Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Lies Exposed
Spirit Led or Purpose driven
Copyright 2008
Loren Davis America and the world is under a grave threat of losing its freedom. One unexpected source that this threat is coming from is the Purpose Driven Life movement promoted by a prominent Baptist pastor named Rick Warren. He is famous for being the author of the Purpose Driven Life book that has sold an astonishing 25,000,000 copies worldwide. His Purpose Driven Life movement, has spread through churches promising church growth, and has taken over most Christian denominations. He boasts of training 500,000 pastors; reaches out to Muslims and other religions; is a personal friend and confidant to presidents and major business leaders of the world; and is now even developing Purpose Driven Nations. I will make a case that Rick Warren is yet another dangerous example of an anti-Christian movement coming incredibly this time from within Christianity itself. Not only is he seeking domination over Christianity, but is becoming a threat even attacking the heart of our freedom. My purpose for writing this is to arm people with facts and information as well as challenging them to question and seek out truth for themselves, and take a stand against the teachings of PDL and those like it. If we refuse to think, we will lose our precious freedom.
MY CASEThe ‘Purpose Driven Life’ uses the same language and philosophy as Karl Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’. There are some tell tale footprints, and ideological DNA. Definition from Webster’s dictionary: com·mu·nism 1840 a: a theory advocating elimination of private property b: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed c: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics d: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production e: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably e: communist systems collectively Amazingly, like Karl Marx, Rick Warren also calls his Purpose-Driven Life a ‘MANIFESTO’. www.purposedrivenlife.com/thebook.aspx Rick Warren uses Lenin and Hitler as examples of how to promote his Purpose Driven Life movement.
Note: Nazi Germany was also a socialist nation. Why would Rick Warren use Lenin and Hitler who were brutal dictators as positive examples of how to implement his program? (Rick Warren, July 2005 at the Baptist World Alliance). The main issue here is the choice to live in a free society which emphasizes INDIVIDUALISM, free enterprise, capitalism, or in a COMMUNIST SOCIETY which emphasizes COMMUNAL LIVING, SOCIALISM and state control. FOR EXAMPLE, THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE ADVOCATES COMMUNITY and is AGAINST INDIVIDUALISM. *Rick Warren does this in the name of religion, but in reality he is using the church to revive the old ambitious Marxist ideology and agenda that was defeated on the battlefield and bankrupted nations. The word ‘COMMUNISM’ comes from its root word ‘COMMUNITY’. RICK WARREN’S USAGE OF THE WORD ‘COMMUNITY’ in ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ PDL, p. 127, 152, 316 “Cultivating ‘COMMUNITY’ takes CONFIDENTIALITY” *Does that mean you become a neighborhood spy? “GIVE UP YOUR OWN AGENDA FOR ‘COMMUNITY’ AGENDA”. *(In reality, them means following his agenda, not yours) That is the same thing Hitler, Stalin and Mao Tsu Tung told their nations before they led them to ruin and death.*Where there is FREEDOM there is individualism*Under Communism-Community or communal living-there is no personal freedom Rick Warren p. 145 “Community requires Commitment” PDL, p. 151 “Community means giving up your SELF-CENTEREDNESS AND INDEPENDENCE in order to become ‘INTERDEPENDENT’.” “The benefit of sharing together far outweighs the cost” *When he says give up your self centeredness, what he is saying is be society centered, altruistic or socialistic. *Giving up your independence means, GIVING UP YOUR FREEDOM. Freedom is what America is all about. (Of course this does not mean we do not care for others who are less fortunate). *Saying we must become ‘INTERDEPENDENT’. ‘Interdependent’ is the antithesis of being ‘independent’. ‘Interdependent’ is the language of the U.N. which is derived from Marxist socialism. (The Millennium World Peace Summit in September 7, 2000. UNESCO on religions role in the culture of peace.
www.crossroad.to/articles2/TwoSummits.htm) *When he talks about THE COST of ‘SHARING TOGETHER’ (‘sharing’ in this context is just another way of saying socialism, communism). I am not just talking about a hostile takeover of Christianity, but a loss of freedom as a nation. PDL, p. 81 "YOU DON’T HAVE TO ALWAYS BE 'IN CHARGE'” If I am not in charge of my life, WHO IS?” Big brother? If you don’t make decisions for your life, someone else will. We would be treated like children. This would be the end of freedom and of any independent thinking. Others would be in charge of our destiny. PDL 134 “WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO EACH OTHER” PDL, p. 140 “The Bible commands MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY”. *The Bible does not teach that. It says we are accountable to God. That is a watchdog mentality like the Nazis and Communists have. You are always looking over your shoulder. We are only accountable to Christ, our spouse, boss, and government. Romans 14:12 “Everyone of us shall give ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD.”Jesus said regarding governments, Mk. 12:17 “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”. This means we are to obey those in authority as long as they do not violate God’s Word. The word ‘government’ and ‘the state’ I use interchangeably. What I am talking about here is the church and state becoming totalitarian, communist. Now it not only controls the economy, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. It alone dictates the belief system, which ultimately leads to atheism. Rick Warren says, p. 134-5 “WE ARE CALLED AND COMMANDED TO BE INVOLVED IN EACH OTHER’S LIVES.” NO! The Bible speaks against being a ‘busy body’. I Tim. 5:13 “And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.” Rick Warren’s statement is the same mentality of the Marxists. We are to be good neighbors, but should keep out of each others business and affairs. Prov 26:17 “He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.” KJV The Bible teaches we are to have compassion on those in need and help one another, but it is totally a voluntary action from the heart and not mandatory or centrally controlled. John 13:34 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” KJV *Some scriptures have been abused to teach ‘liberation theology’, communism.
THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE USES GLOBALIST LANGUAGEGlobalism is the uniting of nations economically, culturally, ideologically, ecologically, politically and militarily which would ultimately be managed under a one world government. Under Globalism, nations will lose their sovereignty, and individuals their freedom. Remember, Marxist Communism’s goal has always been to conquer and rule the whole world. Despite what we have been told that Communism is dead, that communistic dream is still very much alive. They are just using different tactics and disguises now. Oct. 27, 2003 Rick Warren’s e-mail entitled GOD’S DREAM FOR YOU—AND THE WORLD. *He is misusing Christ’s Great Commission of Mark 16:15 to promote the globalists political agenda which is against Christ and the Bible. His idea of the Great Commission has nothing to do with Christ’s recorded in Mark 16:15. PDL, p. 298, 300 “THINK GLOBALLY”.
REPROGRAMMING, SUBLIMINAL BRAIN WASHINGRick Warren “by a COMPLETE CHANGE OF MIND” RW p. 43. Why do we need a complete change of mind? That translates that we are to give up everything we have believed and held dear in the past. That would mean that we would no longer believe in individualism; capitalism; or freedom. To completely change our mind would mean that now we become socialists; don’t believe the Bible; don’t believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven; and ultimately, become atheists. PDL, p. 286 “To fulfill your mission will require that YOU ABANDON YOUR AGENDA” *This is not in the scriptures. *It’s one thing to surrender to God’s will in your life, but it’s a whole new ball game to give control of your life to another man or institution. It is a Marxist mentality which says we should give up our agenda for the state’s or church’s agenda. His philosophy is that our purpose for living is to serve the church or state, not the state or church’s purpose is to serve the people. In the U.S. Constitution is says, “The government is FOR THE PEOPLE, by the people”. The people were never to exist FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE GOVERNMENT. America was founded by people who were fleeing the tyranny of the church and state and wanting to live free. PDL, p. 83 “GIVE UP YOUR WILL” What an incredible statement. This is exactly what is espoused by the Communist Manifesto. We are to seek the will of God, but nothing in the Bible infers that we are to ‘give up our will’. God Himself gives us a choice. To tell people to give up their will means you want to control their lives and manipulate them. That is how a child is treated. It is evil and deadly for the state, a pastor or a church to demand people to ‘give up their wills’. Then people would be nothing but zombies whose purpose is just to facilitate the will of those in power. It appears one of his objectives is to bring the protestants under a central control just like the Roman Catholic Church, where the church dominates the lives of its parishioners. This would make him the protestant pope, defining the faith and enforcing the church’s will, as he defines it. PDL, p. 83 “TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE STEERING WHEEL” This statement has far reaching implications. It translates that you should let someone else take control of your life. YOU ALONE SHOULD BE THE DECISION MAKER OF YOUR LIFE. It’s bad enough to make your own mistakes, let alone allowing someone else make mistakes on your behalf or USE YOU. Joshua 24:15 “Choose this day whom you will serve”. This shows God honors our will. Communist societies are dictatorial. In China, families are only allowed to have one child. Any more pregnancies must be aborted by law; the Bible is outlawed; there is no freedom of worship; freedom of speech; or freedom of the press. The state is in total control of what is done and said publicly. Rick Warren is advocating that the pastors be given absolute authority over their congregations. This explains why pastors have flocked to his program. This is just a conditioning interim step towards absolute state control over the masses, micro-managing our lives.
RICK WARREN’S PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE MOVEMENT IS A RELIGIO/POLITICAL MOVEMENT.Rick Warren says he has no political ambitions, but his teachings and activities betray him.
Not only is he advocating uniting all churches to come under him and be Purpose Driven Churches.He is now having Purpose Driven Nations joining with presidents. He says Rwanda is the FIRST Purpose Driven Nation. Time Magazine, August 15, 2005. Other nations are to follow. For Rick Warren to be seeking to make all churches Purpose Driven and also national governments Purpose Driven is hard evidence that he is trying to bring the church and state together under the same tyrannical philosophical system. He is meeting with the U.N.; the Council of Foreign Relations, the CFR; major business leaders; and heads of state around the world. Believe me, these non-Christian leaders are not meeting with him to help him evangelize the world for Christ, but are using him to help implement their own political agendas. If they didn’t have common ground they wouldn’t be working with him. (google: Rick Warren CFR).
Rick Warren describes the CHURCH as the REAL PEACE CORPS.PDL, p. 296. *The Peace Corps is a political organization, not a religious one. In the Bible, God never called his people to be a PEACE CORPS. He called us to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature.
Rick Warren was invited by the U.N. and accepted, to come to the U.N.’s INTERFAITH PRAYER MEETING which was attended by leaders of Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism and every other faith. (Google: Rick Warren CFR, Rick Warren U.N. Interfaith Prayer Meeting). Since most of these religions don’t believe in Christ, it is clear this was not a Christian prayer meeting but was a guise to have a globalist political conference. The U.N. believes that religions must be pacified and brought into its fold in order to have world peace. The U.N.’s plan is to synthesize all religions into one, and Rick Warren seems to be the point man to facilitate this. That is why Rick Warren said, “The man of peace can even be a Moslem”. (google: Rick Warren Muslim man of peace)
Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan is virtually synonomous with the Peace Plans of the U.N. and the New Age Movement. (“Deceived on Purpose” p. 59 Warren Smith)
THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON AND BARAK OBAMA SPOKE AT RICK WARREN’S SADDLE BACK CHURCH. Why? What does having the politicians speaking at his church have anything to do with bringing people to Christ and faith in the Bible? Why would a Christian pastor expose his people to and promote political candidates who openly stand against the Bibles teachings? , i.e: abortion, same sex marriage, etc. (google: Rick Warren I always own up to mistakes). Today it is vogue for politicians to attend “Christian” denominations and claim to be Christians, yet take positions that are diametrically opposed to the Bible and Christ. Furthermore, we have repeatedly been told that the church is supposed to stay out of politics. Where is the separation of church and state here? It appears the church and state are reunifying to gain power. Hillary Clinton’s book, “It takes a Village to Raise a Child”, is a socialistic concept. Her national health plan is SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Is Rick Warren’s promotion of these politicians just coincidental, or indicative of their common socialistic agenda? Rick Warren himself baptized a homosexual activist. This is defying the Bible. (Google: Rick Warren I always own up to mistakes).
RICK WARREN WAS INVITED TO SPEAK IN NORTH KOREA. (http://www.abpnews.com/) Why would an atheistic, socialist, Communist country that is very hostile to Christianity invite a Christian minister to speak to a large crowd in its country if they didn't have a common socialistic agenda? He says he is just an evangelist trying to get people to heaven, and that he has no political ambitions. (google: Rick Warren I always own up to my mistakes) He might be an evangelist, but not one in a biblical sense. If you follow his trail in Africa, his focus is not winning people to Christ. He is an evangelist trying to bring about social reform and globalism which have the exact same ideals as Marxism. If he can establish Marxism inside the church worldwide, communal life, socialism, communism, will easily takeover the whole world.
HE IS PROMOTING SOCIAL PROGRAMS AND HUMANITARIANISM.In the article on Rick Warren in Time Magazine, August 15, 2005, Rick Warren says they are going to TRANSFORM THE CHURCHES in Rwanda into centers for feeding the poor; distributing medicine, and centers of education. No one is against helping people. We should help when there are natural disasters and famine. The reality is that Africa has the natural resources for the people to support themselves and Africans are smart and resourceful. What is wrong here is using humanitarianism as a carrot to gain political and economic control over the resources of Africa. There is a hidden agenda here. This is neo-colonization. (Read the article: ‘The Race for Africa’ www.lorendavis.com). The problem is that Rick Warren is seeking to transform churches from being spiritual institutions where people find salvation and are taught the Word of God into social institutions. This is a hostile secular takeover of Christ’s church in the name of humanitarinism. Now the church eventually will become a tool of the United Nations and other secular institutions who are adversarial to Christ and the Bible. Rick Warren says he is involved in The Great Commission. Mk. 16:15 is Christ’s Great Commission. What he is doing has nothing to do with Mark 16:15. Instead, he is using the church to promote a global social and political agenda. He has misrepresented and distorted Christ’s Great Commission for winning souls, to try to bring about a pseudo world peace the Bible warned about in Dan. 8:23-25. According to the Bible, this peace movement will usher in The Man of Peace, who will be a world dictator, the Antichrist. THE BIBLE FOREWARNS OF A WORLD GLOBAL SOCIALISTIC GOVERNMENT THAT IS COMING WHICH WILL BE GOVERNED BY A BRUTAL DICTATOR.
THE BIBLE’S PROPHECY OF A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Rev 13:7-8 “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” KJV *The world is literally going to accept the Antichrist, as the savior, because of his program to bring peace to the world. Dan 8:25 “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” KJV Rev 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth THE WHOLE WORLD:” KJV Rev 13:5 "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast (the Antichrist): and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” KJV
ALL NATIONS ARE BECOMING INTERDEPENDENT ECONOMICALLY FOR SURVIVAL. THE BIBLE’S PROPHECY OF A GLOBAL SOCIALISTIC ECONOMIC SYSTEM IS FOUND IN: Rev 13:17-14:1 “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (This is a socialistic economic system). Rev 19:20, “with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast,” KJV (http://www.lorendavis.com/ See the article: “Could the Verichip be the Mark of the Beast?”) Technologically things are now positioned to implement the Mark of the Beast for a world socialist government. At the United Nations’ Millinneum Conference in 2000, the U.N. asserted its ambition to be a central world government. They are already have a U.N. army. (google: The U.N. Millinneum Conference 2000) The U.N. is seeking to have the power to tax all nations. Rev 18:23 “…for by thy sorceries were ALL NATIONS deceived.”
THE WHORE CHURCH’S POLITICAL AMBITIONSThe Bible speaks about the Whore Church that presents itself as the bride of Christ but is not, it is an imposter of Christ’s church. It tells of her political involvement with the kings of the earth. Rev 17:1-5 “…I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, FULL OF NAMES OF BLASPHEMY,” “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” KJV Rev 17:18-18:1 “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” Rev 18:7-9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,” KJV In light of these scriptures, let’s analyze what Rick Warren is doing. Rick Warren, in the name of Christianity, is making alliances with not only church leaders, but also secular, business and political leaders. Church, business and political leaders all like his teachings because it gives them undisputed authoritarian control. The Fox News network aired twice on Christmas Eve and Christmas day twice 2007, a “Rick Warren Christmas Special’. As far as I have seen it is unprecedented for a secular major news network to give or sell an hour in prime time, or any other time, to a preacher or anyone else. Fox is a news network. This is not the first time Fox News has promoted him. They have given him other one hour specials in the past that have been re-aired many times. Since Fox is a non-Christian network, the question is why are they promoting a “Christian” preacher, Rick Warren? What is Fox’s agenda? What common agenda do Fox and Rick Warren have? For sure Fox’s agenda is not to win the world to Christ. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Rick Warren comes across smoothly as one who honors Jesus, but when one looks at his teachings and agenda, they are opposite of Christ’s and the Bible. Fox and Rick Warren are an unlikely coalition that has made strange bedfellows. Against all odds, the church, state and business are reuniting. What is their objective? Rick Warren is using an old sales tactic used by some unscrupulous salesmen of “bait and switch”: sell a person one thing, then when it is delivered give him something else. This is exactly what he is doing. He is using Jesus name to sell an agenda that is opposite of the Jesus of the Bible. An article in the Houston Chronicle, December 19, 2007 by Robert D. Novak, says that presidential contender Huckabee was a part of the liberal/secular faction in the Southern Baptist church and was involved in a big fight to take the Southern Baptists away from Bible believing conservatives. Rick Warren is part of this same liberal/secular faction in the Southern Baptist church. He says that he and Huckabee were classmates in graduate school and says Huckabee would make a great president. The Whore Church, secular and political leaders are using each other to advance their own agendas. According to the Bible the political ‘the beast’ will destroy the Whore church after it uses her. Rev. 17. This does not mean that Christians should not have a voice in government. It simply means they shouldn’t be hypocrites. The worst thing anyone could ever do is to use Christ’s name to promote his own personal or political agenda.
RICK WARREN’S HARD SELLPDL, p. 146 “you’ll need to make some TOUGH CHOICES and TAKE SOME RISKS" Tough choices? Freedom or a totalitarian dictatorship? Is that really such a tough choice? Risks? Look at China, Russia, and Nazi Germany. Do we really need any more examples to see the end result of socialistic totalitarian societies? Who is willing to take that risk? It’s a loaded deck. When you have so many examples of how deadly an outcome this philosophy leads to, it is no longer a theory to what where it is going to lead to. The Bible says they are “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
THERE IS A PATTERNKhruchev of the Soviet Union predicted during the Cold War that they would take America from the inside and bury our grandchildren. For generations, American Universities have been teaching socialism and Marxism and incessantly attacking capitalism, the Bible and Christ. Evolution has been taught as fact; therefore, since we are just animals, immorality has become the rationale in the name of science and reason. Our educational system has taken control over our children from the parents and produced a generation of immoral, socialist atheists. Many who are Christians are Christian in name only. We have become technologically advanced and at the same time become a cesspool of immoral, unhappy people. The universities have been conditioning future leaders to be atheists and Marxist socialists. The TV networks, entertainment industry, and major book stores have put out works that incessantly attack the Bible, Jesus, morality and capitalism. This systematic coordinated strategy has been very effective conditioning the populace. This is a premeditated, long range, thought out plan of Karl Marx that is being implemented today. When the Soviet Union fell, it was pronounced that Communism was dead. It now appears like this was a Trojan horse. If one will look at the economic and military rise of Communist China; Cuba still remaining Communist; a revival of Communism in Russia; socialists now in power in most of western Europe; Marxists have taken Bolivia; socialism is rising in Mexico; Venezuela is moving toward Communism; the U.N. operates by Marxist ideology; and the rise of socialism in Canada and America, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this is headed. The globalsts are using Global Warming as a scare tactic to help facilitate this saying if we don’t unite and become one to stop Global Warming, we will all die. Of course we must take care of the environment. (See article: ‘Global Warming Related to Bible Prophecy’ http://www.lorendavis.com/www.lorendavis.com). The pattern is clear to anyone who is knowledgeable; is not naïve; or who is not apart of this global socialistic plan. What looked like the demise of Communism with the fall of the Soviet Union, resurfaced in the U.N. with its ambition of being a socialist one world government. Now Marxism is accomplishing by peace what it never could by war. It appears that Rick Warren is working to remove biblical Christianity as the final obstruction to Marxist socialism and is bringing Christianity into the globalist socialist camp. He has been effective in doing this by doing it in the name of humanitarianism and inclusion, knowing that Christians are compassionate people.
THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE’S MASTER WEB OF DECEITRick Warren has now declared that Fundamentalist Christianity is nearly dead. Fundamentalist Christianity is Bible Christianity which stands for the basic doctrines of Christ, 2 John 9. (May 23, 2005 Rick Warren, The Pew and Religious Forum). He uses fifteen translations or paraphrases in his PDL book. He often says, “The Bible says,” but which Bible? Since these fifteen translations or paraphrases disagree with each other, using all these translations has had the effect of “changing the Bible”, (see the article “Changing the Bible” http://www.lorendavis.com/), and removing the Bible as being the final authority or even being relevant to the Christian Faith. Using all these diverse translations makes the Bible inconsistent and intellectually a farce. By doing this, Rick Warren is neutralizing Christianty and has become as big an enemy of the Bible and Christianity as Karl Marx. He is a player. He knows exactly what he is doing, and so do the big boys who are promoting him. *2 Peter 3:16 “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” KJV PDL, p. 95 Rick Warren, “I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT BUT COUNT ME IN” This statement is referring to his PDL program. We don’t need to understand? Don’t think? Count me in even though I don’t understand? Trust me! Only a person with little or no knowledge of history; has no experience; or one who is very dependant; weak, brainwashed or naive is going to buy that line. Prov 2:11 “Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:” I Jn 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
WE ARE IN GRAVE DANGER OF LOSING OUR FREEDOMWorld domination has been a goal of many totalitarians for centuries. Major industrialists have always financed such lofty ambitions of political leaders for world conquest to increase their own wealth and power. If we don’t wake up, the same merciless purging and enslavement that happened to Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China will happen to the U.S. and the rest of the world. We are under grave threat of not only losing true biblical Christianity, but also our freedom and liberty which so many have paid such a dear price for. There is a reason Christianity and America have changed. It hasn’t happened just by coincidence.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
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1 comment:
thank you Kizito for this enlightenment.
recently I bought two of his books from the streets of Kampala. One thing I was stunned about the purpose driven life is the use of some bogas bible version which makes his philosophy more worldly acceptable, perhaps to appeal universally while compromising the truth of the word.
Though the book has got inspiration behind the truth; to uninformed believer who cannot discern to take the good and leave rubbish, it is a very dangerous philosophy of a wolf in sheep's skin.
About purpose driven church,it is unfortunate that out rightly it is off the mark. Mechanistic! lacking spirit direction and not worthy following wholly
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