irregularities were serious enough to warrant putting Apostle Kelly under reprimand and discipline. That is why I said that the ACM situation was a test case. Would accountability really work?

"Happily, it did. Covenant relationships ultimately transcended disciplinary legalism, just as they should have. Apostle Kelly responded admirably to the reprimand and discipline with humility, contrition and heartfelt repentance ... and the discipline was lifted."

Now, what exactly happened here? We'll never know all the details, but it's not that difficult to read between the lines of most of what Wagner is saying. AND WHAT ONE FINDS - ONCE ONE GETS BEYOND ALL THE "CHRISTIAN BABBLE" WAGNER IS USING TO HIDE WHAT REALLY OCCURRED - IS ONE OF THE "SLICKEST" CORPORATE TAKEOVERS OR "POWER-GRABS" ANYONE ANYWHERE HAS EVER PULLED OFF.

Evidently, Kelly had been planning his move from being a "horizontal apostle" to a "vertical apostle" (or an apostle over other apostles) for some time. His interest in this endeavor was peaked when he attended Wagner's National Symposium on the Post-Denominational Church back in 1996 at Fuller Theological Seminary and a follow-up to that meeting, the International Apostolic Team Summit in Colorado Springs in 1999. Shortly thereafter, he formed the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA). Of course, he needed a "Board of Directors" for this endeavor (what he called an "Apostolic Council"), and somehow or other, Wagner - using his position as a "professor" at Fuller, and his leading role in the National Symposium on the Post-Denominational Church and the International Apostolic Team Summit - "wormed" his way into the position of "Presiding Apostle" over the board - kind of like being president of the "Board of Deacons" in one of today's mega-churches.

Now, anyone who has ever served on one of these boards knows that for the most part, these boards - like the Board of Directors of most business corporations - are nothing more than "rubber stamps" for the pastor, or - in this case - for the International Coalition of Apostles, of which he (i.e., Kelly) was "Executive Director" - analogous to the pastor's position in any normal mega-church. But somehow or other, things got turned around at the ICA, and by the time they got "straightened out," the "power position" of the new group no longer resided in the office of "Executive Director," but in the office of the so-called "Presiding Apostle" of the "Apostolic Council" - kind of like the president of the "Board of Deacons" taking over the leadership of the church and reducing the position of pastor to his flunky.

And it occurred in this way: Wagner - using as an excuse the "discrepancies" that Kivelowitz had found in the way Kelly had been running the ACM - used his position as president of the ICA's "Apostolic Council" to place Kelly under REPRIMAND and DISCIPLINE. Wagner never says exactly what the exact nature of the charges were, only that it had something to do with Kelly's "management style" - evidently "ways of doing things" that Kivelowitz and the Apostolic Council felt were "unwise and hurtful" to ACM.

Now, it all seems so reasonable - until, that is, one begins to look at what happened a little more closely. And when one does, the whole thing comes to resemble more a naked "power grab" than anything else. First of all, for Kivelowitz to claim that there was something in Kelly's "management style" at ACM to warrant disciplinary action has got to be pure nonsense. A "management style" is not something one can hide. Certainly Kivelowitz must have known about it for some time. But he evidently had never said anything about it before - all those years together, and not a word. What was Kivelowitz doing? - biding his time to strike out at Kelly when it was safe to do so. That's not a very Christian thing to do, is it? It certainly is not an honorable thing to do - waiting until it was "safe" to speak out as a Christian against "discrepancies" in the church.

But it's not just that that's so troubling! What was Kivelowitz doing - playing a "double game" here between Kelly and Wagner in their "showdown?" It certainly looks like that was what Kivelowitz was doing - and it seems that Kivelowitz was pretty good at it, after all, Kelly had felt confident enough in his relationship with Kivelowitz to leave him in charge after he moved on to takeover the ICA. Remember, the discrepancies that Kivelowitz came up with against Kelly were not things that had just taken place; things Kivelowitz had just discovered. Of course, he claims that that was the case; that in "examining" things after Kelly's departure from ACM (i.e., "when all information was made available") he (Kivelowitz) had found some "things he felt were out of order."

But, come on now. This is exactly what Kenneth Lay, the CEO of Enron, was saying about Fastow, the company's chief financial officer - and nobody believes Lay. To believe that Kivelowitz didn't know about these "discrepancies" prior to Kelly's departure is farcical. As Christians, it's not necessary for us to take leave of "common sense" - especially when these "discrepancies" relate to "management styles." Both leaders had worked intimately with each other for years and years! Come on! Be reasonable! It was a "set up." Kelly was "set up." And who benefited from the "set up?" C. Peter Wagner benefited!

And more than just that! - very obviously, Kivelowitz had been hiding some kind of grudge insofar as Kelly was concerned; and he had hidden his grudge for years and years - and it was "payback time" insofar as Kivelowitz was concerned. It is precisely this kind of thing that Mills says is endemic in today's corporate world - a place where there is a never-ending Hobbesian-like war "by all against all" to get to the top.

Kivelowitz was either being "morally ruthless" in his pursuit of power at the ACM, or he was getting back for an offense that he had been nursing against Kelly. Probably a little of both - unless, of course, one is prepared to believe that Kivelowitz somehow or other "discovered" something that had been in plain sight for years and years. Whatever happened, Kelly found out that the people whom he thought were his friends were not really his friends at all. Like all sycophants, when his "master" was weakened, Kivelowitz apparently turned on Kelly to destroy him without even a moment's reflection.

And what about Wagner in all this? - his fingerprints are all over the "crime scene." And they are there for anyone to see if they want to see. After all, it seems that Kivelowitz and Wagner "discovered" these "discrepancies" together. And it's Wagner that convinced the "Apostolic Council" to go along with Kivelowitz.

Wagner says that "ultimately" (What's that mean? - after torture? - editor) Apostle Kelly -

"... responded admirably to the reprimand and discipline with humility, contrition and heartfelt repentance ... and the discipline was lifted."

But you can be sure that when the "discipline was lifted" there was a new "boss-man" in charge. Kelly had been displaced. Wagner was now in charge. Kelly was now nothing more than Wagner's toady, just as Kivelowitz had been Kelly's toady before. Now Wagner was "king of the hill" - and from now on, HE WOULD HAVE TO LIVE IN A STATE OF NEAR PANIC, forever wondering who were his friends, and who were merely his sycophants. Just as Lord and Lady Macbeth discovered, Wagner too may come to find out that in this world, the crown is a dangerous thing to wear.


Yes, insofar as "putting on a good show" - they're really good at that! They can dazzle their followers with "sacred music;" long, beautiful prayers, never-ending displays of miracles and "wonder-working" - but in the end, it's all quackery.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes and "off-camera," the scheming goes on, the conniving continues, the money-grubbing proceeds without a halt. Again, very, very obviously, these are the people about whom Christ warned:

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

"Behold, I have told you before." (Matt. 24:24-25)

All of this great evil and apostasy plays into what must inevitably be the next phase of Christianity's descent into madness - which is the transformation of the church into a "crusading army" in the elite's struggle to re-enforce their American New World Order System and complete its globalization by "Islamizing" the "War on Terrorism."

The very real fact of the matter is, the American New World Order System is under attack everywhere. And what's happening in Afghanistan, Central Asia, and the Middle East is only the tip of the iceberg. It's happening all over the world: in Indonesia, in Malaysia, in the Philippines, in Africa, in Central and South America - EVERYWHERE. As a result, the methodologies that the elites will have to employ in defending and strengthening themselves against the wrath of the mobs will have to be severe. Now make no mistake about it, the elites have the power to do so at their disposal, but to employ that power demands a kind of RUTHLESSNESS that usually only an Attila the Hun possess.

Some will, no doubt, object, believing that Antichrist is supposed to be a popular figure. But where does the Bible say that? The system that Antichrist rules over will be a "Big Brother" system in the worst sense of that phrase, and it will be maintained only through the use of BRUTE power. Revelation chapter 13 makes that perfectly plain:

"And he (i.e., the false prophet) exerciseth all the power of the first beast (the Antichrist) before him, and causeth (i.e., he COMPELS) the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

"And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should (i.e., they MUST) make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause (i.e., he COMPELS) that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

"And he causeth (i.e., he COMPELS) all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Rev. 13:12, 14-17)

The Bible says that the earth and the people in it are COMPELLED to worship the Beast; they are COMPELLED to make an image; they are COMPELLED to worship that image under PENALTY of DEATH; and they are COMPELLED to receive a mark, which - if they reject - will render them unable to "buy and sell." Obviously, this system is not a popularly-based system, but one that is based on compulsion under the twin threats of exclusion from the system's economic and commercial activities, and ultimately even death.

In this sense, the description given by the Prophetic Scriptures leads one to believe the that New World Order system of the "end of days" will resemble the political and economic system created by the Nazis in Europe between 1939 and 1945, where in Germany and among the German people, the Nazi regime enjoyed great popularity, but very little public acceptance outside the Reich - except, of course, among the lackey-elites the Nazis installed in their client-states - where they ruled by resort to the use of German SS troops, and the indiscriminate application of TERROR.

The question here is, Where do the MONSTERS come from that are capable of staffing these institution of TERROR? How does one create an army of MONSTERS that can garrison such an empire? You do it through an ideology that has the capacity to make people think that they are doing "God's work," while all along they are doing the "devil's work." Then you create an "US vs. THEM" dynamic which makes people believe that if they don't "DO IT" to their enemies first, their enemies will "DO IT" to them. This kind of dynamic is best "set up" either on the basis of RACE, or the basis of RELIGION. It's called "ethnic conflict," or "civilization war." Dr. Chaim Kaufmann, a Professor of International Relations at Lehigh University, described the process in an article he prepared for the Journal of International Security in 1993.

For the most part, race is pretty much precluded as a catalyst in beginning this process insofar as the United States is concerned. While there are, indeed, very divisive racial undercurrents left in the United States, most minority communities (especially the black and Asian communities; the Hispanics are a little more "iffy") have by now insinuated themselves much too far into the culture to be easily dislodged. This is especially true insofar as the black community is concerned, and most especially as that community relates to this country's military establishment.

But religion - that's a different matter. Way over eighty percent of this country still claims to be Christian, and while a great many of those who make this claim are Christian in name only, they still prefer to identify themselves as such. In this country, then, religion can act in the place that race played in the German Reich. The dynamic, then, that the elites can use to create their army of MONSTERS is religion, specifically, Christianity.

And this is EXACTLY what the Bible says will happen. Indeed, F.C. Jennings writes:

"Turning then to the seventeenth chapter of the Book of Revelation, we see the whole stage filled with two personalities only: a 'Beast' and a 'Woman' … these two … picture … the future prophetic earth … there can be no argument or discussion as to this speaking of both the CIVIL [political, economic, and military] and ECCLESIASTICAL [religious] conditions that will rule and characterize that part of the earth that is within the limits or boundaries of Prophecy. The whole of it will be filled with what shall answer to this 'Beast' and this 'Woman.' The two [the 'Beast (which answers to the Civil Power) and the 'Woman' (which answers to the Religious Power) are thus indissolubly co-related, and tell us to what end all [this is] trending; and that is that there will eventually be a one World-Empire and a one World-Church, and these will cover the whole of what is now called CHRISTENDOM; the one Empire supporting the one Church, [as] the 'Beast' in the picture supports the 'Woman,' and the 'Woman' is supported by the 'Beast' …"

In the New World Order, then, religion will play the part that race played in the Third Reich. What race was to Hitler, religion will be to the "Man of Sin." And more to the point insofar as Christians are concerned, religion (specifically, apostate Christianity - the Christianity of Tim LaHaye, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Reuven Doren, Paul Cain, John Paul Jackson, etc.) will be the mechanism through which men (ostensibly, Christians) will be turned into MONSTERS in the service of the New World Order.

Kaufmann explains that it goes without saying that wars harden one's religious identity. Even those who at first put little value in their religious identity are pressed towards religious mobilization as the conflict widens and intensifies - as it is doing now in the case of the "War on Terrorism." There are essentially two reasons for this phenomenon. First, extremists within each community are likely to impose sanctions on those who do not contribute to the "cause." Second, and more important, religious identity is often imposed by the opposing group, specifically by its most murderous elements. This is exactly what Islamic extremists are doing now with Christians in the West, and most particularly in the United States. By labeling all people in the West as "Christians" (even though most of them are "Christian" only in name, and some don't even consider themselves as such any longer), and targeting them for terror and assassination - just as Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden, Richard Reid, Zacarias Moussaoui, etc. are doing now - religious identity is pressed upon the targeted population.

Passivity in this kind of dynamic does no good. Take the recent examples of what happened in the former Yugoslavia as that religious conflict took hold. One Bosnian Muslim school teacher (a former "moderate") lamented:

"We never, until war, thought of ourselves as Muslims. We were Yugoslavs (i.e., multiculturalists). But when we began to be murdered, because we are Muslims, things changed. The definition of who we are today has been determined by our killers."

This is EXACTLY what is happening in the Christian West today as people there are targeted. The opportunity of choosing between being a "moderate" or "liberal" Christian as opposed to a "James Dobson or Pat Robertson-kind of Christian" slowly disappears the longer the conflict continues - forcing more and more individuals in the West to adopt a more hard-core Christian identity. This is what Daniel Pipes thinks is beginning to happen now. He writes:

"Pretending that the enemy is 'terrorism' unconnected to Islam is not working anymore."

The fact is, as Pipes suggests, such a contention -

"... MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL (to most people). The Taliban government, Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden - all are fervent Muslims ACTING ON BEHALF OF THEIR RELIGION."

To most people, the proposition that terrorism alone - unconnected to any catalytic ideology - is responsible for the events of September 11th is so shallow and superficial that common sense itself seems to rebel against it. It is too facile, too frivolous, and so thoroughly unsophisticated that only a buffoon or a nitwit could take it seriously. AND FOR THE ELITES TO ADMIT WHAT'S REALLY AT THE CORE OF ALL THE UNREST IN THE WORLD TODAY - I.E., THE INEQUITABLE AND UNJUST ECONOMIC POLICIES THE ELITES ARE PURSUING - IS TO PUT THE BLAME ON THEMSELVES, AND HELL WILL FREEZE OVER BEFORE THAT EVER OCCURS! Nonetheless, the truth is, terrorism has an agenda, and once people begin to ask what that agenda might be, answers must be provided.

And Islam is the answer! It is the very, very convenient answer!

Dr. Samir Amin -- the Director of Forum Tiers Monde, a research institute in Dakar, Senegal and author of several books including Accumulation on a World Scale: A Critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment (1974), Maldevelopment, Anatomy of a Global Failure (1990), Empire of Chaos (1992), Re-Reading the Postwar World: An Intellectual Itinerary (1994), and Specters of Capitalism; A Critique of Current Intellectual Fashions (1998) -- calls this explanation "ISLAMOPHOBIA!" By that, Amin means: MAKING ISLAM THE SCAPEGOAT.

And it doesn't take a genius to realize that that's precisely what's beginning to occur. Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, Jack Hayford, and James Dobson have all made very explicit comments to that effect. For example, on February 27th on Fox's O'Reily Report, Robertson said that Islam is a VIOLENT religion that has declared "HOLY WAR" on Christians; he went on to say that Mohammed taught Jihad; to Mohammed, there were only two kinds of people: Muslims and infidels - and all infidels must either be converted or killed. Similar comments to this effect have been heard from pulpits in church after church throughout the country. Pipes says,

"The 'Western Street' (i.e., average people in the West) prefers to see the problem lying with the Islamic religion. IN THIS VIEW, ARABS AND MUSLIMS HAVE BEEN THE LEADING ENEMY OF CHRISTIANS FOR MORE THAN A MILLENNIUM, REMAIN SO NOW, AND WILL LONG CONTINUE TO FILL THIS ROLE ..."

Kaufmann says that as the conflict continues (in this case, the conflict between Christians and Islamics) what can finally eliminate all possibility of choice between a "radical" and a "moderate" Christian identity for most people is fear of genocide. The hyper-religious rhetoric that is used for "group mobilization" against the "terrorists" who are attacking them often includes images of the enemy as a threat to the physical existence of the nation or group being targeted, which in turn justifies ever higher levels of violence against the enemy.

Attorney General John Ashcroft, a lay pastor and the son of an Assembly of God minister, appears to be the "point man" in this effort by the Bush Administration. On February 20, 2002, Ashcroft cast the U.S. government's "War on Terrorism" in religious terms and argued that the campaign against terror is "rooted in faith in God." It doesn't take much to extrapolate from these comments that since terrorists are for the most part Muslims, ipso facto, Muslims are not "people of God." Randy Jumper, an Assemblies of God minister from Springfield, MO., said the address helped him define his role in the war."

To date, people like Ashcroft and Jumper have been careful to label the war not as a "war against any religion," but as a war against terror - and to welcome Muslims to join in this crusade. But as the dynamic that Kaufmann describes grows in intensity, as the bombings continue, as Muslim rhetoric is enhanced and magnified, these caveats will undoubtedly fall by the wayside. As for the hard-core of the Religious Right and the National Religious Broadcasters to whom these remarks were made, they are clear who the enemy is: ISLAM!

Naturally, according to Kaufmann, this kind of activity and discourse does not go without notice by members of the other group (i.e., the Muslims), which in turn results in heightened counter-activity on their side.

But one must remember here, this is EXACTLY what al-Qaida and the Islamic terrorists are after: to provoke this kind of REACTION from the Christian community. What they are aiming at is their version of Armageddon, where they think they will prevail in a world war against Christianity - a war that will culminate in, of all things, JESUS RETURNING TO EARTH, DECLARING HIMSELF A MUSLIM, AND DESTROYING BOTH CHRISTIANITY AND JUDAISM. You didn't know that? Well, anyone who has ever read radical Muslim literature knows about this.

And so the spiral is ratcheted ever upwards: the one side (the Muslims) strikes out against the other in acts of terrorism which grow progressively worse; the other side strikes back, and each time it does, the Christian side becomes ever more inured to the use of great power and the brutality needed to wield it, until the same point is reached that people reached in Argentina in their war against Communism, where former Chicago Sun-Times correspondent Virginia Prewett and former New York Times reporter William R. Mizella quoted one of Argentina's leading businessmen of that era as saying:

"Don't say it was I who said so, but the victory over ... (the left) began the day my wife said, 'THERE'S NO WAY OUT EXCEPT TO KILL THESE MONSTERS: WE'VE GOT TO KILL THEM ALL'!"


And don't think for a moment that Christians in this country won't get drawn into this trap. They will! IT PLAYS RIGHT INTO THE HANDS OF THOSE CHRISTIAN DOMINIONISTS WHO BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN COMMISSIONED BY GOD TO CONQUER THE EARTH FOR CHRIST AND THE CHURCH - THUS, PREPARING THE WAY FOR CHRIST'S RETURN. Seen from this perspective, the elite's economic dominionism certainly comports well with the new Christian dominionism the church has so enthusiastically embraced in the last few years. The church and the state - or, better yet, the church and America; that's what today's Christian dominionism is all about. Robertson writes,

"... the CHRISTIAN United States (is the only nation that has) at its disposal the spiritual and material force to prohibit a worldwide satanic dictator from winning his battle (to control the world) ... If America is free, people everywhere can hope for freedom. And if America goes down, all hope is lost to the rest of the world."

John Eckhardt, the pastor and "overseer" of Crusaders Ministries in Chicago (and who is closely connected to the present ideological "mouthpiece" of the "Apostles and Prophets Movement," C. Peter Wagner), agrees with Robertson. He has written:

"It is not by accident that the Pentecostal outpouring of the twentieth century began in America."

The reason, obviously enough (at least to Christian dominionists), is that God has chosen America as the "New Israel of God" from which He is going to "recover" the world. Eckhardt continues:

"I believe the American church has a responsibility to touch the nations of the earth. Just as America's government cannot limit itself to a domestic policy, but must also have a strong foreign policy, so it is with the Church in America. The church must have a foreign policy. America cannot excuse itself from the affairs of the world. Neither can the American church. 'To whom much is given, from him much will be required' (Luke 12:48)"

And this is precisely the kind of thinking that most American Christians - to one degree or another - have "bought into." This is certainly what the Latter Rain Movement has "bought into;" AND the Promise Keepers; AND the Vineyards; AND the Toronto Blessing; AND the Pensacola Revival, AND Reconstructionism, etc. While all these movements spill out into other countries, for the most part all of them buy into the concept that America is their "champion" - even the worldwide Catholic Charismatic Movement and Opus Dei. There seems to be no end to it.

Moreover, when one considers those Christian leaders of today who individually are willing to embrace and even promote such thinking, one's breath is taken away - Christian leaders like Harald Bredesen, Paul Crouch, David and Justin Du Plessis, Jack Hayford, Cardinal Krol, Father Dene Braun, Father Tom Forrest, Dr. Kevin Ranaghan, Ken Metz, Charles Stanley, D. James Kennedy, Tim LaHaye, the late John Wimber, Juan Carlos Ortiz, C. Peter Wagner, Beverley LaHaye, Ern Baxter, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Colson, David Yonggi Cho, Robert Stearns, Mike Bickle, Reuven Doron, Che Ahn, Frank Hammond, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, John Eckhardt, Bobbie Byerly, Dutch Sheets, Jim Goll, John Paul Jackson, James Ryle, Frank Damazio, Ed Silvoso, Carlos Annacondia, Claudio Freidzon, Roger Mitchell, Ted Haggart, Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, Kingsley Fletcher, Jim Laffoon, Barbara Wentroble, ad infinitum.

And then there are all those politicos in this country who to one degree or another embrace such thinking - people like President Bush himself and his dominionist minions: John Ashcroft, Don Evans, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove; and then there are Republicans like Tom Delay, Dick Armey, Dan Burton, Helen Chenoweth, J.C. Watts, John Peterson, Ken Calvert, Bob Livingston, Jim Nicholson, Bob Barr, Asa Hutchinson, ad nauseum.

Wow! What a list! - there are certainly a lot of Christians who would be willing to go along with the elites in "morphing" (transforming) the "War on Terrorism" into a religious crusade with the ostensible purpose of preparing the way for Christ's return.

Now listen to me, dear Christian. You MUST get out while you still can. There is NOTHING you can do to rescue what we today call the church. It is beyond remedy. The Bible offers only one solution - GET OUT! Specifically, the Bible says:

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES." (Rev. 18:4)

That's what God says, and that's what you should do! - and if you don't, you run the danger of having what happened to Lot's wife happen to you, The Bible says,

"Haste thee, ESCAPE ... (Gen. 19:22)

And it continues:

"Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

"And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

"But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." (Gen. 19:24-26)

Take as many people as you can, but get out! Don't look back! Just as there was nothing that could be done for Sodom and Gomorrah, there is NOTHING that can be done for the APOSTATE church of James Dobson, Paul Cain, C. Peter Wagner or any of the rest of them. You think that I am being too harsh here? I'm not! Peter, speaking about the condition of the church at the end of the age, said:

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

"And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

"And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." (2 Pet. 2:1-3)

What's Peter saying here if not depicting the church as it exists today? - the church we have spent so much time describing here in this article; the church of the "APOSTLES AND PROPHETS" that C. Peter Wagner and his cohorts are bringing into captivity unto themselves, and selling to the elites for money; the church they have made merchandise of.

Isn't that what they are doing? Surely it is! Isn't that what Falwell and his friends have done? Surely it is! How else can you describe a person (Falwell) who would take money from a person (the so-called Rev. Moon) who openly teaches that Christ was little better than a rock star who had sex with the women who followed him.

Come on now! - be honest! Making merchandise of you! - What else would you say that Falwell and his cohorts are doing when he says -

"... if the American Atheist Society or Saddam Hussein himself ever sent a ... gift to any of my ministries, be assured ... I will quickly cash the check."

I would say that surely such a man has made merchandise of us all, wouldn't you? Peter says that these people are "bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

Peter warns that "... if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment ..." (2 Pet. 2:4) what do you think He is going to do to the false prophets that are among us today, who have made merchandise of the church? (2 Pet. 2:3) by reason of whom "... the way of truth shall be evil spoken of ..." (2 Pet. 2:2)

Now, no doubt, leaving the "established church" is a hard thing to do! But God has equipped you for your journey into the wilderness (so to speak), but before you can take advantage of what He has done for you, you must come to a proper appreciation of yourself vis a vis the church.

Much of the power the "Apostles and Prophets" Movement has over people lies in the fact that people do not appreciate how precious their own individuality is before God. Listen, dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, do NOT let people destroy your individuality before God for ANY reason; the fact is, the force of the "APOSTLES AND PROPHETS" movement derives from a false concept of Christianity that DE-EMPHASIZES CHRISTIANS AS INDIVIDUALS and places an excessive and unreasonable emphasis on the church - even to the point where our individual connection to Christ (so to speak) is soft-pedaled in favor of our connection to the church.

Indeed, in speaking to many dominionists, one would think that they believe that somehow or other the church has its own identity apart from its individual members; but THE CHURCH HAS NO LIFE OF ITS OWN. IT HAS LIFE ONLY BECAUSE WE - AS INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS - HAVE LIFE. I repeat, the church has no life apart from the individual members who compose it. God resides in the church because He first of all resides in you, not the other way around! You are the one that was born again, not the church. The church reflects the glory of the Lord only insofar as its individual members are "beholding and reflecting" the glory of the Lord (2 Cor. 3:18). Paul put it this way:

"And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near;

"for through Him we (as individual members) ... have our access in one Spirit (i.e., the Holy Spirit) to the Father.

"So then you (as individual members) are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household ...

"in whom the whole building (i.e., the church as a corporate body of believers), being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord ..." (Eph. 2:17-19, 21 - NASB)

According to Paul, the order is this: first there are the individual members, who as individual members are in constant fellowship with Christ through the Holy Spirit (i.e., the Comforter), and its through each individual member's fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit that we are quite effortlessly brought into oneness with each other and are built together into a holy Temple (habitation) unto the Lord. There is no necessity here to employ force or coercion. It comes about naturally and quite effortlessly as a "matter of life."

Out of our individual relationships with the Lord flows the life of the church. If our individual walk with the Lord is wrong, then our life in the church will be wrong, and all the seminars, and all the books, and all the sermons, and all the "accountability groups" aren't going to help; but when the individual believer "beholds and reflects" the glory of the Lord, then the church also will reflect and mirror the Lord's splendor (2 Cor. 3:18). Put another way, the health of the human body depends on the health of the individual cells of the body, not visa versa. When all the cells of the body are healthy, then the whole body will be healthy - and not the other way around.

What's important in Christianity is the individual believer's walk with Christ - it's not that our "corporate" walk with other believers isn't important, but our individual walk with Christ is the starting point for all our relationships with other believers, including our relationship with others in the church. Jesus said,

"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5)

And John the Apostle said,

"And now, little children, abide in him ..." (I John 2:27-28)

The secret is abiding in Him! - that's where everything begins. It's not intellect that counts, nor even seminary training, nor worldly success, nor your "station" in the church or in life that counts - but abiding in Him and abiding in His Word. If a Christian sees this, everything else will follow, including a vibrant loving relationship with others as well as a fulfilling life in the church. [And it must be stressed in this connection that "abiding in Him" presupposes that one is abiding in His Word.]

Dominionists, however, make their starting point the church rather than the individual, and - as a result - the unity that is stressed in dominionism is not the unity that flows out of the individual as a natural consequence of "beholding and reflecting" Christ in one's spirit; it's the unity that is brought about by outward control - a control that flows from church officers (elders, pastors, "apostles," "prophets," etc.). It's the kind of unity that is brought about by "outward conformity," not the inner leading of Christ in our spirits - AND THIS IS PRECISELY THE KIND OF UNITY THAT THE "APOSTLES AND PROPHETS" MOVEMENT IS BUILT UPON.

Consequently, the unity that dominionism creates is dependent on hierarchy - the orderly arrangement of church officers in a kind of giant pyramid which emphasizes rank and position, and is dependent on a military-like discipline, a discipline which is enforced by an outward chain of command. How high up one is in this pyramid determines how "close" one is to God. One is required to "submit" to those who are "above," and to "rule over" those who are "below" - and one's spirituality is measured by one's submission to authority (i.e., to one's submission to control).

The thought that all men have equal access to Christ through the Spirit is anathema to dominionists - it strikes at the military-like order which dominionism promotes. The belief that each individual Christian can be led individually by the Holy Spirit coupled with the written Word of God without resort to "outward authority" is a threat to dominionism's pyramid-like structure and scheme of things. For dominionists to admit that man is not dependent on hierarchy to guide and direct him is tantamount to destroying the necessity for dominionism's pyramid. The thought that each individual Christian can "know" God in his spirit independent of those "above" him in the hierarchy is an abomination and sacrilege to dominionists.

But as we have said over and over again, Jesus promoted no such hierarchical scheme of things. Jesus taught the exact opposite. Instead of teaching man to be dependent on an outward hierarchy, Jesus said,

"... ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie [i.e., the same anointing (which is truth and no lie) teaches all of you the same things]. (I John 2:27)

And exactly what is this anointing? Jesus said that it is -

"... the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)

And again, Jesus said,

"But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me ..." (John 15:26)

So important did Jesus believe the "Comforter's" ministry to be to the individual Christian - a ministry which stands totally outside any form of hierarchy - that Jesus said,

"... It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. (John 16:5-7)

It was said of the martyr ANTIPAS, after whom this ministry has been named, that he "stood against it all" -

"... even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein ANTIPAS WAS MY FAITHFUL MARTYR, who was slain among you, WHERE SATAN DWELLETH." (Rev. 2:13)

And in every place, and in every society there have been those very FEW but brave Christians who have been willing to pit themselves against the "established leadership" of the church (e.g., Savanarola, Zwingle, Luther, Lady Jane Grey, Huss, Wesley, Darby, etc.; those FEW who have been willing to sacrifice themselves to God without reckoning the consequences, even when they considered those consequences to be disastrous to themselves personally; those FEW who have been willing to throw away material advantages and even their reputations for the sake of bearing witness to something that they believe to be true; those few who like Abraham when "... he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went." (Heb. 11:8); those FEW who esteem "... the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt ..." (Heb. 11:26)

These FEW Christians are simply incomprehensible to the shallow Christians who inhabit the "praise and worship" meetings of a Bennie Hinn, or a Kenneth Copeland, or a Creflo Dollar; the very FEW people who think that it is not a strange thing to suffer for their faith, and who can with all their heart agree with Peter when he encouraged the saints of his day with the words -

"Beloved, THINK IT NOT STRANGE CONCERNING THE FIERY TRIAL which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you ..." (1 Pet. 4:12)

And when he (i.e., Peter) went on to say that such trials of our faith are -

"... more precious than of gold that perisheth ..." (1 Pet. 1:7)

These are those FEW Christians who think it an HONOR to suffer such things for Christ; who willingly endure -

"... trials of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment

"... (people who are willing to be) stoned ... sawn asunder ... tempted ... slain with the sword: (who) ... wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;

"(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth." (Heb. 11:36-38)

Against such people, the elites and the so-called established leaders of the church who have made common cause with these elites tremble and shake. What to do? They must do something! - because they too believe in that maxim,

"A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." (Gal. 5:9)

There is a danger that if such Christians should be let loose on the church, they could ruin everything. Then where would they be? No! - these people must be "brought to heel!" - and that's what "church accountability" (as it is understood today in the church; as it is explained in the "training manuals" of people like C. Peter Wagner, John Eckhardt, Cindy Jacobs, John P. Kelly, Chuck Pierce, et al) - is all about. That's what the "Apostles and Prophets" Movement is all about! And that's EXACTLY what the question, "Who is your covering?" alludes to.


Listen, brothers and sisters, eternity is at hand - YOUR eternity! What you do now will affect you for all time. You will never get away from it. Your actions today will follow you into the "Kingdom of Heaven," and will determine whether you are known as the "greatest" or the "least" in that glorious realm. (Matt. 5:19) The fact is, we can't pretend that we don't know what's happening. We do know! - and this knowledge hangs like some kind of biblical sword of Damocles over our heads. To do nothing is to invite it to fall on us. The Bible says:

Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:

If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;

Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.

He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.

But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; BUT HIS BLOOD WILL I REQUIRE AT THE WATCHMAN'S HAND.

We are being called to warn people everywhere about what's happening (believers and unbelievers alike) - even at the cost of our own security, our own wealth, and our own lives. To this end, we urge you - we implore you - stand up and be counted; take this material, copy it, and pass it out in your churches, in your family, in your communities - everywhere! I have no doubt what will happen to you when you do - you will be ostracized, and worse! But do it anyway!

Yes, you will be persecuted - what else should you expect? True Christianity is NOT popular. Remember what the Lord said:

"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

"Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." (John 15:18-20)

Listen to me, brothers and sisters, with every passing week and month, the country (and the world) moves ever more towards the installation of a "CHRISTIAN-TERROR-STATE" - all in the name of Christ! Again I ask, where will it ultimately lead? - to a kind of Fourth Reich where all those who disagree with the "established religion" will be ostracized?

It's a trite but true saying, the way to hell is paved with good intentions! - and more murder and slaughter have been carried out in the name of God than we as Christians might care to admit. Maybe there's a good reason why secularists and unbelievers are afraid of Christians; maybe that's why they refuse to be drawn to Christ - they can't hear His gentle voice calling them over the din and slaughter and mayhem we have created.

I hope and pray that God will raise up many of YOU to speak out against what's happening. People everywhere are waiting to hear. Do what Christ did. He started in the synagogues. Not many listened to Him at the time; they even tried to throw him off a cliff. But He kept at it, and in doing so He raised up quite a din by His preaching, and people were drawn to Him because of that, and some even began listening. That's what will happen to you. Start preaching where you are at; copy this material and pass it out! in your church (even though you think no one is reading it), in your community. As you do, you too will cause a din. And they will threaten to throw you off a cliff too. But nothing can happen to you unless God permits it. You are in the hands of God, and eventually you will find people who will listen.

There is no easy way in this matter. There was no easy way for Christ, and there will be no easy way for you either. As Jesus said,

"The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you." (John 15:20)

And so I say to all of you now -

alea iacta est
[the die is cast]
More next time!

Until then, God bless you,

S.R. Shearer,
Antipas Ministries



by: S.R. Shearer
March 31, 2005

"One of the more disturbing aspects [of the 'New Christianity' of America's New World Order System] ... is its tendency to create a ... class ... of ‘supermen’, the ‘miracle class’ ... ‘GOD MEN'."

- D.R. McConnell
A Different Gospel
"Little children, IT IS THE LAST TIME: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, EVEN NOW ARE THERE MANY ANTICHRISTS; whereby we know that IT IS THE LAST TIME."

- 1 John 2:18

What we today call "Christianity" in the United States is NOT Christianity at all; it is in fact the antithesis of everything for which Christianity stands; indeed, it bears a striking and very foreboding resemblance to the "religion" that animated Hitler's Third Reich - and so much so that IF CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA WERE TO LOOK AT THEMSELVES IN THE MIRROR, WHAT THEY MIGHT FIND GAZING BACK AT THEM ARE THE GHOSTS OF ADOLF HITLER AND HEINRICH HIMMLER.

The very real fact of the matter is, the "prophets" and "apostles" of America's New World Order System - "seers" and "diviners" like Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Bennie Hinn, Paul Crouch, Ted Haggert, C. Peter Wagner, Paul Cain, etc. - are harnessing the very same preternatural and aberrant spiritual forces to create their new world order system that the theoreticians of Hitler's Third Reich used for Hitler's "Millennial Kingdom" - miserable, wretched pseudo-intellectuals and spiritualists like Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietsche, Guido von List, Jorge Lanz von Liebbenfels, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, etc. [Please see our article, "George Bush, the Promise Keepers, and the Principles of Messianic Leadership."]

Both Hitler's "religion" and the "religion" of America's New World Order System aimed (aim) at the creation of a race of "GOD-MEN" with which to conquer and subdue the world. The "SUPERMAN" that Hitler endeavored to create was to be unlike all other men on earth; indeed, he told Hermann Rauschning that -

"The NEW MAN ... would be ... different ... from homo sapiens as we know him ... So fierce and terrible would he be that ordinary humans would hardly be able to look him in the face; this race would be the true aristocracy, and all others would be subjects." [Please note that it is no coincidence that Hitler used a biblical term here - "new man" (cf. 2 Cor. 5:17, Eph. 2:15, Eph. 4:24).]

Hitler continued:

"The selection of the new ... [leadership class] is what my struggle for power means. Whoever proclaims his allegiance to ... [my new world order] is, by that very proclamation and by the manner in which it is made, one of the CHOSEN ONES. This is the great significance of our long, dogged struggle for power, that in it will be born a new master class, chosen [by God] to guide the fortunes not only of the German people but of the world." [Note again the use by Hitler of a biblical term: "chosen ones" (cf. Matt. 24:15, Luke 23:35, John 6:70, 15:16, 19, Acts 10:41, 15:22, etc.).]

This is precisely the kind of SUPERMAN that the "seers" of America's New World Order System are seeking to create as well. Hitler attempted to forge his class of SUPERMEN using "race," "genetics" and the occultism of Valhalla; Christians in the United States are attempting to give birth to their race of SUPERMEN using the "magic" and "spirituality" of a DEVIATE form of Christianity. But the goal is the same: the creation of a race of SUPERMEN with which to conquer and subdue the earth. Take, for example, what Reuven Doron, one of the more popular religious zealots of America's "New Christianity," has to say; he says that -

"... the ... premise of spiritual revival [which will culminate in the conquest of the world by the forces of Christianity] ... hinges upon the rising and completion of the ministry of the prophetic ‘Son of Man Company' ... Today the Lord is calling forth a 'Son of Man Company' ..." [For a further description of the kind of "New Christianity" that we are talking about here, please see our article, "The Superman Theology of the International Christian Embassy's Feast of Tabernacles;" please also see our last article, "A Luciferic Christianity."]

Now think about what Doron is saying here: ALL of human history "HINGES" upon the "rising and completion" of the "Son of Man Company," a race of SUPERMEN who - according to Bob Jones, another religious devotee of the American New World Order System - will be able to:

"... move into things of the SUPERNATURAL that no one has ever moved in before ..."

An army of "GOD-MEN" that Jack Deere, yet another "apostle" of America's New World Order System, says will be -

"... totally unique. There’s never been one like it and there never will be one like it in ages to come ... It’s so mighty that there’s never been anything like it before ..."

There's "never been anything like it before?" Come on now! - What's the difference here between the NEW MAN that Hitler attempted to create - a man "so fierce and terrible ... that ordinary humans would hardly be able to look him in the face" and Jack Deere's and Bob Jones' description of the Christian NEW MAN? Not much, that's for sure! It should give one pause in answering the question as to whose hand is really behind America's "New Christianity:" Christ's? or anti-Christ's?

Hitler called this thought - i.e., the thought that man could become divine - the "real SEDUCTIVE power of Nazism" - and that's exactly what is so seductive insofar as America's "New Christianity" is concerned. Think about it: An army of "GOD-MEN" WHO HAVE TRANSCENDED THE BOUNDS OF HUMANITY AND HAVE BECOME DIVINE. These are the Supermen of the New World Order: "Master’s of the Faith!" "Manifest Sons of God!" The "Manchild Company!" The "First Fruits!" "Joel’s Army!" The "Overcomers!" - "GOD-MEN" who, as Paul Cain says, will be able to walk through walls just as Jesus did (cf. John 20:19-29):

"So my point is this, that there will be a manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. And it won’t be this baloney that we’ve heard of in the past; I mean, there’s been a few people tried to walk through a wall like this over here and knocked their brains loose, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a manifested son of God; if anyone walks through this wall over here, they’re not going to tell you about it - I mean, they’re just going to do it. And sons of God don’t tell you they’re sons of God, they’ll just show you! Amen." [And one should be very careful here in dismissing Cain because he appears to be somewhat simple-minded; that's what millions of Germans did with regard to the "seers" and "prophets" of Hitlerism - and they lived to regret it.]

This "New Breed" of Christians (another term in vogue in describing the "New Christians" of America's New World Order System - a term used specifically by Hitler in the description of his "NEW MAN") become "Kings in Life" and the "Bondage Breakers" for the rest of the human race; they are able to move in and out of the supernatural and natural realms. These are the "GOD-MEN" whom God has appointed to conquer and subdue the world; THESE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE BEEN GIVEN AUTHORITY TO CLEANSE THE EARTH OF "EVIL-DOERS" and usher in the "Kingdom of God." [Please see our article, "Today's Church: Making Zombies out of Christians - the Prophets and Apostles Movement."]

"Blow the trumpet in Zion!" the cry goes out from the leaders of the church:

"Hear the noise of the chariots! The chariots are leaping across the mountains! The army of the Lord is approaching! The earth will quake before them; the heavens shall tremble. A great people and a strange. There hath not been ever the like. Utterly awesome! DON'T YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF IT? Just think, you will be able to climb the wall like men of war. Even when you fall on the sword you will not be wounded [A claim that is being specifically made by some members of General Boykin's Task Force 121 in Iraq]. Crowds clap and cheer as they visualize the wondrous feats they will be able to perform in the Name of the Lord! No one wants to miss God and not be a part of what He is doing! Tears well up in the eyes of hungry seekers as they wait for the approach of this army. God is raising up an army in these last days to execute judgment and dominion throughout the earth." [Taken from a quote from Jewel van der Merwe, an opponent of this kind of thinking who was essaying to describe the seductive "pull" behind the "God-Dream" of today's "New Christianity," the same "God-Dream" that so bewitched and enchanted the German people in the 1930s and very early 1940s; please see our article, "A Luciferic Christianity" for a description of the way in which the U.S. army is being transformed into an army of fanatical "Christian warriors" in the service of George Bush's American New World Order System; please also see our article that touches on the operations of Task Force 121, "The Power of Self Sacrifice: Taking Up Your Cross and Following Him."]

Is that what God is doing? - raising up an army in these last days to execute JUDGMENT and DOMINION throughout the earth? That's what the "seers" and "prophets" of America's New World Order System are saying. Don't YOU want to be a part of it? Don't you want to be deemed worthy to wield the EXECUTIONER'S SWORD with the "CHOSEN OF GOD?" That's certainly what the SS was called upon to do. That's certainly what Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler believed the SS was called to do:

"We shall unremittingly fulfill our task ... We shall take care that never more in Germany will [goodness] ... be threatened by evil. Pitilessly we shall be a merciless EXECUTIONER'S SWORD for ... [the sake of good people everywhere]."

And that's pretty much what the "prophets" and "apostles" of America's New World Order System feel that their "Son of Man Company" - their "New Breed of Christians" - are called upon to accomplish as well. Jack Deere writes:

"When this army [of Christian supermen] comes, it will be large and mighty. It’s so mighty that there’s never been anything like it before ... ‘BEGIN THE SLAUGHTER' [of evil-doers] ... And they walk through the land and they start and they begin to slaughter ..." [Please see our article, "A Woman Riding a Beast Going forth Conquering and to Conquer."]

Francis Frangipane thinks so as well; he somberly warns all those who oppose the American New World Order System, who oppose the effort by today's Christian "GOD-MEN" to cleanse the world of evil-doers, that -

"... there's going to be a CLEANSING ... there's going to be a PURGING ... coming forth ... and everyone that's living under the immorality cover ... will be brought down ..." [Please see our article, "The Watchers are Watching You."

And, oh my, doesn't the earth need to be cleansed? That's certainly what the leaders of today's church believe - cleansed of the homosexuals, the abortionists, the Hollywood liberals, the radical feminists, the atheists, the "New Agers," the drug users, the ner-do-wells, the single moms, the welfare cheats, the unbelievers (e.g., unrepentant Muslims, Hindus, etc.), etc.! - all those living under the "immorality cover."

It goes without saying, of course, that those executing God's judgment on evil-doers must prove themselves worthy to do so. That's certainly what the members of Hitler's SS - Hitler's SUPERMEN - had to do.

According to Dusty Sklar (The Nazis and the Occult), the SS was an elite society with strict conditions for acceptance. One's acceptance into the SS was conditional upon a very rigorous background check regarding not only one's racial purity, but also one's moral character. ONE HAD TO BE BEYOND MORAL REPROACH INSOFAR AS THE CONDUCT OF HIS PERSONAL LIFE WAS CONCERNED. Sklar writes:

"Before a candidate was allowed to consider himself an SS man, he had to pass through a year-long course [to prove his physical prowess] ... a period in the Labor Service, and two years in the army. Then, after an intensive course of indoctrination, he had to wait until the following November 9 to become a full member. At 10:00 p.m. in the Nazi shrine in Munich, the acolyte attended a special mystical ceremony binding him to his Fuhrer, who was present. The scene before the Feldherrnhalle was described by a Nazi, Emil Helfferich: 'Tears came to my eyes when, by the light of torches, thousands of voices repeated the oath in chorus. It was like a prayer':

QUESTION TO THE INITIATE: 'Why do you obey'?

ANSWER FROM THE INITIATE: 'From inner conviction, from belief in Germany, in the Fuhrer, in the Movement and in the SS, and from loyalty'."

The SS men were trained to be the "first stage" in a "superhuman mutation" and, according to Sklar, acted as if they were in fact SUPERMEN already. Fearless and cruel - perfectly willing to perform unpleasant tasks in the service of the new world order - they were, in the words of Heinz Hohne,

"... mysterious, threatening and incomprehensible to the ordinary citizen ... [at least to all those considered to be enemies of the Reich]."

The SS was the bulwark against chaos, AVENGING ANGELS of Hitler's new world order charged with ridding the Reich and the world of evil-doers. Sklar relates that there was a feeling among them - like there is today with the devotees of America's "New Christianity" - that they were living in the "Last Days" (Himmler's words). Himmler called the SS -

"A crusade of the ELECT on a divine mission." [Note again the use by Himmler of a biblical term, the "elect" (cf. Matt. 24:31, Mark 13:27, Rom. 8:23, Col. 3:12, I Pet. 1:2, etc.).]

The SS was organized much in the same way that many imagine (erroneously, of course) that Christ "organized" the twelve apostles. An inner circle of twelve SS officers of top rank met regularly and in secret for conferences and "meditations" in a monastery in Wevelsburg, Westphalia (Germany), which Himmler had turned into a castle, refurbishing it at great expense. In the 100-by-145-foot dining room, circling a round oak table, each officer-knight sat on a high-backed chair, with a sliver plate engraved with his name.

Himmler believed he had the power to call up "spirits" not of this world and hold conferences with them. Indeed, for a week once a year Himmler and his "twelve apostles" would give themselves over completely to "communications" with spirits not of this world and spiritual exercises involving "visualization" at the "brotherhood's" stronghold at Wevelsburg. C. Scott Littleton, a professor at Occidental College in California, claims that he has seen evidence from the Nuremberg Trials that named the "Secret Masters of the Caucasus" as the "spirits" with whom the SS communed (which is in itself a very interesting fact - please see our article, "The Caucasus Mountains, Gog, Magog, and Chevron Oil").

SUCH WERE THE MEN IN WHOSE HANDS THE JUDGMENT OF THE REICH'S ENEMIES WAS COMMITTED, MEN WHOSE OWN LIVES HAD TO BE BEYOND MORAL CENSURE OF ANY KIND - and so much so that a sure and fearful fate awaited any SS officer who failed in his duties to the Reich, and in the moral conduct of his own life. Robert Ley, an associate of Hitler, described the fate to which not only the failed SS officer, but his entire family would be subjected:

"The SS man who fails in his office [or whose morality is brought into question] will not thereby merely be deprived of an office, but he personally, together with his family, his wife, and his children, will be destroyed. These are the harsh and implacable laws of ... [the SS]. On the one hand men may reach to the skies and grasp whatever a man can desire. On the other hand lies the deep abyss of annihilation."

As a result, while there was a fierce pride in having been chosen worthy to be a member of the SS "brotherhood," the men of the SS lived a life filled with apprehension and dread - dread that they would somehow or other be "discovered" unworthy of their "high calling" and, as a consequence, be plunged into extinction. This kind of moral severity (and the resultant unease and foreboding that it causes in its adherents) is also easily discernible in the "New Christianity" of America's New World Order System - a kind of moral severity that contradicts the teachings of the New Testament, teachings which urge all of us as Christ's disciples to -

"Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;

"FOREBEARING one another, and FORGIVING one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

"And above all these things put on charity (which means 'love in action'), which is the bond of perfectness." (Col. 3:12-14)

The question, then, that fairly begs to be asked with regard to this kind of severity is "WHY?" What is it within both the "GOD-DREAM" of the Nazis and the "GOD-DREAM" of the "New Christianity" of America's New World Order System that leads to this kind of harshness? The answer is that both the Nazis and the adherents of today's "New Christianity" link "civilization success" to individual purity within a given society - what Carolly Erickson of the University of California at Santa Barbara calls the "MIRACULOUS POWER OF SANCTITY." Inherent in this kind of thinking is the notion that disaster and failure are the results of sin. It is the personal lesson of Perceval, Lancelot, and Tristan in the Arthurian legends applied to an entire society - and it is this kind of thinking which so intrigued Richard Wagner in Lohengrin, Tristan and Isolde, Parsifal - and even Gotterdammerung and Die Walkure - operas that enchanted and bewitched Adolf Hitler.

The late Rouses John (R.J.) Rushdoony, one of the leading "prophets" of the "New Christianity" of America's New World Order System, made the same linkage between "civilization failure" and individual purity in a community of believers that Wagner did.

Rushdoony believed that it is the primary responsibility of government to maintain godly purity within a society; he believed that because American Christians had allowed their government to be usurped by atheists and humanists, the role of government and the institutions of Western Christendom had become perverted; he held - as a result - that America would experience God’s judgment if the situation was not quickly rectified. [For further information on Rushdoony, please see our articles, "The Rutherford Institute," "Richard Mellon Scaife: the Evil that Money Can Do," and "The Right Wing Panics."]

Moreover - and this is very important - not only would the atheists and humanists be judged, but believers who had allowed this to happen would also likewise experience God’s wrath. The penalty would fall on believers as well - mirroring in a very real way the severe code of conduct for the SS: "The SS man who fails in his office [or whose morality is brought into question] will not thereby merely be deprived of an office, but he personally, together with his family, his wife, and his children, will be destroyed."

It was the responsibility of the church's leadership, therefore, to place the church at the forefront of political and social action to take back the reins of government from the hands of the ungodly - and it is precisely this kind of thinking that has spurred Christians over the last twenty years to action to "take back the country for Christ and the church," an effort that culminated finally in the election of George Bush to the presidency. [Again, we URGE you to please see our article, "George Bush, the Promise Keepers, and the Principles of Messianic Leadership."]


The concept that undergirded the SS was one of a mystical, super-human brotherhood of crusader-knights dedicated to the expansion of Hitler's "Millennial Reich." They were spurred on by a quest for moral purity that propelled them as a "fellowship of believers" from the mundane to the miraculous. This is exactly the kind of thinking that undergirds today's "New Christianity" - thinking that, according to its adherents, will produce a whole class of super-beings dedicated to the expansion of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth: a military brotherhood which, if the hearts of it's individual members are pure, cannot be vanquished.

But the fact is, the concept of a "military brotherhood" - i.e., the belief that their is a MORAL IMPERATIVE behind the use of military force to expand Christ's kingdom on earth, and concomitantly, an individual imperative capable of producing moral perfection in the individual warrior or crusader - is totally foreign to the concepts of the New Testament. The origin of such thinking lies in the occult. But, of course, that's not what the purveyors of today's "New Christianity" think. For example, Rushdoony writes:

"In winning a nation to the gospel, the sword as well as the pen must be used."

At the heart of the quest for purity in both Hitler's religion and the "New Christianity" of the American New World Order System is what Carolly Erickson defines as a "VISION OF GOD." Erickson writes:

"Vision (i.e., the 'mystic understanding of God through an intensity of feeling') ... determined each being’s likeness to God. It was man’s visual capabilities, Macrobius wrote, that determined the degree of his participation in the divine mind - his likeness and closeness to God - in other words, his spirituality."

Moral purity leads to vision, and vision in turn leads one to a knowledge of God. Spiritual vision is the index of spiritual progress. At the apex of all human visions is the "Vision of God." IT IS THIS HOPED FOR CLIMAX THAT IMPELS THE "SEEKER OF GOD" TO STRUGGLE TOWARDS PERFECTION - TOWARDS MORAL PURITY. "Vision" (again, the "mystic understanding of God through an intensity of feeling") determines each person's likeness to God.

INDEED, IT IS PRECISELY THIS "VISION OF GOD" - once again, this "mystic understanding of God through an intensity of feeling" - THAT LEADS TO DEIFICATION. Ralph Waldo Trine, explains; he writes that when man opens himself up to this "mystic understanding of God through an intensity of feeling," he opens himself up -

"... to the direct revelation and knowledge of God, the secrets of nature and life ... and made to realize his own deific nature and supremacy of being a real the son of God ... The ultimate goal ... IS THE TRANSFORMATION OF MAN INTO A GOD."

No need for the Bible here: what's important is "feelings" and the cultivation of one's own "inner sense;" this goes a long way in explaining the inordinate emphasis on "other-worldliness" and "hyper-spirituality" in those who subscribe to the "God-Dream" of Kenneth Hagin, Bennie Hinn, and the other purveyors of today's "New Christianity," and it also explains the over emphasis of these men on extraordinary visions and dreams. Why? - because these phenomena (especially a vision of Christ) become the index of one's spiritual maturity. [Please see Chapter 17 of the Antipas Papers, "An Ominous New Direction for Western Christianity;" please also see our article "The Doctrine of the Antichrist, the Search for Moral Purity, and Misogyny (i.e., the Fear of Women)."]

BUT NONE OF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY; IT IS, IN FACT, THE ANTITHESIS OF TRUE CHRISTIANITY. In biblical Christianity, perfection is imparted to the believer through Christ’s work on the cross (a perfection that cannot be fully apprehended until the resurrection and the rapture), not on anything the believer has done (or can do). In the religion of the Nazi state and America's "New Christianity," the exact opposite is true.

The fact is, the "hyper-spirituality" generated by one's quest for a "Vision of God" in the context of America's "New Christianity" has very little to do with Christian spirituality as such, and everything to do with the same kind of spirituality (so-called) that manifests itself in the devotees of the "New Age" and eastern mysticism; the kind of "spiritualism" that surrounded the life of Ghandi - who absolutely was no Christian. This is the EXACT same kind of mysticism that animated the theoreticians of Hitler's Third Reich - people like Schopenhauer, List, Gurdjieff, Blavatsky and Sebottendorff. It's the kind of "spirituality" and "other-worldliness" THAT DRIVES MEN MAD.

Nonetheless, this is a powerful dream: the dream to become God - to reach for the heavens, as it were. D.R. McConnell explains "deification" in his book. A Different Gospel:

"Deification may be defined as the process whereby men are transformed into gods ... man was created with the divine nature (in Eden), sinned (through the Fall), and was filled with the satanic nature; but through the new birth, he is again infused with the divine nature. To be born again ... is to receive ‘the nature and life of God' ..." [And, again, we are talking here about INTRINSIC oneness.]

This "GOD-DREAM" permeates our legends and myths, and echoes back down through the corridors of time to Camelot and Valhalla. Indeed, for millennia our poets, writers, priests and prophets have been telling and re-telling the legends and myths which swirl like ghostly apparitions around this dream: that there is within man a "divine spark" which longs to be set free in order to ascend to its Originator, God. Man is, therefore, divine and has a god’s role in the universe, and if not all men are worthy of that dream, at least some are: the "Manifest Sons of God;" the "Manchild Company;" the "First Fruits;" "Joel’s Army;" the "Overcomers!"

However, this concept - the notion that man can become God - is anti-Christian to its very core; it is LUCIFERIC, and, as we suggested in our last article, one would do well to consider the words of the prophet Isaiah before imbibing the waters of this putrid well:

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I WILL EXALT MY THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH." (Is. 14:12-14) [Please see our article, "A Luciferic Christianity."]

Be like the Most High? Be a "MAN-GOD?" - is that what you want? You want to exalt yourself to the level of God? Well, you should know that if that's the case, you will someday -

"... be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." (Is. 14:15)

Yes! - as Christians we are the "sons and daughters of God," but we are the "sons and daughters of God" by ADOPTION. We do NOT intrinsically share the divine nature. Christ is the ONLY INTRINSIC Son of God. He is united to the Holy Spirit and the Father INTRINSICALLY. We are not! - AND WE NEVER WILL BE. [Again, we URGE you to please see our last article, "A Luciferic Christianity."]

Nonetheless, this is exactly what the "prophets" and "apostles" of America's New World Order System are advocating - specifically, that man can become as much God as Jesus is God. For example, Kenneth Hagin teaches that -

"... every born again man is an incarnation [of God]."

And that -

"... the believer is as much an incarnation [of God] as Jesus of Nazareth." [That's what the late John Wimber was suggesting when he talked about receiving an "INCARNATIONAL enduement" (see below); this should give you some idea of just how widespread this "God-Dream" is in today's Christianity - and one should bear in mind here that the Vineyard churches are the "kissing-cousins" of Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapels.]

And lest the reader think that Hagin is only speaking metaphorically, one has only to consider the following additional quotation:

"That’s who we are; we’re Jesus ..." [Please see our article, "The Obermenschen (Supermen) of Kenneth Hagin, Bennie Hinn, and John Wimber."]

Moreover, the fact that Hagin teaches deification in almost the exact same fashion that the Nazis (e.g., Nietsche, Schopenhauer, etc.) did - minus the racism, of course - is not some kind of "hidden truth." Indeed, McConnell says that it is a well-established fact in the larger Christian community that -

"Kenneth Hagin ... teaches ... the doctrine of human deification."

This is anti-Christ! Nonetheless, Hagin's popularity in American Christian circles is not abated. Charisma Magazine calls Hagin the "GRANDDADDY" of today's "New Christianity."

The ultimate aim of deification is POWER - THE POSSESSION OF CREATIVE POWER; AND, ULTIMATELY, POWER WITH WHICH TO CONQUER THE EARTH AND CLEANSE IT FROM "EVIL-DOERS." The late John Wimber, the former head of the Vineyard churches, explains:

"With the ... [coming of] this incredible ‘INCARNATIONAL ENDUEMENT' of God’s Spirit we will see the Elijahs ... This END TIME ARMY will be made of the Elijahs of the Lord God ... There will be a filling of the Temple. That is why we are ... saying to you that it is coming soon ..." [i.e., this "end time army" of "God-Men" to judge the earth.]

An "INCARNATIONAL enduement?" Man becomes God in order to cleanse the earth? That's what James Robison, the evangelical pastor who did so much to get Ronald Reagan elected to the presidency in 1980, thinks as well:

"As I consider the implications of what God is telling us [i.e., that we can become God just as much as Jesus is God] ... my mind almost explodes. I do not believe the Church until this time has ever noticed more than a fleeting glimpse of THIS OVERWHELMING TRUTH."

This "OVERWHELMING TRUTH?" This is what the world is waiting for? - what Reuven Doron calls "the rising and completion of the ministry of the prophetic ‘Son of Man Company'?" This coming race of "GOD-MEN?" - who will cleanse the earth of EVIL DOERS so that God's kingdom on earth might be made manifest? This is what the world is waiting for? But isn't that what Hitler was attempting to create? - a race of SUPERMEN who would cleanse the world of EVIL-DOERS? [In Hitler's case, the Jews; in the "New Christianity" of the American New World Order System, the poor and "ner-do-wells" of the earth who by their very poverty have proven themselves NOT to be followers of Christ.]

Hitler said:

"In cleansing the earth of the Jews, I'm doing the Lord's work."

The "apostles" of the "New Christianity" declare that "poverty is a CURSE," and - therefore - "the poor are the CURSED of God and should be treated as such." This attitude, of course, explains the ease with which America's "New Christianity" has been able to tolerate the harsh treatment of the poor by the Bush administration - not only in this country, but in the world at large. [In a very real way, THE POOR OF THE EARTH HAVE BECOME THE "JEWS" of the American New World Order System.]

NOTE: D.R. McConnell writes: "Poverty is, indeed, a curse, as the Faith teachers say, but it is not a curse that God inflicts upon people. It is a curse that people inflict upon one another by means of oppression."

My-oh-my, is it that difficult to see the parallel between what Hitler was doing and what Christians in the United States are doing today? The truth is, Christians in the United States have become involved in Hitlerism, plain and simple - a "CHRISTIANIZED" form of it replete with oodles and oodles of "Christ-speak," but Hitlerism, nonetheless. AND THIS IS WHAT THE COMING "GOD-MEN" ARE ALL ABOUT: THE CREATION OF A CHRISTIAN THIRD REICH, a kind of "Fourth Reich," as it were. Yes! - that's what deification is all about! - CLEANSING THE EARTH! It's about SLAUGHTER, BUTCHERY, BLOODSHED, MAYHEM, MURDER and GENOCIDE, all in the interest of the American New World Order System.

Naturally enough, if Christians are as much God as Jesus is God, they ought to be able to do the things that Jesus did - and not simply as supplicants, but as actual wielders of "God-like" power. For example, take what Charles Capps says; he writes:

"In August of 1973, the Word of the Lord came unto me saying, ‘If men would believe me, long prayers are not necessary. Just speaking the Word will bring what you desire. My CREATIVE POWER is given to man in Word form. I have ceased for a time from my creative work and have given man ... my CREATIVE POWER’."

What is Capps saying here? - what he's saying is that God has given man the capacity TO SPEAK REALITY INTO BEING, and God expects man to use that power in order to establish His rule on earth. But, again, this is not biblical. It's SATANIC. As I have said previously, it's the exact same kind of thinking that bewitched Wagner in Parsifal, the Gotterdammerung and Die Walkure; the same kind of "creative power" that mesmerized the Nazi state. Nonetheless, this kind of thinking is rampant in the church today - which should give you some idea as to why the American church is called a WHORE in the Book of Revelation. She has sold herself out to the devil. (cf. Rev. 17:1, 15, 16 and 19:2). [Please see chapter 15 of the Antipas Papers, "The Woman of Revelation 17."]

Take another example, Franklin Hall: Hall, one of the most revered early proponents of America's "New Christianity," claimed that Christians can be "deified" (and, as a result, acquire "creative power) through stages of spiritual growth, and through experiences with what he called "UFOs ("Unidentified Flying Objects"), UHOs ("Unusual Heavenly Objects"), and IHOs ("Immortal Heavenly Objects") - "spiritual entities" that bear a striking resemblance to the kind with which Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and his "twelve apostles" communed at Wevelsburg Castle in Westphalia.

Hall's premise here is not based on God's promise of immortality after the resurrection, but on the idea that those who apply his teachings, and who are able to "establish communication" with the same "spiritual entities" with whom he communicated, can become immortal while in their present flesh-and-blood bodies:

"Permanent, lasting freedoms from all sickness, harmful accident things and defeat will come about. Freedom from the imprisonment of all gravitational forces will also be brought upon the whole man. This study teaches one the power and secrets of space flight. Space floatation and hovering ability.

"It gives the Bible formula for weightlessness, the 'raising up' power of those who come to Immortality ..." [And, again, I repeat the same warning to you that I gave concerning Paul Cain: one should be very careful here in dismissing Hall because he appears to be somewhat simple-minded; that's what millions of Germans did with regard to the "seers" and "prophets" of Hitlerism - and they lived to regret it.]

Hall claimed that the blessing of immortality (i.e., "deification") came from an "Immortal Substance" that emanated from the "spiritual entities" with whom he communicated. Many who attended Hall's meetings claimed to have seen this "Immortal Substance" - which they described as a "fine gold and silver, sparkling material."

This sounds eerily like the kind of phenomena and strange "goings-on" that occurred at the meetings of William Branham, another early "prophet" of today's "New Christianity." Thousands and thousands of onlookers claim to have witnessed these phenomena. Branham even had a light - a strange halo - which hovered over him during his meetings which he called "his angel."

This "angel" gave Branham uncannily accurate "Words of Wisdom" and "Words of Knowledge" for people who attended his meetings, as well as the power to heal - healings which even today cannot be fully "explained away." Asked once if the healings were done (and the "Words of Knowledge" and "Words of Wisdom" were given) by the Holy Spirit, Branham replied, "No, my angel does it."


All of these things - communications with "Immortal Heavenly Objects (IHOs), "Unusual Heavenly Objects (UHOs), and "Unidentified Flying Objects" (UFOs), higher intelligences, and the manifestation of sparkling material falling from heaven during gatherings - occurred routinely in the meetings of the SS at the various castles associated with the "brotherhood" at Werfenstein in Lower Austria, at Marienkamp near Ulm, and at Rugen, an island in the Baltic Sea - as well as at the SS's main stronghold at Wevelsburg in Westphalia.

The fact is, the SS "communed" with supernatural beings "not of this earth" routinely and in much the same fashion that William Branham, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, etc. claim they have done - and what does it really matter that the "entities" with whom Branham, Roberts, Hagin, et. al. communed have "Christian" names, and those with whom Himmler's "Black Priests" communed were the "Secret Masters of the Caucasus?" The truth is, the "Christs" with whom most so-called Christians in the "New Christianity" of today commune on a so-called "face-to-face" basis are more likely than not nothing more than the "false Christs" against whom Jesus Himself warned His disciples:

"... if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; BELIEVE IT NOT. (Matt. 24:23)

Plainly, what that means is when someone - no matter who he is - says that he has "communed" "bodily" (face to face) with Christ or another angelic being (for example, the "angel" with whom Branham "communed") one should be very, very careful of such claims; indeed, Jesus says that we should "BELIEVE IT NOT." That's what Matthew 24:23 says, AND THAT'S ESPECIALLY TRUE AS THE "END OF THE AGE" DRAWS NEAR (cf. Matthew 24:14-22). The fact is, the "entities" with whom they are "communicating" are very probably the same "entities" with whom the "Black Priests" of Hitler's SS "communicated" at Wevelsburg. This is heavy! - and it gives us some reason to understand why the Apostle Paul warned us:

"... we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against [spiritual] principalities, against [spiritual] powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Eph. 6:12)

The same "entities" with whom members of Himmler's SS were communicating at Wevelsburg Castle? The same "spiritual beings" that Paul describes in Ephesians 6:12? These are the "spiritual entities" with whom the leaders of today's New Christianity are communing? YES! -



Jesus said:

"... there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matt. 24:24)

And then He gave the warning:

"Behold, I have told you BEFORE." (Matt. 24:25)

In other words, "I am warning you in advance so that you can make yourself ready against this deceit." Then there is Mark 13:22:

"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise [in the end of days], and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." (Mark 13:22)

And, once again, the warning:

"... take ye heed: behold, I have FORETOLD you all things." (Mark 13:23)

Again, Jesus is telling us in advance so that we can prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually against this deceit - which is sure to come. Finally, there is 2 Thess. 2:3-4 and 9-11:

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

"Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie ..." (2 Thess. 2:3-4, 9-11)

And what is the crime spoken of here? - that there shall come a person in the name of Christ showing "great signs and wonders?" - and that he shall come "SHOWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD," and not only anti-Christ as such, but all those others who "show themselves off as God."

The Bible says:

"Little children, IT IS THE LAST TIME: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, EVEN NOW ARE THERE MANY ANTICHRISTS; whereby we know that IT IS THE LAST TIME." (1 John 2:18)

MANY ANTICHRISTS! - a whole class of "antichrists;" people like Paul Crouch, Jack Hayford, Charles Stanley, D. James Kennedy, Tim LaHaye, the late John Wimber, Juan Carlos Ortiz, C. Peter Wagner, Beverley LaHaye, Ern Baxter, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Colson, Robert Stearns, Mike Bickle, Reuven Doron, Che Ahn, Frank Hammond, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, John Eckhardt, Bobbie Byerly, Dutch Sheets, Jim Goll, John Paul Jackson, James Ryle, Frank Damazio, Ed Silvoso, Carlos Annacondia, Claudio Freidzon, Roger Mitchell, Ted Haggart, Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, Kingsley Fletcher, Jim Laffoon, Barbara Wentroble, ad infinitum.

All of these people - even if they themselves don't preach the doctrine of deification - permit it to be preached and / or share their pulpits with those who do - are "antichrists." Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth." (Luke 11:23)

Brothers and sisters, you should understand here that ANYONE - no matter how much he uses the name of Christ and no matter how "holy" his life appears - who involves himself in this kind of "Christianity" is LYING about his relationship with Christ. HE HAS NONE. The Bible says:

"Who is a LIAR but he that denieth that Jesus is the [ONLY] Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22)

And the Bible goes on to say -

"Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath NOT the Father ..." (1 John 2:23)

What's the apostle John saying here? - He's saying that anyone who denies the UNIQUE oneness of the Father and the Son - i.e., who says that man can become as much a "Son of the Father" as Jesus is - that person comes in the "spirit of antichrist." Put another way, he who denies the SINGULAR oneness that the Son ALONE has with the Father, that person has NOTHING to do with the Father, and whatever claim such a person makes to the contrary is a LIE; indeed, the Bible says -

"YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He ... abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44)

Some, of course, would protest, not so much on the basis of the plain teaching of the Scriptures, but because they have witnessed the spiritual power that these men very obviously wield. But the manipulation of spiritual power is no guarantee of one's relationship with God! The magicians who confronted Moses before Pharaoh had power as well - as much power as Moses had, at least before the end came:

"And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,

"When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Show a miracle ... then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.

"And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

"Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.

"For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents ..." (Ex. 7:8-12)

That's no small thing, to change a rod into a serpent; BUT THAT DID NOT MAKE PHARAOH'S MAGICIANS SERVANTS OF GOD! They were in fact servants of the devil! Nonetheless, the minions of today's "New Christianity" never cease in trying to authenticate their ministries through the demonstration or manipulation of supernatural forces (because they can't authenticate their ministries by resort to the Word of God; hence their TOTAL dependence on "signs" and "wonders").

The truth is, however, the SS practiced "magic" in much the same way that the leaders of today's "New Christianity" do. Take, for example, the matter of "spiritual warfare" and "directed praying:" There is very little difference between the way the SS practiced these phenomena and the way the adherents of the "New Christianity practice these phenomena today. For instance, consider the testimony of Walter Schellenberg in connection with the "Show Trial" of General Werner von Fritsch who was "brought to account" by Hitler's government during the late 1930s on the false accusation that he was an homosexual; Schellenberg gave the following account:

"I witnessed for the first time some of the rather strange practices resorted to by [Reichsfuhrer SS] Himmler ... He assembled ... [some of his] most trusted SS leaders in a room next to the one in which von Fritsch was being questioned and ordered them all to concentrate their minds on exerting a suggestive influence over the General that would induce him to confess. I happened to come into the room by accident, and to see these ... SS leaders sitting in a circle, all sunk in deep and silent contemplation [not unlike intense prayer] was truly amazing; it was a remarkable sight."

Sklar writes concerning this particular incident:

"The student of occultism will recognize ... the 'magical' view [here] that, through visualization, we can change reality."

She continues:

"From the ancients to the most simplistic modern exponents of the magic power of thought, the doctrine is that one's attention and intense concentration can accomplish any desired end. IF THE END IS NOT REACHED, IT IS SIMPLY BECAUSE THE MIND HAS NOT SUFFICIENTLY PROJECTED IT."

Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Bennie Hinn and Oral Roberts couldn't have said it better.

The Waffen SS practiced these kinds of "visualization" techniques before every battle they participated in during World War II - and not only that, but they were deeply involved in "directed praying" against their enemies. Again, the question that begs to be asked is, What are American Christians doing involving themselves in the same occultic practices that animated the SS? Once again I say, shouldn't that cause alarm bells to go off? Come on now! - what's the difference here between what the SS engaged in, and what Harold Caballeros advocates in order to "take dominion" over a "territory" for "Christ and the church?" Caballeros writes,

"When a territory has been inhabited by persons who have chosen to ... [fight against us (for example, the Muslims in Iraq - editor)] ... it is then necessary to identify the enemy and to go into spiritual battle until we obtain victory and redeem the territory."

But again I ask, Isn't this the kind of "spiritual warfare" that the SS was engaged in insofar as General von Fritsch was concerned? This is OCCULTISM, plain and simple. THIS IS WHAT THE FOLLOWERS OF HITLER WERE INTO. As Christians, we are NOT told to pray against our enemies. Instead, we are told to -

" ... Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

"Bless them that curse you, and PRAY FOR THEM WHICH DESPITEFULLY USE YOU." (Luke 6:27-28)

This is the exact OPPOSITE of what the "New Christianity" of America's New World Order System "is into." The fact is, visualization and directed praying are central to the practice of WITCHCRAFT, which, again, is the manipulation of spiritual or supernatural forces; and it is condemned by the Bible:

"There shall not be found among you any one ... that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

"Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

"For all that do these things are an ABOMINATION unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee." (Deut. 18:10-12)

Nonetheless, these beliefs are rampant in the American church today - and because of them the Bible says that America -

"... IS BECOME THE HABITATION OF DEVILS, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird [evil spirit]." (Rev. 18:2)

AN HABITATION OF DEVILS? OF EVERY EVIL SPIRIT? The Bible doesn't say that about Russia; about Germany; about China - and the crimes of these nations were (are) surely great. But it does say that about Babylon (i.e., the United States). [Please see our article, "In Search of Babylon: What Does the Bible Say?" for a description of the United States as Babylon."]

The United States - an habitation of devils? Of EVERY evil spirit? Think about that! - EVERY evil spirit! - that's what all this has come to. THESE EVIL SPIRITS, THESE GHOSTLY PHANTOMS, THESE GHOULISH APPARITIONS AND DEPRAVED SPECTERS ARE POURING INTO THE COUNTRY LIKE A FLOOD. THEY'VE TAKEN UP RESIDENCE IN OUR CHURCHES, THEY'VE SEIZED CONTROL OF THE CHURCH'S PULPITS AND THEY BLASPHEME GOD'S HOLY NAME OPENLY AND WITHOUT SHAME IN THE MIDST OF OUR CONGREGATIONS. Come on now! - isn't that what Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, C. Peter Wagner, Bennie Hinn and all the rest of them are doing when they say they are the equal of God? That they are as much a son of God as Jesus is? Come on now! Be honest here!

All these congregations that raise up "holy hands" unto the Lord - the congregations that sit at the feet of these men or who allow them to speak from their pulpits: The Lord shrieks out against them:

"I HATE, I DESPISE your feast days ... your solemn assemblies." (Amos 5:21)

Your "solemn assemblies?" - Ha! I ABHOR them! I DETEST them! What's that say about those who go to church so piously on Sunday mornings in the United States? Who make a pretense of worshipping God with lavish orchestras and beautiful choirs: "I will have NO REGARD for anything you do for me" (Amos 5:22); "I will NOT ACCEPT anything from you" (Amos 5:22):

"Take thou away from me the ... [sound] of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols." (Amos 5:23)

The music of America's churches disgusts God! - because it is NOT God that they are worshipping, but themselves:

"... ye have borne the tabernacle of YOUR Moloch and ... YOUR images, the star of YOUR god, WHICH YE MADE TO YOURSELVES. (Amos 5:26)

"The STAR of YOUR God, which ye MADE TO YOUR SELVES?" Americans worship themselves! - after all, isn't that what they are doing when they say they are God; isn't that what Paul Crouch, John Wimber, C. Peter Wagner, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, Mike Bickle, Reuven Doron, Che Ahn, Frank Hammond, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, John Eckhardt, Bobbie Byerly, Dutch Sheets, Jim Goll, John Paul Jackson, James Ryle, Frank Damazio, Ed Silvoso, Carlos Annacondia, Claudio Freidzon, Roger Mitchell, Ted Haggart, Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, Kingsley Fletcher, Jim Laffoon, Barbara Wentroble, ad infinitum are doing who say openly and without shame:

"That's who we are! We're Jesus." (Kenneth Hagin)

You say that you've never done that; you've never heard your pastor say that. But have you ever heard your pastor speak out against that? He knows what's happening! How can he not know? - these are the "stars" of today's church; these are the ones featured regularly on the pages of Charisma Magazine. How can your pastor not know? How can you not know? - unless you have chosen PURPOSEFULLY not to know. People know, but it doesn't seem to matter to them anymore. They have become calloused to the truth. These are the people about whom the Bible says:

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times SOME SHALL DEPART FROM THE FAITH, giving heed to SEDUCING SPIRITS, and doctrines of devils;

"... having their conscience seared with a hot iron ..." (1 Tim. 4:1-2)

"Seducing spirits" - the same ones that so bewitched Germany, who lurk about in our churches, and who in the "LAST DAYS" (2 Tim. 3:1) -

"... creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts ..." (2 Tim. 3:6)

[Note: 2 Tim. 3:1 (above) and 3:6 (here) are linked together - all of which are linked to the "LAST DAYS."]

These are the kind of people who give heed to the disgusting and schmaltzy pabulum of a Rick Warren and his insipid, vapid little book, The Purpose Driven Life; people who are -

"... Traitors [to true Christianity], heady, highminded, LOVERS OF PLEASURE MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD;

"HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS, but denying the power thereof ..." (2 Tim. 3:4-5)

Again, all these things are linked together: (1) the "last days;" (2) evil spirits creeping about; (3) "silly women;" (4) traitors to true Christianity; (5) heady, highminded people who are lovers of pleasure, etc. And where is all this evil principally located: BABYLON. (Rev. 18:2)

The Bible continues:


"... that ... cause the seat of violence to come near ..." (Amos 6:1, 3)

Woe to all you who are at ease in the United States, who call yourselves "Christians," but support the VIOLENT and BRUTAL extension of the American New World Order System throughout the world. [Please see our articles, "Inside the American New World Order System" and "The Third World as a Model for the New World Order."]

Woe to them -

"... that lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall;

"That chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of music, like David;

"... and anoint themselves with the chief ointments: but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph [i.e., of the innocent]." (Amos 6:4-6)

Woe to all those who live in luxury and comfort and who piously claim to worship God, but who are not grieved by the HORROR and SAVAGERY that their country is visiting on the peoples and nations of the world - ALL IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD. Woe to those who call themselves "Christians" in the United States and who are not repulsed by these things.

And make no mistake about it, they are not repulsed! - even many who were at one time a part of this ministry, but who left it because of its supposed "harshness." They have grown used to the dreadful condition of today's American church and the nation it supports; they have become "hardened" to it; they have become insensitive to its horror. Indeed, one of my closest erstwhile colleagues even now attends one of the largest churches in Sacramento - a super-church that regularly opens up its pulpit to Bennie Hinn and others of his ilk - and by doing so, he reveals himself as nothing more than a shameless, insipid little HYPOCRITE who is totally unable to stand against the "course of this age."

His actions give the lie to his "spiritual" verbiage; he's a coward - a brother who claims to see what Antipas sees (and who even shamelessly "rewrites" its material and calls it his own), but who preaches "moderation" and refuses to take any MEANINGFUL action with regard to the horror that surrounds him - and COUNSELS OTHERS TO DO THE SAME. But as Barry Goldwater once said: "Radicalism in the service of truth is no vice, and moderation in the service of truth is no virtue." Some day soon he and the others like him will have to give an account to the Lord of their craven cowardice; but meanwhile they label me a Jim Jones - while all the while, by commission and omission, they help keep the doors of the American church open to the likes of Bennie Hinn.

Brothers and sisters, I tell you the truth here: I am very, very wearied by all this: in contending for the truth, it seems sometimes that all I'm doing is "tilting at windmills" like Don Quixote, and leaving in my wake people who are enraged at me and what they see as my "lack of compassion."

It breaks my heart; but I would rather be loyal to God and His Word than win a "popularity contest" with my friends - most of whom long ago departed from me, as this one particular brother is so fond of pointing out. But, then, he has left me, come back to me, and left me again many times before, both he and his friend. I suppose they'll be back again someday once they see what's really happening - but they will have wrecked many lives in the interim by their counsel and their timidity. Meanwhile, they continue their very personal attacks against me. They can't attack me theologically, so they attack me on an ad homenim basis.

But it's not as if I am surprised by these things. The fact is, I am an old, overweight, very rumpled, and somewhat disordered individual who presents a rather easy target to anyone who wants to attack me on a personal level, and this brother and his friend have been making a habit of doing that for years and years.

Oh well, Paul had his Alexander and his Hymaneus (1 Tim, 1:20; 2 Tim. 4:14), and I have this brother and his friend - as well as countless others. So all I can say to my many detractors is, if my "harshness" offends you, take a number and get in line; the line wraps around the block several times over.

Nonetheless, the fact remains that Babylon is sick BEYOND REMEDY. The Bible says:

"We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: FORSAKE HER ..." (Jer. 51:9)

The NASB renders this verse as follows: "We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed: [so] Forsake her ..." In other words, like a physician, God prescribed a treatment to heal Babylon. But Babylon failed to adhere to that treatment. [Please see our article, "The Jesus Revolution and the Search for Community and the Church-Life" for the story of that effort.]

The fact is, just as Germany fell ill beyond any hope of a cure after Hitler assumed power in Berlin on a cold, rainy evening in late January, 1933, so America is now sick beyond help. January 30, 1933, was both an end and a beginning for Germany: an end to the moribund liberalism of the Weimar Republic, and a beginning of the final process which led Germany into the abyss of war and genocide. After that night, there was no turning back. For one fifteen-year-old girl, Melita Maschmann, the marching columns of torch-bearing Nazis that evening before the Kaiserhof in Berlin gave "magical splendor" to the idea of the New Germany, just as the election of George Bush to the presidency has given thousands and thousands of "New Christians" in the United States reason to believe that their hope of transforming America into a "Christian Republic" destined by God to redeem the earth is now close at hand - and hang all those who get in the way!

Between 1933 and 1938 Germany went through a course of rapid transformation from a democracy to a dictatorship; the procedure was punctuated by a series of "invented crises" which served to propel the process on whenever it showed signs of slowing, or when it reached what appeared to be an impediment: for example, the Reichstag Fire, the Roehm Affair (the infamous "Night of the Long Knives"), Kristalnacht ("Crystal Night"), etc. By the time the process came to an end in 1938 the so-called "tainted" remnants of pluralism and democracy had been removed, and nazified structures and mentalities had been adopted throughout Germany. In addition, the state had gradually expanded the use of "protective custody" (Schutzhaft) to lock up all its enemies. This process of "coordination" (Gleichschaltung) was for the most part undertaken voluntarily and with alacrity. By 1939, Germany was prepared for TOTAL war.

A similar process of Gleichschaltung and Schutzhaft aimed at transforming the United States into a totalitarian state - while going unnoticed by most Christians who applaud the effort - is now well underway in the United States, punctuated, like Germany's, by "invented emergencies" designed to break down the resistance of those who oppose what's happening. But one has only to consider what happened to Gary Webb, Sherman Austin and Judi Bari to understand how far along the process is in the United States, all this to say nothing of what has happened to Lynne Stewart and Ward Churchill. [Please see our article, "The Use of Police Brutality in the Elite's War Against the Poor;" please also see our article, "Playing End Time Games: Looking Back to Babylon and Morphing into a Pillar of Salt." In addition, please see our article on Gary Webb, "The Death of Gary Webb;" also our article on Sherman Austin, "Don't Be Naive about Going to Prison for Christ;" and, finally, our article on Judi Bari, "Judi Bari, Darryl Cherney and Earth First."]

To be sure, America's process of Gleichschaltung is replete with "starts" and "stops;" but, again, so was Germany's - and one should not be comforted when it occasionally slows down. For example, Germany's policy of unremitting hostility toward the Jews actually moderated in 1934 - and so much so that the exodus of Jews fleeing Germany slowed down markedly; SOME EVEN CAME BACK, thinking that the worst was over. But, in fact, the die had already been cast for the Jews on that rainy evening in January, 1933 - just as the die was cast for all right-thinking Christians in the United States by the re-election of George Bush to the presidency in 2004. [Please see our article, "The End Is Upon Us."]

There is only one thing left for people - meaning YOU - to do: GET AWAY FROM THE UNITED STATES AS FAST AS YOU CAN! (Jer. 51:9) [Please see our articles, "Come out of Her" and "A Luciferic Christianity." Please also see the "Note" in our article, "The American New World Order System Must Give Way to the Kingdom of God" regarding the applicability of this verse (i.e., Jer. 51:9) to our present situation.]

Now, you must understand something here: This is not a "suggestion;" it is not simply "good advice." It is a COMMANDMENT. How can anyone honestly say otherwise? - and this COMMAND [i.e., the one in Jeremiah 51:9 - see above)] parallels exactly the one in Revelation 18:4:

"... COME OUT OF HER, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins [in other words, get away from her so that you don't fall ill with the same disease that she has contracted], and that ye receive not of her plagues [and you perish as a result]." (Rev. 18:4)

Still, Christians - like the Jews before them - dither! And in doing so, what they are actually doing - knowingly or unknowingly, no matter - is "making light" of the Word of God; and when nothing immediately occurs as a consequence of their inaction and disobedience, they take that to mean that God doesn't really plan to do what He says He is going to do. They mistake His "longsuffering" insofar as their STUPIDITY is concerned as a license to treat God's holy DICTATE with indifference and apathy -

"... despising [i.e., treating lightly] ... the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance [i.e., that it should lead one to turn away from his indifference to God's commands]?

"But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God ..." (Rom. 2:4-5)

Christians in the United States - again, like the Jews before them - utterly fail to grasp the fact that there is a TSUNAMI (a giant tidal wave) that is INEXORABLY bearing down on them, and WHATEVER REASON THEY HAVE FOR DITHERING ON THE BEACH (AS IT WERE) AND NOT SEEKING "HIGHER GROUND" WON'T COUNT FOR ANYTHING WHEN THE WAVE FINALLY SMASHES ASHORE, not even when the dithering is done under the guise of staying behind to help get others out.

The very fact of their presence on the beach when the wave crashes ashore is what will kill them; their reason for being there is irrelevant. The Bible says:

"... Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice ..." (1 Sam. 15:22)

Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters in the Lord: in the light of this reality, it doesn't matter how difficult it is for you to get away from the beach (to get out of the United States); it doesn't matter how many obstacles stand in your way: God's Word to you is GET OUT (Rev 18:4, Jer. 51:6 and 51:9) regardless of the obstacles that confront you. THERE ARE DEMONS AFTER YOU. It's not without reason that God warns His people that America has "... become the habitation of devils" (Rev. 18:2) - the very same ones that seventy years ago took control of Germany; demons and evil spirits very much like the ones depicted in Revelation 9:7-11:

"And the shapes of the ... [spirits] were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

"And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

"And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

"And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." (Rev. 9:7-11) [Please see Chapter 9 of the Antipas Papers, "The Second Half of the Seventieth Week."]

NOTE: Ask yourself how much different this biblical description is from the description the disciples of the "New Christianity" give themselves:

"Hear the noise of the chariots! The chariots are leaping across the mountains! The army of the Lord is approaching! The earth will quake before them; the heavens shall tremble. A great people and a strange. There hath not been ever the like. Utterly awesome! DON'T YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF IT? Just think, you will be able to climb the wall like men of war. Even when you fall on the sword you will not be wounded. Crowds clap and cheer as they visualize the wondrous feats they will be able to perform in the Name of the Lord! No one wants to miss God and not be a part of what He is doing! Tears well up in the eyes of hungry seekers as they wait for the approach of this army. God is raising up an army in these last days to execute judgment and dominion throughout the earth."

There's not much difference, that's for sure!

And whereas these particular spirits (the ones in Revelation 9) will not make their appearance until the last half of the Seventieth Week, spirits very much like these have even now made the church in the United States their home (Rev. 18:2), and so much so that the church today is serving the American New World Order System much in the same capacity that the Nazi Party served Hitler's Third Reich; and they no longer go under designations like the "Masters of the Caucasus" (the designation that Himmler used), but under names like "Kenneth Hagin," "Kenneth Copeland," "Bennie Hinn" -

"... false Christs, and false prophets ... [who] ... show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matt. 24:23-24) [Please see our article, "The American New World Order System Must Give Way to the Kingdom of God;" again, please also see the "Note" in this article regarding Jeremiah 51:6 and 51:9. For a "time-line" of the events of the "Seventieth Week," please see Chapter 5 of the Antipas Papers, "Understanding the Book of Revelation."]

NOTE: the words, "if it were possible," in Matt. 24:24 do not appear in some of the original manuscripts.

Yes! there are demons after you! - and the danger you are in is much greater than the danger the Jews of Germany found themselves in - and that's saying a lot! What do I mean by that? - I mean that at least the Jews had no possibility of actually being subsumed or absorbed by the evil they confronted; they were "marked" from the very beginning. There was no way out for them except the ovens of Auschwitz. But with Christians in the United States, there is a great possibility that they will actually be absorbed by the evil they confront. THEY WILL BECOME A PART OF IT - and that will make them the objects of God's wrath. That's what the Bible clearly implies when it says:

"... come out of her, my people, THAT YE BE NOT PARTAKERS IN HER SINS [in other words, get away from her so that you don't fall ill with the same disease that she has contracted], and that ye receive not of her plagues [and you perish as a result]." (Rev. 18:4)

And if that occurs, they will be judged with the same judgment that will befall Babylon; they will -

"... be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." (Is. 14:15)

I tell you the truth when I warn you, it is a much more fearful thing to be the object of God's wrath than it is to be the object of Hitler's wrath. The Bible says:

"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Heb. 10:31)

And it goes on to say:

"... fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matt. 10:28) [In other words, fear God.]

It's easy to say today that somehow or other the German soul was predisposed to "group think" and totalitarianism; but not so Americans. The fact is, however, as Dr. William Sargant writes in his book, The Mind Possessed,

"It is not the mentally ill but ordinary normal people who are most susceptible to 'brainwashing' ... and who ... fall readily under the spell of the demagogue ..." [i.e., demagogues like Bennie Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, James Robison, C. Peter Wagner, etc.]

Sklar continues:

"BELIEFS HAVE THE POWER TO INFECT. The onlookers at a mass rally [or at a church meeting where Bennie Hinn, Paul Cain, Reuven Doron, John Paul Jackson, and their ilk are speaking - editor], where emotions are being stirred up [by the sound of rapturous, ecstatic singing, and spell-binding music - editor], often feel the same intensity of excitement that the participants (speakers, musicians and singers) feel. WE CAN 'CATCH' IDEAS THAT ARE COMPLETELY FOREIGN TO US ... Hitler's early speeches [amidst all the flag-waving, singing, and marching SS and SA troops] were so mesmerizing that even people who were repelled by his ideas felt themselves being swept along. The playwright Eugene Ionesco mentions in his autobiography that he received the inspiration for Rhinoceros when he felt himself pulled into the Nazi orbit at a mass rally and had to struggle to keep from developing 'rhinoceritis' (i.e., from being turned into a Nazi).

"We 'catch' ideas ... because we want to be like others, particularly ... [when we are alone, or somewhat dissatisfied with ourselves and our lives]. Through conformity, the person who feels ... [less than others] is in no danger of being exposed [himself]. He's indistinguishable from the others. No one can single him out and examine his unique being. Conformity, in turn, sets him up to be further canceled out as an individual, to have no life apart from his collective purpose. This gives a movement tremendous power over the individual. Even intelligent people are not immune from the desire to conform. Heinrich Hildebrandt, a schoolteacher who was anxious to hide his liberal past, joined the Nazi party, and to his own disgust, found himself proud to be wearing the insignia. 'It showed I belonged, and the pleasure of belonging so soon after feeling excluded, isolated, was very great ... I belonged to the new nobility'."

This is the great danger that all those "good Christians" who stay behind in the United States face: that they will be infected by the "new Christianity." Of course, they deny that their faith can ever be so shaken - but that's not what history suggests, and it's not what the Bible says. The fact is, as Dr. Sargant says,

"... the well-balanced person ... [caught in the kind of situation a 'good German' was caught in the 1930s] may suddenly give up his previous intellectual training and habits of thought to accept ideas which he would normally find repellent or even patently nonsensical."

Sklar says that -

"... once the believer has been ... [subsumed], it is difficult for him to revert to his former self. In a sense, collective totalitarian thinking can be compared with schizophrenia. In both, there is , says Joost Meerlo in The Rape of the Mind, a 'loss of an independent, verifiable reality' ... He is immune to reasonable propositions. He is convinced that he is reasonable, and that his enemies are not ... HE CANNOT GO BACK ... He is committed to his involvement in the group. To renounce it would be to repudiate himself. IT WOULD ALSO MEAN GIVING UP ALL THE PSYCHIC BENEFITS OF OMNIPOTENCE [that belonging to the group gives him]. His personality and prejudices have become crystallized around a set of actions and dogmas. They are irreversible ... He has become the movement. All thoughts and feelings that are at odds with it are snuffed out. This is what gives ... [such a person] the air of a one-dimensional man. He lacks depth. There is a limited range of possibilities open to him. If one wants, therefore, to convert him back to an autonomous human being, one finds there is nobody home ... Within his sacred circle, all other knowledge is taboo."

This is the mental and spiritual condition towards which all those Christians who don't leave the country are headed. Sklar says, "THEY CANNOT GO BACK ... THEY HAVE BECOME ONE WITH THE MOVEMENT ... IF PEOPLE WANT ... TO CONVERT THEM BACK ... THEY FIND THERE IS NOBODY HOME ..." This is precisely the "pathology" that will lead all those who remain behind to subsume themselves eventually and by degrees to the will of America's New World Order System. They will become one with the MOVEMENT - i.e., the "New Christianity" of the American New World Order System.

Sklar continues:

"At Nuremberg, after the war, Allied examiners were shocked to see how unrepentant ... the Nazis were. Julius Streicher cried 'Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!' at his execution, until the opening of the trap door muffled his voice. Arthur Seyss-Inquart [the gauleiter of Holland] declared, to the last, that Hitler remained 'the man who made Greater Germany a reality in history'. Rudolf Hoess [the commandant of Auschwitz], by his own admission was 'completely filled, indeed obsessed' with his monstrous goal; he was not guilty of arrogance when he proudly declared that 'Auschwitz became the greatest human extermination center of all time'. HE WAS ONE OF THE COUNTLESS ORDINARY MEN WHO HAD BEEN TURNED INTO A BELIEVER. He gave validity to Hitler's contention '... THAT PEOPLE CAN ... BE MADE TO MISTAKE HELL FOR HEAVEN ...' As Hitler knew better than perhaps anyone else: 'The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, THAT IN THE END THEY SUCCUMB TO IT UTTERLY AND CAN NEVER AGAIN ESCAPE FROM IT'."

Think about that: they eventually SUCCUMB TO IT SO UTTERLY THAT THEY CAN NEVER AGAIN ESCAPE FROM IT. That's what the Bible says as well. This is the power of leaven, and NO ONE can stand up to its power for ever, especially the leaven that is now at work in the churches of America and America itself.

The Bible says:

"A little leaven leaveneth the WHOLE lump." (Gal. 5:9)

And it will "leaven" YOU! It will take you over, and once it has, you will not be able to revert back to your former self. YOU WILL BE ABSORBED. To put it in today's vernacular, YOU WILL BE "BORGED." [Star Trek: The New Generation]

This is certainly what's happened to most of the leaders of today's church. Take the frightening words of George Grant, Executive Director of Coral Ridge Ministries, an affiliate of D. James Kennedy's giant Coral Ridge Church in Florida:

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a HOLY responsibility to reclaim the land [meaning America] for Jesus Christ - to have DOMINION in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.

"But it is DOMINION we are after. Not just a voice.

"It is DOMINION we are after. Not just an influence.

"It is DOMINION we are after. Not just equal time.

"It is DOMINION we are after.

"WORLD CONQUEST. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish ... And we must never settle for anything less ... Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land - of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments - for the Kingdom of Christ."

And exactly how is this dominion going to be achieved? In the words of Christian Coalition field director, Bill Thomson, THE CHURCH'S FOES SHOULD BE DESTROYED; they should be wiped from the face of the earth:

"You [meaning you Christians] are going to run over the top of them [meaning the church's enemies], DESTROY them - WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO so that God's word is the word that is being practiced in Congress, town halls and state legislatures. That's your job."

Listen to what Thomson is saying here: "DESTROY your enemies!" "Run over the top of them." That's Hitlerism! - and believe me when I say that it emanates from the same evil spirits that drove Germany mad; the same evil spirits that Himmler communed with at Wevelsburg Castle; the same evil spirits that Professor C. Scott Littleton called the "Masters of the Caucasus" - after all, "if it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck."

"World conquest!" "Dominion!" That's what the church's leaders want today, and in order to achieve it, they have commanded their followers to "get rid of" those who stand in their way: "Destroy them!" "Do what you have to do!" Hitler couldn't have said it better.

All these people have been - in the words of Dusty Sklar - "INFECTED;" there is no going back for them; they are "caught." And if it can happen to them, it can happen to you. The infection is spreading; soon it will spread to you. This is why the Bible warns you to -

"... come out of her, my people, THAT YE BE NOT PARTAKERS IN HER SINS ... " (Rev. 18:4)

Sklar writes concerning the SS:

"[The members of the SS] considered themselves sacred. Faith in a holy cause had taken possession of them. They were completely incapable of objectivity. WHAT THEY DID WAS NOT SEEN BY THEM AS EVIL. This pathological blindness convinced them that they were participating in the superhuman task of ridding the world of a menace ... They were swept along by 'prophets' like Lanz, List, and Sebottendorff. The well-to-do ... gave them financial backing, which must have reassured Lanz, List, and Sebottendorff in their belief in themselves as messiahs and heralds."

Sklar continues ominously,

"There are leaders preaching to multitudes today ... [just like Lanz, List, and Sebottendorff did in the past] ... I have been at meetings [where they preached] and I have seen presumably sane and rational people accept without question irrational doctrines presented portentously, believing that they were receiving revealed truth."

This is the kind of irrationality that has taken hold of the church today; but NONE of this has anything to do with the Bible: the belief that man can become a GOD-MAN; that he can become DIVINE; that the church has been given a sacred mission to "rid the earth of evil;" that America is God's REDEEMER NATION chosen by God to accomplish this task. This is ALL irrational in the light of Scripture; this is what the SS thought; still it's believed by American Christians. They want to believe it, and that "wanting" is infectious; and it WILL infect you in time. This is why you must obey God NOW; not later, but NOW.

What counts now - in the light of all this - is obedience to God's COMMAND. Nothing else matters. In not obeying God here, you are repeating the same mistake that the children of Israel made when they refused to go into the "Promised Land" to "possess" it because "there were giants" there:

"But the men that went up ... said, We be not able to go up against the people; FOR THEY ARE STRONGER THAN WE ARE.

"And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.

"And there WE SAW GIANTS, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and WE WERE IN OUR OWN SIGHT GRASSHOPPERS, and so we were in their sight." (Num. 13:31-33)

Is that what's delaying your going? Giants? Do you feel that you're confronting "giants" in your life as you seek to obey God's COMMAND to "COME OUT?" - and that these "giants" are too great for you to defy?

If so, you are headed for an awful demise, and YOU ARE GOING TO MISS OUT ON WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU! That's what happened to the "children of Israel," and that's EXACTLY what is going to happen to you if you disobey God. Brothers and sisters, you must understand something here: God is INSULTED by your disobedience and your lack of faith in Him. It is no small thing to Him when men who -

"... have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness ... [to] hearken not to my voice;

"Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them ... see it:

"Your carcases shall fall in this wilderness ..." (Num. 14:22-23, 29)

Have you seen God's glory? Have you seen His miracles? - if so, why do you doubt Him? You are INSULTING God by doing so, and you will die in the "wilderness" just as surely as the children of Israel did. Pretty intense! - but God isn't fooling around here! You either trust Him or you don't: That's the end of it.

More next time!

Until then, God bless you,

S.R. Shearer,
Antipas Ministries



April 9, 2008
By: S.R. Shearer
"The fascist movement is inevitable in the United States. To believe otherwise is to imagine that the … [rich] will give up their power without a fight. On the contrary, at the slightest indication of loss of their power, they will be prepared for a most ferocious struggle. The people of this country must learn this important truth."

Albert & Vera Weisbord
"There had been … warning signs foreshadowing the coming storm; but at the time these signs were difficult to discern in the confusion of the moment."

Walter Laqueur

In May of last year (2007) I wrote:

"There are periods when time seems to go into slow motion; when great and contradictory forces that are battling against one another seem to abate - though not completely; just enough to give people a sense that time is on their side; that the emergency they had sensed was about to explode upon them has diminished to the extent that they can begin to relax a little.

"This is what happened in Germany between September 1930 - when the Nazis won a surprising victory in the elections of that year, a victory that seemed to presage their immediate ascent to power - and January 1933 when the Nazis finally seized power once and for all; an interval of about two and a half years; an interval that no one had expected.

"Four different governments and several elections were to take place in this short period of time, and each time the position the Nazis had achieved in the 1930 election was eroded. Indeed, one month before the final ascent of the Nazis to power, the Communists and their pseudo-allies, the Social Democrats, held more seats in the Reichstag (the German Parliament) then the Nazis did. IT SEEMED THAT THE NAZI PARTY WAS A SPENT FORCE." [Please see our article, "The New In-Between Time."]

So also today insofar as the Religious Right / Business Right alliance that has animated the Republican Party over the last several decades is concerned. The very real fact of the matter is, there are many pundits today predicting the decline and fall of this alliance; that a "New Left" liberal / anti-business / anti-Christian alliance centered around the Democratic Party is rising to take its place. That's what Lance Selfa thinks; he writes that Bush and his conservative cohorts have run into a -

"… a leftward shift in popular consciousness."

Selfa explains:

"With each new day, more bad political news seems to befall the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress. Major national opinion polls estimate that only about one-third of Americans support President Bush and the Republicans in Congress … Liberal commentators are already predicting the possibility of a 'tsunami' of angry voters sweeping … [a Democrat into the presidency] in November."

Religious Right conservatives explain that the shift of the American electorate against Bush can be explained by the fact that leaders in the Republican Party have "deserted their base." Selfa explains:

"As they do every time [when the Religious Right's] extreme agenda alienates large numbers of Americans, conservatives accuse the administration and Republicans in Congress of 'deserting the base' - i.e., of not being conservative enough."

Sean Hannity and other conservatives council -

"… 'going to the base' to save the Republican Party in 2008."

However, Selfa writes:

"It's doubtful whether this advice [i.e., 'going to the base'] will really stave off GOP losses. For one thing, opinion polls show that Bush and the GOP by and large retain the support of conservatives. Instead, they have lost more moderate Republicans - the people least exercised by the Religious Right … If opinion polls are predictive of strategy, 'going to the base' might be a way to preserve hard-core GOP support, but at the cost of [alienating moderates and] losing the 2008 elections …"

In other words, the Business Right of the Republican Party should employ a strategy of jettisoning their alliance with the Religious Right and moving the party back to the so-called "moderate" center. AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE BUSINESS RIGHT SEEMS TO BE DOING IN SUPPORTING THE CANDIDACY OF JOHN McCAIN, much to the chagrin of Religious Right leaders such as Dr. James Dobson, who said just last year:


Given this reality - specifically, the apparent shift of the Business Right of the Republican Party away from its alliance with the Religious Right - it would seem that the moderates have won control of the Republican Party. But as Paul Neuman said to Sally Fields in Absence of Malice:

"Things aren't always what they appear to be."

Just as there were forces in Germany from 1930 to 1933 that were at work underneath the German political landscape that belied what was happening on the surface, so there are forces at work below the surface of the American political landscape that belie what's really happening insofar as the Republican Party and the Religious Right are concerned. The truth of that statement can be gleaned from the support that McCain (presumably a moderate) recently received from the pastor of San Antonio's huge Cornerstone Church, the Rev. John C. Hagee (presumably a "card-carrying member" of the Religious Right) who said of McCain:

"John McCain is a man of principle."

In endorsing McCain over what seemed to be the choice of most Religious Right conservatives - i.e., Mike Huckabee - just prior to the Texas primary, Hagee seemed to be endorsing the "moderate" shift of the Republican Party (which hardly seems likely); OR maybe - just maybe - indicating that McCain isn't quite the "moderate" that most people think he is. THIS IDEA GAINED A GOOD DEAL OF CREDENCE WHEN MODERATES RAISED A FIRESTORM OVER HAGEE'S ENDORSEMENT OF McCAIN, AND McCAIN REFUSED TO BACK AWAY FROM HAGEE'S ENDORSEMENT.

And exactly why, one might ask, would moderates find Hagee's endorsement of McCain so unappealing? HAGEE IS A MAN WHO SUBSCRIBES TO THE IDEA THAT THE UNITED STATES MUST JOIN ISRAEL IN A PREEMPTIVE MILITARY STRIKE AGAINST IRAN THAT WILL LEAD TO THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. This is hardly a view calculated to win the support of either moderate Republicans or moderate Democrats, the very people to which the Business Right of the Republican Party wants to appeal.

Asked about Hagee’s extensive writings on Armageddon and about what one questioner said was Mr. Hagee’s belief that the anti-Christ will be the head of the European Union, McCain responded:



Hagee, now 66 years old, divorced his first wife 30 years ago when their children were ages 3 and 6, and less than six months later married his second wife with whom, many suppose, he had been having an affair and who happened to be 12 years his junior.

The Christian pollster George Barna recently reported that Hagee is ranked in the top 10 spokesmen for Christianity among Pentecostals. Pastor George Morrison of Arvada, Colorado, who has been friends with Hagee for more than 20 years and whose ministry has likewise "always seen Israel in God's plan for the future," says that Hagee "Has proven himself a spiritual leader in the country. And he has the platform, his TV ministry and the great respect of a lot of other leaders; so certainly, he's in that position of spiritual leadership and authority to lead the evangelical churches and help unite them."

Along with friends like Bennie Hinn, Joyce Meyer and Rod Parsley, Hagee has come under fire for excessive compensation derived from his nonprofit ministries. According to his organization's tax returns, Hagee has earned more than $1 million annually since 1999 in salary and deferred compensation from his nonprofit Global Evangelism Television and Cornerstone Church. In 2004, the San Antonio News Express reported that he was the highest-paid nonprofit executive in that city; his pay was nearly twice that of the next best-paid executive. Hagee's ministry follows the "Word of Faith" theology pioneered by Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, etc. - a pentecostal movement based on the "power of the spoken word" to claim one's "material" desires. One of the central tenets of the movement is the notion that "sowing a seed" -- i.e., contributing to the ministry -- will result in the donor's "harvest" of PERSONAL prosperity. [Please see our article, "The Superman Theology of the International Christian Embassy's Feast of Tabernacles" for a description of the eschatology animating Hagee and his allies;" please also see our articles, "The Obermenschen (Supermen) of Kenneth Hagin, Bennie Hinn, and John Wimber," "The God-Men of America's New World Order System," "Luciferic Christianity" and "Today's Church: Making Zombies out of Christians" for a more in-depth analysis of the "Word of Faith" movement.]


The "Word of Faith" movement is galvanized to a very large extent around Jan and Paul Crouch's Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). TBN is the largest Christian television network in the world, claiming to reach more than 92 million households in the United States alone. The Republican Party has embraced TBN's audience as a valuable constituency. TBN has made much of its own Republican connections, touting network founder Paul Crouch's relationship with former Attorney-General John Ashcroft (they attended the same church as children) -- and the Republicans have returned the compliment.

In his 1999 campaign memoir, Bush recalls feeling "spellbound" by the preaching of Dallas-based TBN televangelist T.D. Jakes, a "Word of Faith" minister whom he has since invited to participate in official White House events. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has lauded TBN's efforts to expand its broadcasting into China. TBN's lawyer is Colby May, who also serves as counsel to the American Center for Law and Justice, a group founded by Pat Robertson, whose president Jay Sekulow, a converted Jew, advised Bush on his Supreme Court nominees.

May also represents certain members of Congress on legislative initiatives and helped draft the Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act, which, if passed, would lift the ban on electioneering from the pulpit. Its chief sponsor, Congressman Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, has appeared on Praise the Lord to promote the bill. Other guests on TBN programming have included Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican; Texas GOP co-chairman David Barton; and Oliver North, the radio host and Iran-Contra scandal celebrity. [Please see our article, "The Death Squads, Oh, What a Tangled Web We Are Weaving."]

Several years ago, after he interviewed California Congressman Duke Cunningham, Crouch wrote in TBN's newsletter: "What a soul-winner he is! Every time he shares his powerful testimony, lives are touched, and our soul totals soars!" That was long before Cunningham pleaded guilty to bribery and conspiracy, and fell under suspicion of providing favors to a defense contractor who sent him prostitutes via a limousine service.

And it's not just Hagee that has come over to the side of McCain in apparent defiance of Dobson, but many others such as Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church Ministerial Fellowship centered out of Columbus, Ohio. [Please see our video, "Greed Is Good," for information on Parsley.]

Again, What's going on? Why are Hagee and Parsley breaking with what most commentators say is the leader of the Religious Right, James Dobson. The answer is: Their view on Armageddon, and their membership in an organization known as "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI) - an organization with which McCain is closely (but somewhat furtively) affiliated.

CUFI is the Christian counterpart of the "American Israel Public Affairs Committee" (AIPAC). IT IS THE BELIEF OF CUFI MEMBERS THAT WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF ARMAGEDDON, a war in which Israel will defeat the forces of anti-Christ which are centered around the European Union - at least according to CUFI members. Hagee, who is the head of CUFI, has written in Jerusalem Countdown that what's going on in the Middle East today -

" … is all about the end of days and how nuclear war with Iran will ignite it."


The CUFI board of directors includes the former Republican presidential candidate and religious right activist Gary Bauer and George Morrison, pastor of the 8,000-member Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada, Colorado, and chairman of the board of Promise Keepers. Rod Parsley, the Ohio televangelist who is rapidly becoming a major political figure in the Christian right, signed on as a regional director. Among CUFI's other supporters are nationally syndicated Christian right talk show host Janet Parshall, who serves on its board of advisers, and Ron Wexler, an Orthodox Jew and president of the theocratic Ten Commandments Commission, which has the backing of nearly every prominent conservative evangelical in the country. Many popular TBN televangelists, among them Benny Hinn and the best-selling author of self-improvement books, Joyce Meyer, have also offered their support. Meyer was named one of the country's 25 most influential evangelicals in an oft-cited 2005 Time Magazine article -- as was Stephen Strang, CEO of Strang Communications. David Brog, a former chief of staff to Senator Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican, serves on CUFI's board of advisers. Standing With Israel, his book urging Jews to embrace the support of evangelical Christians, has just been published by Strang.

Sarah Posner, who has written extensively on Hagee, writes:

"In September [2007] Hagee preached that 'World War III has begun' and released a sermon series that purported to 'show the historical and Biblical foundations that explain the war we are in now and point us to Armageddon'. In January he wrote about the Book of Revelation and its prediction that 'Jesus Christ will soon rule the world with a rod of iron from the city of Jerusalem'. And in March, he sermonized about 'the edge of time ... the final countdown has begun'."

Hagee sees the Russian Federation as an ally of the anti-Christ and - ipso facto - the European Union in the upcoming war against Israel. According to Hagee, THE ONLY QUESTION THAT NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED NOW IS, ON WHOSE SIDE WILL THE UNITED STATES ALLY ITSELF? [Please see our articles, "America vs. Europe" and "Reducing Europe to the Status of Greece in the Days of Rome;" please also see Chapter XII of the NEW ANTIPAS PAPERS, "The Beast of Revelation 17," finally, we urge you to see our DVD, "Greed Is Good."]

Hagee believes that he has a mandate from God to call America to side with Israel in the soon-to-come struggle. This is what he supposes he has been called to do - and in doing so, he believes that he will save the United States on the basis of Genesis 12:1-3:

"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

"And I will make of thee [i.e., Israel] a great nation, and I will bless thee [i.e., Israel], and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

"And I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE [again, Israel], and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Genesis 12:1-3)

In the light of this passage of Scripture, Hagee believes that the fate of the United States revolves around whether or not America sides with Israel in the coming struggle with Iran, which he sees as the coming battle of Armageddon - AND THIS REGARDLESS OF THE MOTIVATIONS THAT MIGHT ANIMATE THE U.S. IN SUPPORTING ISRAEL.

However, God - who knows the secrets of our hearts (Psalm 44:1) - does not judge by the "outward," but by the "inward" - AND HE CONDEMNS ALL THOSE WHO DO OTHERWISE AS HYPOCRITES:

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.

"Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also." (Matthew 23:25-26)

These are people who honor God -

"… with their lips, but their heart is far from Him." (Mark 7:6)

And there can certainly be no better description of the business elites with whom the Religious Right has covenanted in order to "bring America back to Christ:" HYPOCRITES - people who honor God with their lips, but whose hearts are far from Him. These are the very people about whom Jesus said:

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a [sewing] needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:25)

These people are not interested in the survival of Israel and the Jewish people; their only interest is in using Israel as a puppet in order to gain control of the "black gold" of the Middle East, OR does anyone really think that there is anything else motivating the elites who sit on the board of Haliburton, Bechtel, Exxon, Shell, Philips, etc? After using Israel for their own pecuniary interests, they will throw her away just like a spoiled child would throw away her rag doll after it has been dirtied.

It is for this PRECISE reason that the Bible calls the defense pact between Israel and the United States towards which Hagee and his CUFI allies are pressing -

"Your [i.e., Israel's] COVENANT WITH DEATH" (Is. 28:18a; cf. Daniel 9:26-27) [Please see Part 6 of Chapter XV. "Israel's Agreement with Hell."]


"Your [i.e., Israel's] AGREEMENT WITH HELL" (Is. 28:18b; cf. Daniel 9:26-27) [Again, please see Part 6 of Chapter XV. "Israel's Agreement with Hell."]

That's pretty heavy! Commenting on this "agreement," J. Dwight Pentecost writes that the "Coming Prince" (i.e., the anti-Christ) -

"… will make a covenant with Israel for a seven year period. This covenant evidently ... guarantees Israel’s integrity [i.e., it is a defense pact] ... [and] also is a Satanic imitation of the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant which ... [guaranteed] Israel title deed to the land." [Please see "The Four Unconditional Covenants of God with Israel" in Part 2 of Chapter VI of the NEW ANTIPAS PAPERS.]

Pentecost continues:

"This action is pictured by John [in the Apocalypse] (Rev. 16:2) as a rider going forth to conquer [i.e., as the first horseman in the Apocalypse] ... This condition exists for three and one-half years, after which the covenant is broken by the ... [Antichrist]."

What's that say insofar as Hagee is concerned? - clearly it says that Hagee is (wittingly or unwittingly, no matter) serving the purposes of "death and hell" - AND SO ALSO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE JOINED THEMSELVES WITH HAGEE IN SUPPORTING THE GOAL OF CUFI (Christians United for Israel) TO UNITE ISRAEL AND THE UNITED STATES TOGETHER IN A FORMAL DEFENSE PACT. [We URGE you to read ALL of Chapter XV of the New Antipas Papers, "The Gog/Magog War."]

Now think about all this! Think about what this says not only about John Hagee, but John McCain. How is it possible, in view of all this, to take seriously McCain's claim to be a "moderate" - someone who can "hold in check" what moderates - the very people to whom McCain is supposed to be appealing - call the "crazies" of the Religious Right?

One would think that McCain would want to distance himself as much as possible from Hagee and his cohorts; but other than trying to "obscure" Hagee's views on Armageddon, McCain has done nothing to put any distance between himself and Hagee.

In the spring of last year (2007) Posner attended a CUFI conference in Washington D.C. organized by John Hagee and Rod Parsley. Posner writes:

"At the CUFI conference, there was a lot of fretting about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's '12th Imam'."


The Hidden (or 12th) Imam (also known as the "Mahdi") is Islam's Messiah - a savor-like figure who will appear at the "end of days" to conquer the enemies of Islam and lead the world into a time of justice and peace. A common rumor - denied by the Iranian government, but widely believed - is that Mr. Ahmadinejad and his cabinet have signed a "contract" pledging themselves to work for the return of the Mahdi. [Please see our article on the 12th Imam - "Iran Is Breaking the Seals: Preparing the Way for the 12th Imam."]

Serious talk about Islam's "12th Imam?" - and that by people pledged to McCain's so-called "moderate" candidacy. It seemed all so paradoxical and inconsistent. Again, one would think that Republican Party leaders who are promoting McCain as a "moderate" would have denounced Hagee and the other attendees at the CUFI conference. Instead, many of them were attendees themselves who were "gushing" over Hagee's "biblical insights" into the politics of the Middle East. Posner continues:

"No doubt it was difficult for Hagee to be questioned, given that speaker after speaker at the conference, INCLUDING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, all extolled his divine mandate. HOUSE MINORITY LEADER ROY BLUNT pointed to AIPAC board members and quipped that Hagee could be that organization's president too. CUFI, Blunt added, is "part of God's plan." JOE LIEBERMAN echoed that sentiment, calling CUFI "miraculous" and claiming to "see God's hand" working in it. LIEBERMAN COMPARED HAGEE TO MOSES -- a "man of God" -- who has become a "leader of a mighty multitude." JOHN McCAIN THANKED HAGEE FOR SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE … David Brog, CUFI's executive director (who is Jewish) maintained that just like God placed Harry Truman in his mother's womb at a juncture in history when his support of Israel was needed, God placed Hagee in his mother's womb as well."

These people (including "Independent" Joe Lieberman) are not "backbenchers" in the halls of Congress; they reside at the very center of American power. Again, What's going on? The kind of sentiments being expressed here are hardly sentiments to which moderate Republicans and Democrats would subscribe.


Lasky is involved in a particularly insidious effort to paint the Muslim community as an "ENEMY ABSOLUTE" THAT SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED IN THE SAME MANNER ONE WOULD EXTERMINATE A NEST OF SNAKES. [Please see our article, "Hardening Our Hearts Against God: Becoming a Prisoner of a Pathology of Hate" and "Radical Islam;" please also see chapter XV of the New Antipas Papers, "The Gog/Magog War."]

The effort centers around the attempt to paint Obama as a "secret" Muslim and tie him to the so-called "Worldwide Islamic Conspiracy" to take over the world.

NOTE: According to Netlore Archive, there are two variants of the smear that Obama is a Muslim:

Variant #1:

"Be careful, be very careful.

"Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (black Muslim) of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas (white atheist ). When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya. His mother married Lolo Soetoro -- a Muslim -- moving to Jakarta with Obama when he was six years old. Within six months he had learned to speak the Indonesian language. Obama spent 'two years in a Muslim school, then two more in a Catholic school' in Jakarta. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim, mitigating that damning information by saying that, for two years, he also attended a Catholic school.

"Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a radical Muslim who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta, Indonesia. He met Obama's mother, Ann Dunham - a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas - at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Obama, Sr. and Dunham divorced when Barack, Jr. was two. Obama's spinmeisters are now attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came from his father and that influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya immediately following the divorce and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

"Dunham married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro who educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world. Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when you are seeking political office in the United States, Obama joined the United Church of Christ to help purge any notion that he is still a Muslim.

"Handsome … Charming … Winsome … Dangerous … Deceptive … Determined."

Variant #2:

"Who is Barack Obama?

"Probable Democrat presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

"Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school'. Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

"Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking Major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background.

"Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!! ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office - he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Kuran (Their equivalency to our Bible, but very different beliefs)

"Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!"


Obama used the Bible when he was sworn into office, and the school he attended in Jakarta was a public school, not an Islamic one; furthermore, neither his father or his step father were practicing Muslims.


This is insane stuff! - and so much so that most would be tempted to dismiss such thinking as nonsense. But those who do so have little or no idea of the kind of "absolutist thinking" that animates the members of CUFI.

According to Netlore, it's nearly impossible to decipher exactly where the smears against Obama originated. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency traced one variant on this smear back to Tel Aviv where it disappeared into the "ether-sphere" that surrounds the "Hagee / Parsley / Lasky / CUFI / IFCJ / neo-con" nexus.


Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein's International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is an integral part of the anti-Obama nexus, and it is, therefore, no accident that Lasky sits on the governing board of this organization. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews was founded in 1983 by Eckstein to "promote understanding and cooperation between Jews and Christians and to build broad support for Israel and other shared concerns." The organization is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, which had revenue of $50 MILLION in 2005. It has offices in Chicago and Jerusalem. It is perhaps THE leading organization in the world dedicated to promoting "understanding" between the American evangelical community, the world-wide Jewish community and the state of Israel.

The Obama smears were eventually picked up by Insight Magazine, a publication of the Washington Times, which said of Obama, "Once a Muslim, always a Muslim."

Shortly thereafter, Human Events, another conservative magazine, published the smears on its website in a series of articles called "Barack Obama Exposed." One of the articles was titled "The First Muslim President?" From there the smears spread to conservative talk-radio where Michael Savage "noted" Obama's "background" in a "Muslim madrassa in Indonesia," and Rush Limbaugh said that he occasionally got "confused" between Obama and Osama bin Laden. Others - such as Ed Cunningham - began emphasizing Obama's middle name "Hussein" - knowing full well that most people would connect that name to Saddam Hussein, the former dictator of Iraq.


Now one must understand something here! - to believe that McCain is unaware of what Hagee and his supporters in CUFI are up to in smearing Obama is tantamount to believing in the tooth fairy. Such naiveté would qualify one for a charter membership in the Flat Earth Society. Of course McCain knows! - and all his efforts to pretend otherwise ring very, very hollow. For example, take the way McCain "pretended" to repudiate Bill Cunningham's rant against Obama at a campaign rally just prior to his appearance at the same rally. Cunningham attacked Obama by saying:

"When the great prophet from Chicago [meaning Obama] takes the stand [i.e., the presidency], the world leaders who want to kill us will be singing Kumbaya together around the table with Barack Obama."

Afterwards, McCain spoke. McCain says he was unaware of Cunningham's attack on Obama - though how, it's difficult to say, he was standing right there. Told later about the attack (i.e., after he had finished speaking) McCain took the opportunity to repudiate Cunningham:

"I did not know about these remarks, but I take responsibility for them. I repudiate them. My entire campaign and I have treated Senator Obama and Senator (Hillary Rodham) Clinton with respect. I will continue to do that throughout this campaign."

Again, all this rings more than a bit hollow - McCain was standing not more than twenty feet away from Cunningham when he made the remarks. The disingenuousness of it all led John Amato to say,

"One has to wonder if McCain really was unhappy about it [specifically, the incident with Cunningham], and whether or not this was McCain's Sister Soljah Moment."

The reference here to Sister Soljah, a militant, black singer - was a reference to an incident during Bill Clinton's first campaign for the presidency when Clinton "engineered" an event with Soljah that gave him an opportunity to criticize the so-called "Liberal Left" and present himself to the electorate as a "moderate" rather than a liberal. AND IT WORKED!

Amato and others believe this is exactly what happened insofar as Cunningham is concerned. Cunningham had been hand-picked by the McCain campaign to "warm up" the crowd prior to McCain's appearance. HAND-PICKED! The campaign could not have but known about Cunningham's reputation for being a "hard-right" critic of Obama - after all, he is a widely-listened-to radio talk show host with a national following - one that was perfectly capable of letting fly a whole host of incendiary remarks. Indeed, he was told by the campaign to "throw the audience some red meat." Very obviously, the campaign was setting up Cunningham for McCain's "Sister Soljah Moment."

And notice here: McCain was careful not to "set up" his followers in the Religious Right who would have made much better targets than Cunningham. INDEED, THE CUNNINGHAM INCIDENT WAS PROBABLY A "SET-UP" TO THROW THE PRESS OFF THE SCENT OF McCAIN'S COZY RELATIONSHIP WITH THE "HAGEE / CUFI / IFCJ" NEXUS - a relationship that McCain views as sacrosanct - even in the face of much harsher (and much more justified) criticism from his moderate supporters.

All this says something about how deeply McCain has been affected by the theology that animates Hagee and CUFI, if not on a religious basis, at least on the basis that Muslims are an "ENEMY ABSOLUTE" that must be dealt with in the severest of terms. [And again,, one is being very simple-minded to believe that McCain is not aware of how Hagee and his allies propose dealing with the Muslims of the Middle East: TO WAGE A WAR OF EXTERMINATION AGAINST THEM, much in the same fashion that the Nazis waged war against the Jews in the 1930s and '40s. [We URGE you to see "A War Aimed at De-Populating the Middle East," in Part 3 of Chapter XV of the NEW ANTIPAS PAPERS."]

From talk-radio, the smears spread rapidly into mainline evangelical churches where people like Bryan Keelin of Charleston, South Carolina, who works with an organization of churches there, began spreading the smears in churches where he worked: "I assume his father - who was a Muslim - instructed him on the ways of being a Muslim," said Keelin; he continued: "The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out." The Rev. Rob Schenck, a reform Jew who converted to Christianity and who now calls himself a "missionary to Capitol Hill," also "bought into" the smears; he mused, "Is Obama a Muslim?"

Schenck's musings were picked up by the Christian Newswire and Cross Action News, a self-described "Drudge Report for Christians." A separate report carried by the Christian Newswire charged Obama with wearing a "What-Would-Satan-Do Bracelet." Debbie Schlussel went on to parrot the charge, "Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, always a Muslim."

By now the rumors have taken on a number of different variations. They include the old charges that -

Obama is a "secret" Muslim.

He was sworn into office on the Koran.

However, they also include several new charges; specifically, that Obama is -


His advisers are anti-Israel.

He is friends with terrorists.

The terrorists want him to win and are secretly funding him - which accounts for the massive donations that are fueling his campaign, funds from Islamic sources that are being channeled through the internet using a plethora of sympathetic "liberals" as "fronts."

Once again, the "Ed Lasky / CUFI / IFCJ / Hagee / Parsley" nexus could be found at the center of the new charges.

These charges were quickly picked up by the Jewish media. Indeed, Lasky became a household name in the mainstream Jewish press, and the talk of the town at synagogues - even liberal ones. The charges that Obama was anti-Israel and that he was connected to Muslim terrorist groups circulated far and wide. Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post quoted Lasky at length in a January column, printing his false claims as fact. All this led Andrew Silow-Carroll, editor of the New Jersey Jewish News, and no necessary friend of Obama, to write:

"I wonder how a tendentiously argued anti-Obama piece is mass-emailed by so many Jews who should know better,"

AND THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER! - involving themselves as they are doing in a nexus of hate that has no real love for the Jewish community and the state of Israel. It's not as if there is much "digging" necessary to find out the truth of this matter. [Please see our articles, "The Religious Right and Israel; A Relationship that Cannot Hold," "The Real Enemy of Israel; It's Not Who You Think" and "The Republican Party and the Jews."]

The Jewish community would have been well advised to have taken the advice of Christ concerning such "false" alliances:

"Cast [not] your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." (Matthew 7:6)

Another Jewish purveyor of the smear campaign against Obama is Aaron Klein, a close associate of Lasky, and through Lasky, the "CUFI / IFCJ / Hagee / Parsley" nexus. Klein, who is an Orthodox Jew, is Jerusalem correspondent for WorldNetDaily (WND). WND is notoriously disreputable, a sort of National Enquirer for the right (typical headline: "I Took Drugs and Had Homo Sex With Obama").

Klein made a name for himself by getting terrorists to say nice things about Democrats so that he could later charge these same Democrats with being "enemies of Israel" and "soft on Islamic terrorists." Klein has called Hillary Clinton the "jihadist choice for president," but when Clinton stumbled, he turned his fire on Obama, attempting to expose his so-called "terrorist connections."

Klein penned two stories in late February wildly distorting Obama's links from his days in Chicago to pro-Palestinian activists like Rashid Khalidi, a respected professor of Middle East studies at Columbia University who previously taught at the University of Chicago (hardly a bastion of left-wing activism). Klein's story goes something like this: Obama sat on the board of a foundation in Chicago that gave a grant to the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), run by Khalidi's wife, which supposedly rejects Israel's existence; and Khalidi directed the PLO's Beirut press office and is a supporter "of Palestinian terror."


In fact, the AAAN focuses solely on social service work in Chicago and takes no position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Khalidi says he was never employed by the PLO; he has been a harsh critic of Palestinian suicide bombings and is a longtime supporter of a two-state solution; and, finally, he has never been an adviser to Obama.)

CUFI and those connected to CUFI are now involved in an effort to elicit the support of latent white racism in their effort to "slime" Obama - an effort that involves connecting Obama to Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. In connecting Obama to Farrakhan, CUFI gets a "TWO-FER" - that is to say, the charge incites not only white racism against Obama, but connects that racism to the so-called "Worldwide Muslim Conspiracy."

For example, take what Erik Rush, a card-carrying member of the "CUFI / IFCJ / Hagee / Parsley" nexus and a columnist for WorldNetDaily, has been saying about Obama:

"Notice what color you will need to be if you should want to join Obama's church: B-L-A-C-K !!!"

Rush calls Obama's Chicago church a "black supremacist" and "separatist" institution; a church more closely in tune with Farrakhan and Islam than with Christians and Christianity. These charges have found a very sympathetic audience at Fox News, where Rush was interviewed by Sean Hannity.

And one should not make the mistake that the connection being pursued here by CUFI is "happenchance." It's not! CUFI is closely associated with the Council For National Policy (CNP), a far right Christian / Business organization with connections to racist and Nazi ideology. [Please see our articles on the CNP, "The Council on National Policy" and "The Ideological Origins of the CNP;" please also see our articles, "The Olson Salon: A Case Study of the Machinations of the Religious Right," "The Right Wing Panics," "Richard Mellon Scaife and the Evil that Men Can Do" and "The Rutherford Institute and R.J. Rushdoony" for background on the kind of ideology that grips organizations like the CNP.]

And there in the midst of it all - unfazed by CUFI's connections to the CNP - are CUFI's Jewish allies, not only in the United States, but in Israel. Again, one is left breathless as to how Jews - conservative, liberal or otherwise - could be connected to a group with close ties to the CNP; but it follows a pattern established by the Jewish community during the Balkan crisis of the 1990s, a crisis which saw the Jews, at the bidding of their masters in Washington, turn against what historically were their allies - i.e., the Serbs - in favor of currying the aid of their masters on the Potomac. It seems today that Washington's friends - whoever they might be - are Israel's friends, and Washington's enemies are Israel's enemies, even the Serbs who along with the Bulgarians were the only friends the Jews had in all of Europe during the Second World War, saving countless numbers of Jews from Hitler's grasp during the Holocaust. [Please see our articles, "Kosovo and America: What's Going On," "Kosovo and Depleted Uranium Weapons," "The Elite's Explanation of What's Happening in Chechnya;" "More Lies and Deception Concerning Kosovo," "More Smoke and Mirrors" and "Things the American Media Are Not Telling You;" please also see "Racism and Right-Wing Christianity."]

All this is enough to make anyone who is fair-minded to take a hard look at McCain's supposed "moderate" credentials - unless one is prepared to write someone off as a "moderate" who wants to wage a war of extermination against the worldwide Muslim community. And make no mistake about it, McCain is planning to deal with the Muslims in very severest of terms. Robert Dreyfuss writes:

"To combat what he likes to call 'the transcendent challenge [of] radical Islamic extremism', McCain is drawing up plans for a new set of global institutions, from a potent covert operations unit to a 'League of Democracies' that can bypass the balky United Nations, from an expanded NATO that will bump up against Russian interests in Central Asia and the Caucasus to a revived US unilateralism that will engage in 'rogue state rollback' against his version of the 'axis of evil'. In all, it's a new apparatus designed to carry the 'war on terror' deep into the twenty-first century."

Republican Senator Thad Cochran writes of McCain:

"THE THOUGHT OF HIS BEING PRESIDENT SENDS A COLD CHILL DOWN MY SPINE. He [i.e., McCain] is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper, and he worries me."

Not something one would say about a real moderate; someone one would trust to be self-restrained and sober in a crisis - which indicates that Hagee and his CUFI friends see something in McCain that others don't; something that scares - even terrifies - many of those who know McCain on a personal basis. And it's not just McCain's Senate colleagues like Cochran who are worried about McCain, but others who have worked with him on a more bureaucratic level, like Larry Wilkerson, a retired army colonel who was former Secretary of State Colin Powell's top aide; Wilkerson has said of McCain:

"There's a quality about him [i.e., McCain] that greatly disturbs me."

Yes! - World War III is coming! But it's not Armageddon (which will bring to a close the Tribulation of the "end of days"); it's the Gog / Magog War (a war which will initiate the Tribulation Period), a war through which the United States will take control of the world. [Please see Chapter IX of the NEW ANTIPAS PAPERS, "The Course and Character of the Last Days."]


Hagee, McCain, CUFI, the IFCJ, the neo-cons, etc. are all FOOLS. Don't YOU be a fool.

Yes! The Gog / Magog War is coming. Nothing can stop it; but Jesus said:

"Woe unto the world because of offences [in this case, the Gog / Magog War]! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" (Matthew 18:7)

What's that say then about how Hagee and his allies in CUFI will fare on THAT day?

All this to say that while the "nightmare" of the Bush presidency may be coming to an end - and all that that seemed to portend insofar as the "end of the age" is concerned - THERE ARE FORCES AT WORK UNDERNEATH THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE THAT BELIE THE CALM THAT SOME SEE EMERGING ON THE SURFACE; FORCES THAT SUGGEST THAT A McCAIN PRESIDENCY - IF IT SHOULD COME - MAY NOT PRESAGE THE KIND OF DEATH KNELL TO THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT (AND THE CONCOMITANT WAR-MONGERING THAT HAS ACCOMPANIED THEIR ASCENDANCY) THAT MANY POLITIAL PUNDITS CLAM TO SEE. INDEED, ONE MAY EVENTUALLY FIND THAT THE ALLIANCE McCAIN HAS MADE WITH THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT IS FAR MORE SINISTER AND MALEVOLENT THAN THE ONE MADE BETWEEN BUSH AND THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT. Indeed, all that may be happening is that the rich are creating a different kind of alliance with the Religious Right - an alliance that passes itself off as "moderate," but which - in reality - is far more dangerous than the one it is replacing. As Albert and Vera Weisbord said so long ago:

"The fascist movement is inevitable in the United States. To believe otherwise is to imagine that the … [rich] will give up their power without a fight. On the contrary, at the slightest indication of loss of their power, they will be prepared for a most ferocious struggle. The people of this country must learn this important truth." [Please see our articles, "Birth of a Christian Police State," "Cell Phone Technology: You Are Being Tracked," "Don't Be Naïve About Going to Prison for Christ," "The Watchers Are Watching You" and "Welcome to the New National Security State."]

That is to say, to believe that the American elites will allow themselves to be pushed out of the Middle East by what Lance Selfa calls a "… a leftward shift in popular consciousness" is nuts! They will do whatever it takes to retain their hold on the "black gold" of the Middle East.

Yes! - we are still in an IN-BETWEEN time; but one would do well not to be lulled to sleep by its seeming calm. When the end comes - and it will - it will come suddenly, like a thief in the night, and if you are not ready for it, you will be swept away. Jesus warned His disciples:


"For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

"And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

"Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

"And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

"But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.

"After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

"And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

"He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

"His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

"Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

"And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

"His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

"Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

"Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

"And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 25:13-30)

God bless you all!

S.R. Shearer
Antipas Ministries


The Laodicean American Church in Bed with another Lover
The Deceit of Unholy Alliances; an African Perspective
By Kato Mivule
February 28 2005 | Updated March 20, 2005

Contents...For Easy Reading...

>>Not a Time for Silence
>>American Church, most affluent, ever!
>>The Laodicean Church in Bed with Uncle Sam (501 C 3 Tax Status)
>>Harlotry with Businessmen and Uncle Sum (Tax Status)
>>Giving Not Synonymous with Righteousness...Jesus checks the Heart
>>Christian Imperialism Repackaged
>>Western Laodicean Church In Bed With Another Lover
>>God's Prophetic Word to The America Church I
>>Turning to 666
>>Sleeping in bed with Lucifer—Escapism from Suffering
>>It is a Privilege to Suffer for Christ
>>Laws to Protect Laodicean Christianity
>>Political messiahs—Escapism from Sufferings II
>>The Religious Right
>>Control, Mind Control, Manipulation is Witchcraft
>>Satan targeting “the most influential”
>>Unholy Alliances and Witchcraft
>>Illuminati and Freemasons marketed as Conservative Christianity
>>Illuminati Out of the Closet, in Your-Face Now
>>Political Saviors
>>Neo-Conservative Christian Doublespeak
>>Western Hypocritical Evangelicalism
>>Evil Example Set
>>Disregard for the Poor…
>>Shame, Time to Repent!
>>Judgment won’t be postponed
>>All Men Systems and Structures in the Church will fail
>>Spreading the disease of dominionism and misleading the elect
>>Copy and Paste Christianity
>>Usury Inc
>>Jesus’ Kingdom not of this world…
>>History being repeated…
>>Yes, Prayer for those in Authority…
>>Blind but Rich Verses Poor but can see…
>>God’s word to the American Church II
>>Jesus Christ speaks to the American Laodicean Church III
>>Copyright Notice
>>Links, Notes, Acknowledgments, and Resources

Introduction... | Back To Contents

I wrote an article recently about some deception flowing from the Western Church to the whole Christian world packaged as truth in Prosperity, Left Behind, Purpose driven, and Church Growth Movement gospel. The intent of this article is to continue casting light on these matters as some of that material and deceit is already spreading quickly in Uganda and other parts of Africa. I deal with the unholy alliances--harlotry, whoredom and spiritual adultery practiced in the Laodicean church of America and sadly being spread to many parts of the Christian world under the guise of Church Dominionism gospel.

The Laodicean Church in America is holding to a false belief that God has called His people to extend Christian rule in all spheres of government and life, so as to have a Christian society or nation. This deception stems from dominionism theology, a belief that Christians should be rulers of all spheres of life in this present age. History is a witness that this kind of religious lunacy produced the likes of Emperor Constantine, the Crusaders, Hitler and all other tyrants who used religion and Christianity in particular to foster imperialism, fascism and all other despicable social sins always hiding behind the name of Jesus Christ.

I don’t wish at all to attain any status from my critique of Western Christianity; I don’t wish to assail churches, ministries, Para-church organizations and so-called “Men of God” out of simplicity. I am not anti-leadership or establishment as I may be perceived to sound. On the contrary I admire and have total godly respect for those leaders God has placed in positions of authority who are TOTALLY SUBMITTED to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and endeavor to lead those in their care to the full knowledge and personal relationship with Jesus Christ with no strings attached.

It is my sincere prayer that Truth and Discernment through God’s love (very un-American, non positive thinking) in the light of God’s Word will help us especially among poor Christians escape the mendacity and lies that are coming out of the well-established American Laodicean Church. Those in poor nations are most vulnerable to the deceit streaming out of the affluent Laodicean American Christianity.

I categorically reject becoming a Men pleaser and a Dr “feel good” psychologist; the issues I write about are as serious and not a prank. Satan is out deceiving many, especially those Christians who love a very comfortable life, leading them to PERDITION. Those who wish to get a “feel good positive possibility thinking “ message from this article, Please stop reading right now and tune to TBN Christian TV or visit their website, they have 24 hours of such messages to satisfy your cravings.

Not a Time for Silence | Back To Contents

It has come to a point that silence and a mere not “touching the anointed ones” won’t do any good. A day will come when the Lord will require of us to give accountability to what we knew in light of His Truth. If we saw the warning and did not sound the trumpet then we shall have to stand before God and account for our inactions.

I do appreciate the faithful Christians in the western church who labor, day and night to help spread the gospel, I refuse to be ignorant; these Christians are the unsung heroes in the sight of God and not men. These faithful are ridiculed by their fellow rich “Christians” and often maligned but as a matter of truth God knows them. They have stood with countless poor Christians across the world not for gain, fame and hidden agendas but simply doing God’s will, loving God’s people, and sharing in the sufferings of Christ. Always remember them in your prayers.

However, this is no reason for us to keep silent at the deceit being spread from the Laodicean Church in America. The West has so much been speaking both truth from the Church and gobbledygook from Academia for the past 700 years or so, now is the time for a little humility to listen to what others outside the box have to say.

Job 32: 7-12
7 I said, 'Let days speak, and many years teach wisdom.' 8 But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand. 9 It is not the old that are wise, nor the aged that understand what is right. 10 Therefore I say, 'Listen to me; let me also declare my opinion.' 11 "Behold, I waited for your words, I listened for your wise sayings, while you searched out what to say. 12 I gave you my attention, and, behold, there was none that confuted Job, or that answered his words, among you.

American Church, most affluent, ever! | Back To Contents

Having lived and studied here in the west, I have been allowed by God to see and experience the kind of life style the Laodicean church in America practices; the same mudded waters she exports to those less discerning in other parts of the world—poor Christians. I am not writing to show how “righteous” I am, I grieve for all the moments in my life that I have not spent totally to God, even as a Christian. I grieve at the insanity and stupor in the Western Church today, it is not something to scoff at or joke about.

It would be a waste of time and space to prove that the American Church is the richest so far in church history. However, a few statistics caught my attention…

The American Church more than any other church in recorded history commanded a $2.66 Trillion in income by the year 2000, according to the World Christian Trends AD 30-AD2000: Interpreting the Annual Christian Megacensus by David Barret and Todd M Johnson. [1] This astonishing income figure speaks only about the evangelicals in America according to the Barret research.

This amount of wealth has never been attained by any church so far in recorded history, making the American Church fit in precisely into the parameters of my critique as being the main (mother church) Laodicean Church that Jesus spoke about in Revelation 3:17 in our present age, though there are other small offshoots (church plants) of the same around the world…

Revelation 3:17
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

Those who would have a shadow of doubt on this issue, I would say with all disappointment, have allowed themselves to be bewitched with all kinds of intellectual laziness and blatant inanity from Satan himself.
Because of all this hefty income and the rejecting of the Authority of Jesus Christ as Head of His Church and not man-made structures, the evangelical church in America has been caught with all kinds of evils associated with the love of money.

It is amazing that with all this kind of wealth, greater than that of many third world countries combined, the Laodicean Church of America has used these God given funds to finance multi-million dollar structures, buy personal jets for “Men of God”, give to preachers as “seed faith” in return for more blessings they already have.

However, just like the Bible says, the love of money is the source or root of all evils, American evil Banks and Businessmen covetous for money and profits have been watching. Definitely the devourer has set in because Jesus Christ is no longer the Decision maker and Head of the American church.

These evil salesmen have set to make a wealth transfer by swindling this evangelical $2.66 Trillion economy through building multi-million dollar structures on debt and high interest rates, co-authoring books that only satisfy the feel-good cravings of Christian America, wicked marketing of so-called Christian music, million dollar multi-media equipments, selling private jets to preachers, not mentioning the multi-million dollar homes these “Men of God live in.

The lifestyles mentioned above are not only characteristic of pompous televangelists but subtly also of many evangelicals who don’t preach prosperity but live a full-blown prosperity and materialistic gospel in their suburban American neighborhoods.

The Laodicean Church in Bed with Uncle Sam (501 C 3 Tax Status) | Back To Contents

A report published by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) on the Tax Exemption Status for Charities and Non Profit Organizations in the United States for 2000 showed that these organizations with a 501 (c) (3) Tax exempt status held over 1.6$ Trillion in assets and reported 897$ Billion in revenue, this was just for the year 2000 alone and the data did not include those organizations that made less than was required to be reported; in other words less money generating churches and ministries did not report the revenue to the IRS. [2]

Almost all evangelical organizations and Churches in the United States have a 501 (c) (3) Tax-exempt status. According to the US Laws, organizations with such a Tax Exempt status cannot make political comments from their pulpits. The IRS has the right to revoke their status if they engage in political comments or religious comments reckoned political by Uncle Sam.

However, the other side of the above figures is that Evil Business men are watching. They will do what ever it takes to have a share of the 1.6$ Trillion a year NGO Tax Exempt industry. No wonder all the Multi-million dollar churches and ministries springing up left and right, often with multi-million dollar “Christian” Media, generating enormous profits only dreamt about by some poor nations, all done in the name of spreading the gospel.

The Tax Exempt Status of the Laodicean Church in America makes it answerable to the State and not Christ Jesus; a body can’t have two heads but one. The Church cannot function, as it ought, it is becoming increasingly very difficult to preach the whole counsel of God just because of this tax-exempt status restriction. These are clearly heavy strings attached, stopping or gagging preachers from speaking the Truth as Dr James Kennedy lamented in a letter sent out to pastors across America. [3]

The reason why many Christians are sleeping in bed with politicians is to cultivate an alliance between evil business men and church leaders who will do anything to see that they protect their tax status and enjoy the 1.6$ Trillion of tax free assets and 897$ Billion income. This is free money for many impious businessmen who have turned the house of God into a Den of thieves and moneychangers…by simply opening up some sort of “Christian NGO” and enjoy the tax-free status. It is a very lucrative business deal. It is all about money and nothing else, just money! So the Word of God will continually be watered down so as to please Caesar, enjoys his goodies, and not pay any taxes.

Jesus Christ rejected such evil traps from the Pharisees when He told them that they should give to Caesar what is Caesars’ and to God what belongs to God. Jesus knew the intent of their wicked hearts. Jesus went ahead and paid both His taxes and Peters’ when the tax collectors came by. That alone would be a lesson enough for us as Christians. Jesus Christ is the Head of His Body and not Caesar.

Matthew 17:24-27 | Back To Contents
24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? 25 He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? 26 Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free. 27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

Mathew 22:17-22
17 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? 18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? 19 Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. 22 When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.

The Laodicean Church in America, by refusing to pay their taxes have become answerable to Caesar because they have rejected God’s word, which says give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. As a result, we have gags from the State telling us what and what we cannot preach from the Bible. The American Church has refused to give Caesar what belongs to Caesar and failed in giving God their hearts.

Many Pastors in the West are knowledgeable of this truth but still enjoy the Tax Free Status because of the members in their churches. When people give in America they claim what they gave through tax returns. The government does give them deductibles on their tax filings. One of the places were people can give and get tax deductibles is the Church. Many Christians are greatly disturbed if they give to a church or an organization with no 501 C 3 Tax-exempt status.

This explains the sometime big numbers of people flocking many Churches in America. It has become a business. Pastors with multi-million dollar ministries are scared to death to speak about this issue. They are scared that people will leave their churches and never support their ministries. Pastors face pressure from businessmen and so-called Christians all in need of using God’s House as a source of Revenue and Tax exemptions. However, it is time that we become God pleasers than Men pleasers. This might mean loosing multi-million dollar ministries and staying with a few TRUE Christians.

Harlotry with Businessmen and Uncle Sam (Tax Status) | Back To Contents

This is the main reason there is no power in American Churches, they are dry and empty and filled amazingly with what now has become a multi-million dollar entertainment industry. I write these things my brothers and sisters in Africa that we don’t fall in the same traps and deception of committing Adultery with the State; we have had enough of the prosperity gospel, we cannot endure more political gospel.

Most of the preachers in America love their current status because of money. Money to maintain all the multi-million dollar buildings, personal jets, homes, cars, seminars and all the soothe this world can offer; at the end of the year, they write it off for a tax break. Jesus said clearly that you could not serve two masters; mammon and God, you have to choose one.

The Laodicean Church in America has decided to choose mammon, they have decided on sleeping in bed with the State and get favors like the IRS tax status. The evil business men will do all it takes to keep that status, they will fight tooth and nail, the losers will be the Christians who will have to settle for a false religion in order to sustain and maintain the lifestyles of corrupt business men now turned pastors and televangelists.

This is one of the reasons we don’t see revival but instead prosperity and church growth movement whose main proponent Rick Warren and his Purpose Driven seminars uses 100 per cent pure marketing skills and techniques to have multiple cells that turn into churches—Church Growth Movement. [4] This guy is a very good sales man and certainly a businessman. The more churches you have, the more “Christian Market” you have to sell all the “feel good” products and spiritual junk food; now figure in the statistics I gave above and do the math yourself.
The reason I choose to mention the “Purpose Driven” movement is that many of that material is circulating many corners of Africa, even as I write, adding more harm already caused by TBN Prosperity Televangelists.

Rick Warren who was named among Time Magazine Top 25 most Influential Evangelicals, plans to use his 40,000 church global network to tackle issues such as poverty, disease, and ignorance, sounds very convincing. [5] Nothing in his agenda speaks about preaching on Repentance and Redemption through Jesus Christ.

So for those in Africa and other poor countries, it is my prayer that you will not accept such substitution for the True Gospel for so-called “poverty and ignorance” eradication projects. There is nothing more ignorant than going to Africa and other poor nations to eradicate “ignorance”. Are folks in poor nations really that “ignorant”? Is this not simply another case of Western presumptuous imperialism and neo-colonialism?

Evil businessmen will do all it takes to transfer that income and God given wealth from the Christians into their pockets and fatten their bank accounts simply because businessmen know that every Sunday preachers have to collect a 10% tax called tithing from the undiscerning saints who love comfortable lifestyles. It is a hassle-free steady income.

People are fooled to think they are giving to God but end up giving to businessmen behind the pulpits. The collection baskets essentially become the property of banks and rich men of the earth collecting their dues. The evils and wickedness associated with money and rebellion in the Laodicean Church against the True Lordship of Jesus Christ has lead to unholy associations with the present Luciferian rulers of this Dark Age.

I Timothy 6: 3-12 | Back To Contents
3 If any one teaches otherwise and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching which accords with godliness, 4 he is puffed up with conceit, he knows nothing; he has a morbid craving for controversy and for disputes about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions,

5 and wrangling among men who are depraved in mind and bereft of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. 6 There is great gain in godliness with contentment; 7 for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world; 8 but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs. 11 But as for you, man of God, shun all this; aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

I cannot just sit silently and do nothing in these perilous times we live. The need to write and warn my fellow Africans and Christians in poor nations about these dangers in Light of God’s word has never been so urgent.

Giving is not synonymous to righteousness—Jesus checks the heart | Back To Contents

Because of her power, affluence and influence, the American Church is perceived to be truthful and right with God in the eyes of those in the poor nations and those who depend on her. After all, how can one be such a generous giver and have fruits of deceit in them? This kind of reasoning paves the way for all kinds of deception to flow to those who are on the recipient side often with no discernment, making it the most dangerous tool the devil will use to captivate poor souls.

Jesus Christ looks deep into the heart and checks the motive of men. Recently the Tsunami “humanitarian” efforts in Asia showed the decadence of the human heart; Western nations ignored Somalia in Africa but gave to where they had interests, with strings attached. The Indians seeing such duplicity rejected Western tsunami aid, ingeniously exposing western corruption and adding humor to the whole debacle. [5] Poor Christian dependency on the west for aid does not connote blindness. Jesus Christ warned of false prophets and said clearly that we shall see them by their fruits.

Mark 12:41-44
41 And he sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the multitude putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. 42 And a poor widow came, and put in two copper coins, which make a penny. 43 And he called his disciples to him, and said to them, "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living."

Christian Imperialism repackaged | Back To Contents

This kind of diabolic deception flowing from the Laodicean Church in America, that Christians should setup Kingdoms here on earth and be part of the world ruler gang, has not only been redefined and re-packaged but now it has become so subtle and sophisticated that you have to critique almost anything you hear and see from the West in Light of God’s word and by the Holy Spirit to discern what is right and wrong.

Just because you are on the receiving end, should not make you accept a snake for a fish and stones for bread. It is time we get to go to the source—Jesus Christ! If we ask for bread, Jesus won’t give stones, if we ask for fish He won’t give snakes. So you will bear with me in my not so comfortable, “un-American”, non-positive thinking tone as I write and expose some of these fallacies and treachery being perpetuated by the Devil, himself and his now diabolical, prosperity, mind-controlling, purpose-driven evangelists and preachers.

Western Laodicean Church in bed with another lover | Back To Contents

The Western Church, in particular the American Church has gone to bed with another lover. As I speak they are busy committing adultery and fornication with many lovers and distancing them selves from the only True relationship with Jesus Christ. They have forsaken their first Love, Jesus Christ, in return for other lovers and political saviors from whom they daily seek protection, power, glory, money, and all the influence of this world. Many in the American church will hate anyone who speaks or writes about this evil and or articles about their modus operandi.

However the sufferers are those Christians in poor nations who risk falling in the pit (hell) if they don’t question the mudded waters from whence they drink in search for the Pure Living Waters. The Laodicean church in the West keeps rejecting those who question her behaviors, especially when the questioning comes from those in the so-called dark continents.

The tendency from Western Christians is the thought that Christianity has its origins in America; yes, Laodicean Christianity might have roots in Western-Greek cultures, however, many from so-called dark nations like Ethiopia, came to know about Christ before many insolent Western theologians and TV evangelists.

God’s Prophetic word to the American Church | Back To Contents

Below is a piece of scripture that speaks prophetically to the Laodicean American church and all who commit whoredom with her et al those accepting the teaching of the rich young ruler—American Laodicean church.

Ezekiel 16: 1- 43

1 Again the word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations, 3 and say, Thus says the Lord GOD to Jerusalem: Your origin and your birth are of the land of the Canaanites; your father was an Amorite, and your mother a Hittite. 4 And as for your birth, on the day you were born your navel string was not cut, nor were you washed with water to cleanse you, nor rubbed with salt, nor swathed with bands.

5 No eye pitied you, to do any of these things to you out of compassion for you; but you were cast out on the open field, for you were abhorred, on the day that you were born. 6 "And when I passed by you, and saw you weltering in your blood, I said to you in your blood, 'Live, 7 and grow up like a plant of the field.' And you grew up and became tall and arrived at full maidenhood; your breasts were formed, and your hair had grown; yet you were naked and bare.

8 "When I passed by you again and looked upon you, behold, you were at the age for love; and I spread my skirt over you, and covered your nakedness: yea, I plighted my troth to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord GOD, and you became mine.

9 Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you, and anointed you with oil. 10 I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with leather, I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk. 11 And I decked you with ornaments, and put bracelets on your arms, and a chain on your neck. 12 And I put a ring on your nose, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head.

13 Thus you were decked with gold and silver; and your raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth; you ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful, and came to regal estate. 14 And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor which I had bestowed upon you, says the Lord GOD.

15 "But you trusted in your beauty, and played the harlot because of your renown, and lavished your harlotries on any passer-by. 16 You took some of your garments, and made for yourself gaily decked shrines, and on them played the harlot; the like has never been, nor ever shall be.

17 You also took your fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself images of men, and with them played the harlot; 18 and you took your embroidered garments to cover them, and set my oil and my incense before them. 19 Also my bread which I gave you--I fed you with fine flour and oil and honey--you set before them for a pleasing odor, says the Lord GOD.

20 And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter 21 that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering by fire to them?

22 And in all your abominations and your harlotries you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, weltering in your blood. 23 "And after all your wickedness (woe, woe to you! says the Lord GOD), 24 you built yourself a vaulted chamber, and made yourself a lofty place in every square; 25 at the head of every street you built your lofty place and prostituted your beauty, offering yourself to any passer-by, and multiplying your harlotry.

26 You also played the harlot with the Egyptians, your lustful neighbors, multiplying your harlotry, to provoke me to anger. 27 Behold, therefore, I stretched out my hand against you, and diminished your allotted portion, and delivered you to the greed of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your lewd behavior. 28 You played the harlot also with the Assyrians, because you were insatiable; yea, you played the harlot with them, and still you were not satisfied.

29 You multiplied your harlotry also with the trading land of Chalde'a; and even with this you were not satisfied. 30 "How lovesick is your heart, says the Lord GOD, seeing you did all these things, the deeds of a brazen harlot; 31 building your vaulted chamber at the head of every street, and making your lofty place in every square. Yet you were not like a harlot, because you scorned hire.

32 Adulterous wife, who receives strangers instead of her husband! 33 Men give gifts to all harlots; but you gave your gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from every side for your harlotries. 34 So you were different from other women in your harlotries: none solicited you to play the harlot; and you gave hire, while no hire was given to you; therefore you were different.

35 "Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD: 36 Thus says the Lord GOD, Because your shame was laid bare and your nakedness uncovered in your harlotries with your lovers, and because of all your idols, and because of the blood of your children that you gave to them, 37 therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you took pleasure, all those you loved and all those you loathed; I will gather them against you from every side, and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness.

38 And I will judge you as women who break wedlock and shed blood are judged, and bring upon you the blood of wrath and jealousy. 39 And I will give you into the hand of your lovers, and they shall throw down your vaulted chamber and break down your lofty places; they shall strip you of your clothes and take your fair jewels, and leave you naked and bare. 40 They shall bring up a host against you, and they shall stone you and cut you to pieces with their swords.

41 And they shall burn your houses and execute judgments upon you in the sight of many women; I will make you stop playing the harlot, and you shall also give hire no more. 42 So will I satisfy my fury on you, and my jealousy shall depart from you; I will be calm, and will no more be angry. 43 Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, but have enraged me with all these things; therefore, behold, I will requite your deeds upon your head, says the Lord GOD. "Have you not committed lewdness in addition to all your abominations?

Of course the apostate American and westernized Laodicean Christianity will say that such a scripture only speaks to apostate Israel but never throws light on our present relationship with Jesus Christ. The chilling truth is that it does, however much we want to be positive thinkers; the scripture cuts through bone and marrow of our current hypocritical relationship with Jesus Christ.

Turning to 666 | Back To Contents

We in the Westernized American church have turned away from our first love. We are continuously rejecting the Love of God and banishing those who come to reprimand us. We have become our own gods; self has become god in us. Man, ever thought that the Western Christianity would turn to 666?

Well that figure represents Man, and a critical look at the American Christianity shows how we have forsaken Jesus Christ as our Head, Leader, and King for the preference of men, their systems, and religious structures. This thinking is practiced in clever ways while at the same time having the appearance of righteousness but rejecting God’s power. The Laodicean American church keeps looking for a revival but they have rejected the God who is the Author of all authentic revivals.

2Timothy 3:1-5
1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people.

Sleeping in bed with Lucifer—Escapism from Suffering | Back To Contents

God blessed the Church in the West, they instead turned against God by worshiping the very blessing God gave them. We have turned, fame, power, popularity, money, into a golden calf that they have set on a hill and worshipping. The once Revived and blessed western Church has turned to idols. We have turned to politicians as saviors; we see senators and millionaires as their liberators. We would rather call on 911 but never call Jesus Christ.

The richest church in the world, which sits on American soil, is now turning to banks and financial institutions and even organizations like the UN for help. We are turning to presidential candidates for rescue. We hate and dread anything that has to do with suffering for Christ, to us in America, there does not exist the word called suffering in their Christian lingo.

The Apostle Paul would be amazed at the current escapism mentality of the church, running away from the sufferings of Christ. The whole “Rapture” and “Left Behind Series” trend today in the church is all created from a western stand point of view that hates suffering. The western Christians see themselves escaping the coming sufferings, tribulations, and persecution of saints through a secret rapture so they won’t deal with the pain of suffering for Christ.

America consumes more painkillers than any nation on the earth today; they spend billons of dollars on medication and research to come up with a pain free pill. This trend has also captured the evangelicals who try to form all sorts of spiritual painkillers to escape sufferings. However, the apostle Paul states clearly that he desired to know Christ, the power of His resurrection, and fellowship of His sufferings.

Philippians 3:7-11
7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead

It is a Privilege to Suffer for Christ | Back To Contents

The definitely coming sufferings will mean loss of “Christian Rights”, preaching in schools, betrayal by so-called Neo-Con politicians, loss of our multi-million dollar ministries, buildings, status, Christians schools, Christendom, all for the sake of loving Christ. It is coming, brothers and sisters but we rejoice cause we are counted worthy to suffer for Christ. I don’t need to be a “prophet” to see this suffering coming, as long as Satan is the ruler of this world it will come.

Acts 5:40-42
40 And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. 42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

It is my prayer that the True Christians will allow the Holy Spirit to give them strength to endure in the days coming ahead. It is a privilege to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ. The continual sleeping in bed with politicians by the western church is to create a spiritual painkiller Christian utopia where suffering for Christ is non existent. Such dreams won’t happen, they will hate you for Christ; if they hated Jesus Christ, they will HATE and KILL you too, better get ready, prepare yourself by submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Laws to Protect Laodicean Christianity | Back To Contents

The Laodicean Church of America would rather have laws passed to protect them and presidents to rescue them, as if all Christians suffering around the world have laws to protect them. For those who love so-called “Christian presidents”, I refuse to be partisan and drawn into the evil and stupidity of power hungry men in these perilous times we live. The main reason Laodicean American Christianity seeks political favors is escape from the sufferings and persecutions that follow those who Love Jesus Christ so that they can sustain their comfy lives.

Time Magazine run an article on American Evangelicals and their demands from the Bush Administration, since they supported him in the elections. Shockingly one of the top demands to Bush by the Evangelicals included a Judiciary in their favor. [7] Many in the third world suffering for Christ never know any kind of justice, and count it a blessing to suffer for Christ, they look forward to the Righteous Justice from Jesus Christ, who will recompense on their behalf, to them suffering is an honor.

The continual desire to setup structures to escape suffering, ridicule and shame for Christ Jesus in the West is disturbing, very unchristian, and dumbfounds those Christians in the suffering church.

Jesus spoke to his disciples how the Holy Spirit was to give them words to speak when they are dragged into courts and before kings for the testimony of Christ (For those who love ‘claiming’ promises don’t forget that one). Why do we have to fight against that in the West? Who said the rulers of this world who pledge allegiance to the Prince of this World—Satan are obliged to give Justice to the saints? Is this not stupor, presumption, and wishful thinking about things Jesus did not promise?

Political messiahs—Escapism from Sufferings II | Back To Contents

One of Satan’s delusions is to have Christians trusting politicians to protect and save them instead of Jesus Christ. Most Christians have devised ways to escape sufferings through political alliances to protect their comfortable lives here in the west; one clever way is to support politicians who will protect your interests. This has always been deceit.

Emperor Nero persecuted and murdered Christians but God was their only defense, they never sought alliances with Nero. Christians suffering in China, Indonesia, and other parts of the world have no hope for political messiahs to come to their rescue.

The hypocritical stance of the current political messiahs in America today has reached Heaven when it comes to the sufferings of Christians in Sudan, China and other countries. Always economics and money come first— ferocious imperialistic and malevolent greed. The big corporations are the main winners—friends of the Neo-conservatives, Bush and his Evangelicals.

I sometimes wonder if the goods we buy in Wal-Mart are a product of prisoners in China, some of who may be Christians but work as slave laborers and prisoners to produce all the goods to satisfy our self-indulgence in America. When it comes to Sudan, well common knowledge is that there is oil and the big corporations are satisfied with the status quo; otherwise the political messiahs would rush to find some Weapon of Mass Destruction in Southern Sudan.

The Religious Right | Back To Contents

The so-called Religious Right, a political and verbal militant wing of the Laodicean Church has relentlessly deceived millions by promoting the idea of a ‘Christian President or leader’ the latest depiction of their campaign has been Bush as a Christian evangelical President.

However, most of these men are not true Christians, but true followers of Freemasonry and Illuminati groups. The so-called Christian conservatives have bought into the charade that a ‘Christian’ President will save them from all the moral woes afflicting America and the West.

This deceit has now produced the Unholy Alliance between Christians and secular politicians many of whom worship Lucifer himself. Eric Jewell did an expose in the early 2002 revealing some of these “Men of God” who are out dancing with members of the Luciferian team in the name of having a “Christian President” and at the same time dining with undiscerning Christians. [8]

The Expose showed most of the big time ministers with multi-million dollar ministries, received funding from Rev.Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church, a man who claims that Jesus Christ failed His mission and that Moon himself is the new Messiah. Interestingly enough is that these Evangelical leaders in the West have joined and sat on tables covertly with groups linked to the Bilderbergs, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Central Intelligence Agency, all groups with an agenda to usher the New World Order, an agenda deeply embedded in the Freemasons and Illuminati occult and witchcraft. [8]

Control, Mind Control, Manipulation is Witchcraft | Back To Contents

Most Witchcraft and juju occultists in Africa as we know always exercise control and manipulation of their subjects. Africa the juju chiefs control villages by having all people bring sacrifices, like goats, cows, sheep, and money to remove all spells from the village. Thus they control the economic, social and political lives of their subjects.

The White Man’s occult and juju witchcraft through the Freemasons and Illuminati uses the same satanic principles; they will finally control the World Economy, Politics, Society, and Religion, through their New World Order agenda and have a one-world religion, and so those un discerning Christians who love a luxurious life…sleeping in bed with Satan will become his subjects.

Satan targeting “the most influential” | Back To Contents

Most of these evangelical organizations have received money and funding from Rev Moon. Very good police detectives will always follow the money trail to break a case. What are these organizations doing getting funding from the Devil? Would anyone allow Satan to lend him or her money or give him or her a loan? The most notable of these organizations include groups like, The Council of National Policy (Tim LaHaye—Left Behind Series), Coalition for Religious Freedom, American Freedom Coalition, Concerned Women for America, Womens Federation of World Peace, Family Federation for World Peace, National Religious Broadcasters, The Washington Times Foundation, and Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable. All these groups have received funding from Rev. Moon…the new ‘messiah’, who fully supports a New World Order and One World Religion. [8]

Interestingly enough Time Magazines’ cover story about the most Influential Evangelicals in America February 7, 2005. Most of those in the top 25 are some that where noted in The Unholy Alliance Expose by Eric Jewell. The top 25 included all the big names in Western Christendom, those with big churches, multi-million dollar ministries, prosperity preachers, Christian lawyers, Christian Media giants, I don’t need to mention names here cause you know by mere mention of their size of ministries; of course Tim LaHaye was not ‘Left Behind’ in the top 25 series. [9]

A simple but troubling correlation can be drawn between the Time Magazine story and Eric Jewell’s The Unholy Alliance Expose; it is all about power, glory, and honor of men, money, and control. The story only helped shade more light on Eric Jewell’s expose of The Unholy Alliance.

The Time Magazine story mostly noted the Influence of these men being their ability to move tides in the political realm; nothing was mentioned about Jesus Christ. The honor and glory was given to these men who were depicted as political movers and shakers from the Right.

Their main demands from Bush the man they supported was institutionalism of Christianity in a number of forms, like the Judiciary. Some of these claims might look like they are legitimate, however, some lines have been crossed where the Evangelical Church has been turned into Usury by Neo-conservatives to keep themselves in power.

The Body of Christ has been turned into a Den of Thieves and Robbers, it is time that Jesus will turn the tables and cast out the money changers, for His House shall be called a House of Prayer not a Den of Thieves, Neo-cons, Religious Right, and Top 25 Most Influential Evangelicals by Time Magazine, Bankers, Prosperity Preachers, Presidential Candidates, Illuminati, Freemason Juju occultists, Church Growth Movement, Left Behind disciples, Purpose Driven Christians, and all the madness in Christendom—always about money, fame, power, and glories.
The Top 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America by Time Magazine is the current face of the Laodicean Church in America. As I read the story I bowed my face in mourning as I saw how far we have fallen from the grace of God. It is now all about power, money, glory and how much political capital we can give to the Neo-Conservative Illuminati and Freemasons occult to put a president in office. This is not the Christianity I read about in the Book of Acts; it is not the life of the suffering Jesus Christ, THIS IS NOT THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST! This is a STRONG DELUSION FROM SATAN AND HELL.

I argue all my brothers and sisters to turn to sack cloth, weeping, and repentance from the bottom of our hearts that we may be found Holy and True in Him with our garments not polluted by the love and pleasure of this world. It is a time to repent and cry to the God of Heaven for mercy against our spiritual lunacy, perhaps God will heal and save. Those who think this is just bashing of American Christianity, please, don’t read any further, enjoy TBN or tune in on CNN.

My prayer is that you will question the sources of money, simply because some pastor or preacher comes to Africa in a personal Jet, does not make them a True Christian, they might even preach the gospel but the devil is very clever at disguising himself as an angle of light…yes we live in such days and times. Test and check all these preachers from the West in Light to God’s word. Don’t ignore any doubts you have concerning their teachings or smooth talk.

Check out their motives and agendas, why do they want big political control? Why do they exercise imperialistic natures in their outreach and world evangelism programs? Question! The Bible never lies; the love of money is the source of all evils. Just keep tracing the source of the funding, you will discover a lot. It is better to stay poor and go to Heaven than be held bondage and torment for eternity by the devil.

Please I beg that you don’t believe in these people called the Christian Religious Right and so-called Neo-conservatives, they are Wolves in Sheepskin. Be careful; Question every thing in Light of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

Unholy alliances and Witchcraft | Back To Contents

The Western believers have fallen into a very dangerous trap of believing that political alliances can help them. As I write this critique, most of the so called churches are now engaged in discussions with groups like the Rev Moon, and the United Nations whose goal is clearly to form a one world religion, part of the new world order as I mentioned earlier.

Some of these peoples include affluent Christians like the Left Behind Series and Purpose Driven Authors. Some of those involved in modern day Christian organizations are clapping hands with the Illuminati and Freemason groups that God detests, enemies of God. These assumed Christian leaders have allowed Freemason and Illuminati wolves into the Christian flock, an evil every Christian needs to be aware. [10]

I write this cause I know some of that material is circulating around Africa. However one has to question why these men keep dancing with the devil and then dining with the Christians.

Western Christianity is being bewitched to worship Lucifer the god of the Illuminati and Freemasons. Among the most extraordinary lies was the marketing of President Reagan as a Born-again Christian President by these men. Christian bookstores run books depicting the “Man of Faith” -- President Reagan often promoted by the powerful Evangelical businessmen. [11]

The most blasphemous of all books was one that depicted Reagan as a “Man of Faith” was titled Hand of providence. The books must have been strategically and encrypticly given such a title by the Illuminati and Freemasons so as to deceive Christians that this was a man after God’s heart.

Most Western Christians find it very difficult and humbling to think that they can be deceived to such levels. How can men in such High office who talk about God all the time live a double life? That is how many will be deceived by the anti-Christ, he will sell himself as God fearing yet a hater of Jesus Christ. However, I challenge anyone to do a sincere research on Reagan and the Illuminati and they will be surprised.

The chilling fact is that this deceit was utterly swallowed by millions of American Evangelical Christians. The Freemasons and Illuminati knew that Reagan was a 33-degree Freemason, in Africa, that would be in the ranks of a Chief Juju Witch Doctor. Surprisingly Reagan was accorded a burial in all rituals and Order of Freemasons—total witchcraft, an abomination to God. [12]

However, the Deceit did not die with President Reagan, it has now been carried on to Clinton, Bush Sr and Jr and their links to the Skull and Bones Freemasonry societies, packaged as Neo-conservative evangelical Christianity.

Illuminati and Free Masons marketed as Conservative Christianity | Back To Contents

Freemasons and the Illuminati are made up group of the elite Bazungu (European-Americans) who practice a secret occultism--Juju witchcraft, of course different from that practiced in Africa. This Juju has to do with occult power and the final control of the whole human race.

This form of Bazungu Juju has been in existence for a very long time. Its origins can be traced back to the gods of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, passed down through the ages to the current worshipers of sun god Tammuz-the Illuminati god. Most of the powerful Elite Bazungu in Europe and America are part of this Juju club called the Illuminati and Freemason. [13]

The object of worship is first, Self, then Humanity and ultimately those in the higher ranks of this Euro-American Juju witchcraft Occult worship Satan. They Worship the Sun god Tammuz of Babylon, an idle that The Holy God of Israel detests as you read Ezekiel 8:14…

Ezekiel 8:13-15
13 He said also to me, "You will see still greater abominations which they commit." 14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the LORD; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. 15 Then he said to me, "Have you seen this, O son of man? You will see still greater abominations than these."

I have provided links below on more studies about the Freemasonry Illuminati and their sun god Tammuz, studies done by both Christian and secular sources. It is a sad day that this occult is not just one confined in the principals of the Roman Catholic Church any more but now even among evangelicals. Read for your self and make your own judgment objectively. [13]

The Sword of The Lord is drawn against all those who practice this Luciferian Occult in judgment. Always the goal of those who worship Tammuz from the days of Nimrod at the Tower of Babel has been to form a one world government, religion and worship Satan. Defiantly the anti-Christ and the New World Order (NWO) arise out of this old secret religion. The goal of this occult has always been to worship Satan.

The Illuminati have for so long had fascination with Babylon and Nimrod. One wonders America attacking Iraq twice. Interestingly enough is that most American Presidents including, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, John Kerry, Bush Jr and His dad, Bush Sr belong or belonged to these groups. Remember all these Presidents are marketed to the Church as “Men of Faith”. [14]

Do you remember when they invaded Iraq and looted the Iraq National Museum Treasures? One is given solid grounds to speculate and wonder at the role of the Illuminati in this looting; Is this fascination about Iraq a hankering to go back and meet with god Tammuz and plan another New World Order—Tower of Babel? I would not be surprised to find the gods of Buganda and other African gods collected here in America in the name of “historical significance” for all humanity—a simple phrase for a one world religion and worship.

Any simple research will show you that Freemasons and their colleges the Illuminati are fascinated with secret occult witchcraft and Juju. A Pastor friend of mine who came and visited me here in Kansas City from Uganda told me how one former Juju witch doctor who gave his life to Christ in Uganda, told them that White Juju witch doctors in America are more powerful than those in Uganda and Africa.

This witch doctor had apparently been in a meeting with other witches in a conference here in the USA prior to giving his life to Christ and was blown away by the power and witchcraft that White people practiced. Well, the Freemasons and Illuminati occult would no doubt practice a western form of Juju since their object of worship is Satan through the Sun god Tammuz.

It is a sad that that America a nation once founded on the principles of The Holy God has turned to worship the occult god Tammuz and more dreadful is God speaking Ezekiel 8:13-15 to America. Judgment cannot be postponed anymore. The Neo-Conservatives have put on an image of Christ but blasphemy Jesus Christ by deeply worshiping the Babylonian gods through their Illuminati associations and drawing many undiscerning Christians along with them. [14] Judgment is coming.

Illuminati Out of the Closet, in Your-Face Now | Back To Contents

There was a Movie recently released in America called National Treasure; you can do a simple research on the Freemasons and the Illuminati. The movie shows how they kept searching for this “hidden treasure” of “historical significance” that included all the gods, from Nimrod’s gods, the Egyptian gods, etc gods you read in the Bible, detestable to The Holy God of Israel (Ezekiel 8).

In the movie, these gods had been brought to America and hidden some where underground—in secret places, under ground some church; waiting for a day when the world will be one and people can come and see (worship) these idols being displayed for the good of humanity since they hold true “historical significance”. The movie shows and displays all gods that God forbid the Children of Israel and so did these people—Illuminati and Freemasons bring in America.

You will be surprised, that the movie mocks the True Living God of Heaven by calling these detestable idols, National Treasure, in other words this is the American National Treasure. What a way to poke fun at Jesus Christ and call judgment on America. The Movie is a cryptic synopsis of the evil plans that these occults have—The New World Order, The Nimrodian Tower of Babel Reloaded, The Golden Image of Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon Reloaded, The Anti-Christ a Reality! [15]

Political Saviors | Back To Contents

Like I told you many here in America believe in a “Christian republican” President and senators to save them from what they perceive to be evil from the Left or the Democrats. They are looking to these political saviors to help them pass laws that will stop the left from persecuting them. As if Paul, Peter and the other apostles went to Emperor Nero to ask for laws to prevent persecutors from killing them.

The early Christians died in dungeons, killed as sport in arenas, the crowds cheered as lions ate them on days when Emperor Nero celebrated his gods. Where did the early church go to pass laws to help stop the persecution? This is one of the greatest dominionism deceits that you have to be aware of, spreading from the Western American Church.

Neo-Conservative Christian Doublespeak | Back To Contents

It is now a well known fact that Bush, the man self-styled conservatives pushed for president NEVER told the truth about the reasons for the invasion of Iraq. Bush, the Evangelical Born-again Christian, did not apologize for having invaded a nation that did not attack him. [16] Bush and his advisors then covertly assigned themselves and their corporations billions of dollars in oil and reconstruction programs, through multi-national corporations like the infamous Halliburton. [17]

As if that was not enough, the soldiers who went to spread “democracy and freedom” to the Iraqis turned to appalling tortures to have the “terrorists” confess to non existent weapons of mass destruction; all this done at the watchful eye of an “Evangelical Christian” President, supported by evangelical Christians in the Laodicean church of America. [18] It is common knowledge that NO Weapons of Mass Destruction where found but Weapons of Mass Deception, Distortion, Disruption where used with the full support of Evangelical Christians in the West.

The stories that go unreported in the now state controlled media in America, about the Abu Ghraib prison and other despicable abuses done by US and coalition soldiers in Iraq makes one marvel at why no voice has been raised by the Christian Conservatives in reprimand to Bush and his Lieutenants.

A common Christian phrase stands as judgment to social Christian America—What Would Jesus Do. Is this What Jesus Would Do? Where is the WWJD in the Evangelical political activism of America? Is this the message American Christian Coalitions are sending to Africa, Asia and South American Christians, to go and invade nations, loot their oil, torture their men, unremittingly bombard their unarmed children in the name of freedom and democracy? What happened to WWJD in Christian Coalition America, or has there ever been anything called WWJD in Christian Coalition America?

Western Hypocritical Evangelicalism | Back To Contents

If this kind of Christian madness does not cause you to weep at the feet of Jesus Christ, I don’t know what will! The chilling side of this drama was that NO Evangelical Christian has ever confronted Bush about these issues; this is one of the greatest hypocrisies I have ever seen.

When Bill Clinton “sinned” the evangelicals were quick to have him “repent” before them. [20] However, NONE, NO ONE of the so-called evangelical neo-conservative religious right has EVER confronted President Bush over the Iraq mendacity.

I have yet to see any of these Christians act just like John the Baptist, when he confronted Herod over murder, adultery, and taking what was not lawfully his. Is this not what is happening in America today? Our Herods are busy murdering for oil, taking what is unlawfully theirs, in the name of “Freedom and Democracy”? The day so-called evangelicals who are busy sleeping in bed with Luciferian politicians start taking a stance for real TRUTH in Christ Jesus, is the day persecutions will begin in America.

Matthew 14: 1-12
1 At that time Herod the tetrarch heard about the fame of Jesus; 2 and he said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist, he has been raised from the dead; that is why these powers are at work in him." 3 For Herod had seized John and bound him and put him in prison, for the sake of Hero'di-as, his brother Philip's wife; 4 because John said to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her." 5 And though he wanted to put him to death, he feared the people, because they held him to be a prophet. 6 But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Hero'di-as danced before the company, and pleased Herod, 7 so that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask. 8 Prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a platter." 9 And the king was sorry; but because of his oaths and his guests he commanded it to be given; 10 he sent and had John beheaded in the prison, 11 and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother. 12 And his disciples came and took the body and buried it; and they went and told Jesus.

Evil Example Set | Back To Contents

Laodicean Christians in America have used the Name of Jesus Christ for political alliances to gain power and control; and that is why judgment is to fall on Western Christianity. These so-called neo-conservative Christians would like us to believe in such Christianity for their own political gains. This is the example they are setting for all nations to follow. In other words, Christians in Uganda, Africa and other places can elect a “Christian” President, tell lies and invade their neighbours in the name of paranoiac pre-emptive strikes and then loot their oil and torture their citizens in search for the dreaded non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, all in the Name of Jesus Christ.

A careful study at what the Neo-Conservative Religious Right of America demand from the government is alarming. The main demand is the restoration of the Ten Commandments back to schools. However, one preacher put it so noticeably with humor, that while evangelicals shout for the Ten Commandments back to schools, you don’t find them being sold in Christian Book Stores. Instead of the Ten Commandments, you find The Ten Steps to unlocking Biblical Economics, Ten Steps to Victory, Ten Steps to Successful Marriages, Ten Steps to Successful Church Growth, Ten Steps to Prosperity, and the madness goes on and on. Why all the hype on the Ten Commandments if we Christians are unwilling to keep them?

Disregard for the Poor… | Back To Contents

While the Laodicean Church has been busy shouting about the Ten Commandments, hypocrisy is again arrogantly demonstrated when it comes to dealing with the poor in America. I was utterly shocked and saddened when I first came to America and saw the gap between the poor and the rich and affluent.

A friend of mine drove me around all the neighborhoods here in Kansas City. I was shocked to find that White Christians, who happen to be the affluent, stayed and prayed in one part of the city while the poor Black and Latino Christians prayed and stayed in shambles of the inner city that looked like a war zone. This trend disturbed me greatly even when I visited other cities in the USA.

I was so disturbed that churches run away from poor people and went to serve the rich. In my heart of hearts I knew this was not Jesus Christ but a subtly sophisticated and yet powerful form of materialism prosperity gospel and power, unlike that openly displayed by prosperity televangelists.

I also noticed that so-called conservative Christian politicians, who keep blaming ALL American problems on the poor, display this trend enjoyably. I knew that the poor had their part to play but a critical look at this issue showed that some of the predicaments of the poor in America where shrewdly premeditated by those in control and beyond the power of the poor to over come—they had been enslaved economically.

I was then stunned at Neo-Conservatives and of course Christians who were praising the “Reaganomics” polices of giving money to the rich and affluent in hopes that it would cause a trickle down effect and flow to the poor. [19] Interestingly President Reagan had come up with this bizarre theory of economics that in my opinion only helped give the rich more affluence, influence, power and control. It definitely helped empower the Illuminati and freemasons who are part of the top-brass elite of whom Reagan was a 33-degree member. [20] This type of oppressing the poor “economics” was certainly not God ordained.

The economic “wise men” of the Laodicean Church in America cause bemusement when they fail to push for fiscal policies that untie the chains of perpetual poverty on the poor but yet keep shouting for judicial changes and Ten Commandments. However, one has to ask if a lack of interest to help the poor and set them free fiscally by Neo-conservative Christians is not a sin and immoral. Scriptures show God is the defender of the poor and windows, and God fights against those who fight the poor.

Psalms 146:5-9 | Back To Contents
5 Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, 6 who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps faith for ever; 7 who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners free; 8 the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. 9 The LORD watches over the sojourners, he upholds the widow and the fatherless; but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.

The Holy God of Israel is still a Stronghold for the poor, God still defends the poor and will fight in defense for the poor, against ALL those who ruthlessly set and support policies, socially engineered to formulate economic storms for the poor, keeping them in perpetual bondage.

Isaiah 25: 3-4
3 Therefore strong peoples will glorify thee; cities of ruthless nations will fear thee. 4 For thou hast been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the blast of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall,

The Bush administration came up with another peculiar policy, the so-called “faith-based initiatives”, [21] however, when looked at critically, the faith-based programs are only ”help” with strings attached. Uncle Sum will definitely require a full accountability of those funds. Then again complaints will go out of being “gagged”. The social issues engineered to keep the poor in bondage are still left intact and the poor are forced to expect checks from the government with no way out—with dismay carried out by the church.

The Laodicean Neo-con Christians keep a blind eye to these concerns and to the poor public shock never confront the “evangelical” President about these issues. They keep enjoying the “Faith-Based” initiatives which is about 40$ Billion available to charities, and Bush tax cuts that benefit only the wealthy. [22] They join the choruses of the ignorant who keep chanting, “work hard, find a job, get new skills” but sleep in bed with those who keep exporting their fellow church member jobs to China for Cheap Slave labor. What a disgrace!

Shame, Time to Repent! | Back To Contents

I say shame, shame to all American and Western Christians, Shame, shame on us as Christians; we have shamed the Name of Jesus Christ. This is not the Christianity I read about in the Book of Acts, this is Not the Jesus Christ I see in the Bible; this is something else, from HELL.

Jesus NEVER did what these so-called conservative Evangelicals have done, NEVER. This demeanor mirrors the Notorious Crusaders and the Knights of Malta renown for their butcher and murder of Jews and Moslems when the crusaders captured Jerusalem. The deportment mirrors that of Christians in Germany who simply kept silent and enjoyed dancing with Hitler while the Jews were being prepared for annihilation. This attitude mirrors that of Catholic Christians in Rwanda who kept silent, danced with the Hutu extremists while thousands of other Christians were slaughtered.

To those in the West and America, this alone should cause you to fall on your face before a HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS JUDGE TO WHOM ALL SECRETS ARE REVEALED—JESUS CHRIST and cry for mercy and grace, perhaps He will spare when HE COMES TO JUDGE. To those in Africa, don’t waste your time copying and pasting such lunacy into the folders of your precious hearts that belong to none but Jesus Christ.

Judgment won’t be postponed | Back To Contents

Because of the huge materialism in the West, Christians are finding it difficult to believe and accept that God will soon Judge this world. The feel-good messages have blinded many, a strong delusion from the evil one. Our lives have become world centered that we have lost all focus on eternity and The True Living God.

Ezekiel 12:21-28
21 And the word of the LORD came to me: 22 "Son of man, what is this proverb that you have about the land of Israel, saying, 'The days grow long, and every vision comes to nought'? 23 Tell them therefore, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: I will put an end to this proverb, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel.' But say to them, The days are at hand, and the fulfilment of every vision. 24 For there shall be no more any false vision or flattering divination within the house of Israel.
25 But I the LORD will speak the word which I will speak, and it will be performed. It will no longer be delayed, but in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and perform it, says the Lord GOD." 26 Again the word of the LORD came to me: 27 "Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, 'The vision that he sees is for many days hence, and he prophesies of times far off.' 28 Therefore say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: None of my words will be delayed any longer, but the word which I speak will be performed, says the Lord GOD."

All Men Systems and Structures in the Church will fail | Back To Contents

The disciples in Jesus’ time were taken by the same delusion at the Temple until Jesus opened their eyes. They boasted to Jesus how the great architects of their day had built the temple; it was filled with splendor and glory. The best technologies of their day offered the finest of all temples but ignored the one to whom it was built when He came. After all the boasting and pomp, Jesus replied with a distressing message, that no stone was to be left unturned; judgment had been passed on the building and works on men. How appalling.

Today Jesus walks by, we show him all the glories we have accomplished through our Church growth movement, the books we have written, displayed on New York Best seller lists, the world wide Christian Television Networks, the envy of CNN; we show Jesus the best musicians, singers and artists in Christendom. We continue to show Him the wisest Christian NGOs, the Ten Commandment activists, Women for Christ, Men for Christ, Children for Christ and Pets going to heaven for Christ. We show Jesus the finest of Christian Seminaries and Universities.

We continue to take Jesus on a tour of our largest denominations, the richest pastors and preachers, our private Jets, Multi-million dollar Multi-purpose church buildings, and how best we have socially engineered Christians to give—Prosperity gospel and Tithes. We show him all our Christian politicians, those who will save us from any persecutions, we show him our Christian Evangelical President-Rulers of Nations, the Top 25 Most Influential Evangelicals by Time Magazine. We show him all the splendor and glory of our Laodicean Church in America. After the entire spectacle, Jesus looks straight in our eyes and speaks a few words; “Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down”.

Matthew 24:1
1 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. 2 But he answered them, "You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down."

Spreading the disease of dominionism and misleading the elect | Back To Contents

It is amazing to see how this fallacy of Christian dominionism is being transported to other parts of the Christian world. A powerful televangelist from Dallas Texas visited Uganda to preach at a youth conference. The Evangelist was received with great honors; the President of Uganda had a special diner in his honor. This Evangelist flew to Uganda in his own private Jet with his own plain clothed bodyguards and entourage to the bemusement of the local press. The evangelist was then quoted by the local press as saying he would speak well about Uganda to the White House when he returns to the USA [23].

Leaving the pomp of this “Man of God” alone, why would this preacher ever “speak good” about Uganda to the White House? What is he referring to? Should we fix our eyes to the White house for help, should we be looking for a political messiah? The evil seeds of Christendom and Dominionism were sowed in Uganda that day.

The picture given to the poor youth in Uganda that day was that Americans have a powerful “Born-Again” president who is able to save you all when told of your problems. The Youth in Uganda were given an image that maybe they needed a political messiah similar to the one in Washington DC in their own Ugandan White House.

The mudded waters of Western Christendom are being forced on the less discerning Ugandans and other poor Africans. It is my prayer that those Poor non-affluent Christians around the world will open their eyes to see and discern clearly for themselves in light of God’s word and the Holy Spirit.

Copy and Paste Christianity | Back To Contents

Even some of our Strong Christians in Uganda and other parts of Africa are being taken by the dominionism deception and abominations from the Western church in America. The local press quoted the leader of Evangelicals in Uganda stating that Christians in Uganda should form a political party and elects a Born Again president.

At the meeting were the Leader of the Evangelicals was speaking about the new “Christian political goals”, he had Baptist ministers from the USA, at the Overnight Prayer meeting, some of the Christians I suppose voted for Bush. These Christians from the West had come to Africa spreading their disease and whoredom spirit of dominionism to those in Africa who are not discerning; [24] the dangers of the “Copy and Paste” Christianity. So those in poor Africa simply copy from the Laodicean church in America and paste in their African/Ugandan folders, ah!

Those in the poor Christian world are left to borrow evangelical political bits and pieces packaged as truth from the Laodicean Church here in America who enjoyably voted for Bush; yet for TRUTH, Bush is not a true Christian as he has been marketed by Charisma and Christianity Today magazines, never! [25] He belongs to a secret Occult called the Skull and Bones society, a Freemasonry group engaged in bringing in the New World Order. Ask any Freemason; they know their Man is Bush. His father Bush Sr was and is still a Freemason. [26] These same Christian magazines were used by the Illuminati to promote Reagan as a “Man of God” and sell Reagan books to the undiscerning Christians who refuse to think for themselves but depend and feed on state controlled media. [27]

Usury Inc | Back To Contents

Neo-conservatives simply used the Christians and the Church in America to vote for Bush in power and what a deception—pure usury. Some Christians if not careful will end up believing in the lies of the anti-Christ. Christians don't go around telling lies that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and invade a nation then at the end when there are no weapons they don't even apologize, not mentioning the fact that they assigned to themselves billions of dollars in reconstruction programs; this is pure corruption and baptizing it as Christianity is greatly appalling.

Neo-conservatives are NOT Christian, they DON'T love JESUS, they are Anti-Christ; these are pure power hungry wolves out to use religion to get hold of supremacy. Many of them are pure members of the dark Illuminati occult whose goal is a New World Order--their god is SATAN. [28] Don’t believe them. Jesus Christ was clear; you will know them by their fruits—false prophets and political messiahs!

Some Christians have no common sense or have lost it that they are just deceived busy sleeping in bed with politicians and the rich men of the earth. It is my prayer that you don’t participate in their sins; get out of such any political deals. The sword is stretched out against the American Church because of these abominations; God has begun judging her fornications and all who share in her whoredoms.

Jesus’ Kingdom not of this world… | Back To Contents

Jesus said very clearly that His kingdom was not of this world. The devil tempted Jesus by showing Him all the Kingdoms of this world and told Jesus to worship him so he could give Jesus all these earthly kingdoms, Jesus knew that was a pure lie and refuted such deceit with the Word of God.

Matthew 4:8-10
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; 9 and he said to him, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me." 10 Then Jesus said to him, "Begone, Satan! for it is written, 'you shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'"

John 18:36
36 Jesus answered, "My kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight, that I might not be handed over to the Jews; but my kingship is not from the world."

History being repeated… | Back To Contents

Have we Christians forgotten what Emperor Constantine did when he institutionalized Christianity? The consequence was the Catholic Church and the dark ages, crusades were Christians took arms and killed infidels including Jews, when the crusaders captured Jerusalem.

Whenever the Church mingles and alliances with the State, there is always a tyranny, upheaval or genocide that takes place. History stands as a witness. There has never been any harmonious marriage of State and Church. History stands to tell us about Christians and Hitler. Apparently Christians kept dancing and dining with Hitler and the end result was a dictator annihilating millions of Jews and those who opposed the dictator. The Christians lost their Moral Voice!

Those who think History cannot be repeated again are only fooling themselves cause that is what the Christians and educated elites of the “developed” world in Hitler’s days thought. They thought, “we are advanced and civilized, nothing as such can happen in our civilized world”, History stands as judge against their presumptuous and procrastinate stupor.

Our Moral Voice can’t be traded for political gain. We cease to become the salt of the earth and get trampled to the ground. Our light becomes hidden under a bushel of unholy political alliances, we cease to shine for Christ Jesus, and we cease to become a moral impediment to the profligacy and depravity of the human hearts and minds.

Matthew 5: 13-16
13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Come on church, let us wakeup from this stupor of Neo-conservatism and reject to contaminate our garments with foolish fruitless political alliances. For those Christians who think this is partisan talk, I say once again more blatantly, if you continue in such inanity, you are allowing yourself to be deceived by the Prince of this World—Satan.

Usury Inc – Click on Articles link and on Reagan, Son of Perdition link

[21] Faith-Based Initiative

[22] Faith Based Initiative totals

[23] TD Jakes Uganda Visit
New Vision
Uganda State House Press Release

[24] Evangelical Leaders in Uganda say to form political party
Sunday Vision
Sunday Vision

[25] Charisma and Christianity Bush Promotions
Christianity Today

[26] The Occult Government by Mark S Watson
Mark S Watson

[27] Ronald Reagan “ Man of Faith” – Hand of Providence
Christianity Today

[a] Clinton “Repents” before Evangelicals
Leadership U
Operation Save America

[b] Neo-Conservatives Not Christian

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